Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

June 16, 2024

Censored News: Donate to Reader Supported News

Comcaac Photo by Brenda Norrell

Censored News: Reader-Supported News

Donate via PayPal

Censored News is reader-supported news, with no ads, salaries, or revenues, and depends on reader donations to keep going. Donations help pay the cost of equipment, laptops and audio  equipment, and expenses for live coverage. Censored News is independent, and in its 18th year, with more than 23 million page views.

Thank you, Brenda


DoomsdaysCW said...

Hi Brenda. Thank you for all you do. I've been spreading the word about your fundraiser. How much are you looking to raise and how close are you to your goal? Best, D-Day.

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell said...

Hi, Thanks for asking. The laptops I use cost about $400. I've received $25 today. My laptop was somehow destroyed as I posted my latest series this week.

DoomsdaysCW said...

Hi. Well, you're $25 closer to your goal. I hope to get more folks to donate. Keep doing what you do!

DoomsdaysCW said...
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