Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

February 28, 2013

First Nation Terrance Nelson 'Rigged Election!'

Rigged Election!
How Canada controls First Nations, and keeps the 'scouts' on councils
Statement by Terrance Nelson
First Nation Roseau River
Censored News
February 28th 2013
In middle east countries, drones kill anyone who opposes the west. In Canada it is much more subtle, it is done with divide and conquer and helping the "good Indians" the scouts to knock of the "bad Indians."

Today, four members of the Chief and Council elected in March 2011 were denied a right to run in the 2013 election for Chief and Council. In the fall of 2011, Terrance Nelson Chief of Roseau River, Keith Henry, Evelyn Patrick and Michael Littlejohn were denied a right to be nominated. Attached is the letter signed by the Electoral officer Joyce Mazur. The Government of Canada rigged the election at Roseau River. Help was given to the opposition. Two of the finest and most expensive law firms in Manitoba represented the opposition. The court found for the opposition against the elected members of Chief and Council.
Former Chief Terrance Nelson was one of the most vocal Chiefs in Canada constantly pushing a rights agenda for indigenous people. In October 2012, Nelson went to Iran and met with the Iranian Government, in 2007, Nelson led the National Day of Action where the RCMP determined 100 actions took place across Canada. Nelson forced an $80 million land settlement in July 2011. He also forced the government to convert 74.8 acres of land to reserve status near the city of Winnipeg.
"This is a rigged election that will take place in Roseau River. The Government of Canada is rejoicing because they can point to the community and say, it is an internal matter, but the reality is that the Government orchestrated this whole event" said Terrance Nelson. Two years ago, the Government of Canada ensured that a forensic audit was released a week before the Roseau River election. It was meant to destroy Terrance Nelson's chance to win the election. The $1.5 million identified in "mismanaged" monies was never dealt with in the last two years. The government failed to prove anything and did nothing on the audit because the auditors were clear, they found no criminal activity in the Chief and Council.
At 1:00 p.m. on Friday March 1st 2013, Terrance Nelson, Evelyn Patrick and others will be available to speak to the press. They will be at Red Sun Gas Station near Winnipeg. "I want to make sure that everyone understands that the Canadian Government will not silence us and I will outline the actions we will take in the next few months" I just came back from Pine Ridge South Dakota from the 40th anniversary of the AIM takeover of Wounded Knee. There is some actions going to take place on the pipelines that take oil to the United States. We have strong support from Americans.

Terrance Nelson 

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