Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 30, 2011

Another mellow day at Occupy Tucson

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

TUCSON -- It was another mellow day at Occupy Tucson, with nutritious sandwiches and fresh coleslaw served at noon. A new solar panel, in the little garden, provides electric power for the kitchen.
Like most days, there was a steady stream of local activists and university folks sauntering through, joining the occupiers for a visit. At one table, there was information on "Save the Peaks," and the threats posed by Rosemont Mine. On the bulletin board, there's info on the local efforts like Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths.
There's a steady stream of young tech wizards, homeless, housewives, retirees, bike riders and downtown folks around to visit. There's an information table, library, tech tent, medic tent and of course, the kitchen, where fresh food or donated pizzas are usually found. Today there was popcorn in the afternoon.
Although Occupy Tucson made national news this week, the news wasn't exactly accurate.
While more than 300 people have been cited at Occupy Tucson, they have not been arrested. Each night Tucson police come around about 10:30 pm and issue citations at the main site, at Armory Park, and at the satellite camp down the street. Still, those cited have to make a court appearance, and each fine could be a maximum of $1,000.
--Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011

1 comment:

tucsonsam said...

Although we have not been taken to jail, it is true that we were arrested. The citations we receive are "paper" arrests.

Thank you for posting what you saw at Occupy Tucson.