Human Rights News
Washington Police Shooting Ingites a Cross-Border Controversy
by Fronteta NorteSur
Censored News
English and Dutch
February 16, 2015
The fatal shooting of an unarmed Mexican migrant by police in Washington state has stirred renewed attention south of the border on the use of deadly force by U.S. law enforcement agencies. The February 10 shooting of Antonio Zambrano Montes by police in Pasco, Washington, is getting prominent coverage in both the print and electronic media in Mexico.
The Zambrano killing, which was captured on video and widely transmitted in cyberspace, has also drawn the involvement of all three levels of the Mexican government. President Enrique Pena Nieto, the Secretariat of Foreign Relations (SRE) and the Michoacan state government all condemned the shooting, while the official National Human Rights Commission urged the SRE to provide financial support, attention and guidance to Zambrano's family. In a statement, the SRE not only criticized Zamrano's violent death, but also called attention to "incidents in which disproportionate force is used, even more so when it results in the loss of civilians."
An apple industry worker, Zambrano was shot and killed by Pasco police officers after he was reported throwing rocks at cars. According to police accounts, the 35-year-old man also threw rocks at officers before he was killed. Some eyewitnesses, however, said Zambrano had his hands up when he was shot. Zambrano's mother, Acapita Montes Rivera, was granted a U.S. humanitarian visa this past weekend so she could travel from the family home in Michoacan to recover her son's remains in Washington state. Montes said her travel and legal expenses were covered by the municipal government of Aquila, Michoacan. "He is my son, and he was always a good boy," Montes was quoted. "He never forgot about us and always helped us out." Antonio Zambrano's body was expected to be shipped back to Mexico this week.
In another communique, the SRE reiterated its disposition to provide all the necessary support to the slain man's family. On Sunday, February 15, Eduardo Baca, Mexican consul in Seattle, met with Zambrano's relatives. In rapid fashion, Zambrano's family took the initial steps in an expected $25 million lawsuit against the City of Pasco for Antonio's death. Cited by the Mexican press, Washington state media were credited for reporting that one of the officers involved in the deadly confrontation, Ryan Flanagan, was accused of excessive force and racism by a 30-year-old Latina woman in 2009, but escaped further consequences when a $100,000 settlement was reached with the complaintant.
Similar to Albuquerque, Ferguson and many other U.S. communities, the Zambrano shooting sparked mass protests against police violence.
On Valentine's Day 2015, hundreds of demonstrators led by Zambrano's family marched in Pasco chanting "Justice for Antonio." Felix Vargas, chair of Pasco's Consejo Latino, demanded a federal investigation of the shooting. Prior to the march, Vargas said he was "very perturbed" by an encounter that did not justify "even a single shot." On Facebook, activists are publicizing a Seattle rally for Zambrano and against police brutality set for Westlake Park on Wednesday, February 18.
Four people have been killed by Pasco police since last summer. About half of the estimated 68,000 inhabitants of the city are Latinos. Don Blasdel, the local county coroner, took the unusual step of ordering a public inquest into Zambrano's death. The inquest, Blasdel said, would ensure an independent and transparent investigation.
"I don't want the situation to end up as another Ferguson," the Franklin County official said.
In Mexico, Zambrano's death recast the spotlight on the broader treatment of migrants by U.S. law enforcement officials.
According to the SRE, 74 Mexican nationals have been killed by the Border Patrol and other U.S. law enforcement agencies since 2006. Of the 74 deaths, 26 of them occurred at the hands of the Border Patrol, with the remaining 48 attributed to altercations with municipal, county and state police forces.
More than half the cases, or 47, produced no consequences for the involved agencies, while 9 yielded some reparations of damages for family members. In addition to death by firearm, the fatalities were caused by electric shocks, drowining and crushing injury by a horse, according to the SRE.
In 2014, the Border Patrol instituted new policies that put some restrictions on its agents from employing gunfire during rock-throwing incidents.
Reina Torres, general director of the SRE's department dedicated to the protection of Mexicans abroad, expressed optimism that the Zambrano killing would produce accoutability.
"In the case of Antonio, we are confident there could be difference," Torres told the Mexican daily El Universal. "There are a lot of witnesses and a video that is very clear."
Torres vowed the Mexican government will pursue legal follow-ups on all the outstanding cases involving police violence against Mexican nationals in the U.S. Michoacan state lawmaker Noe Bernadino said the local legislature would pass a resolution during its next session requesting that the federal congress demand greater respect for the civil rights of Mexican nationals in the U.S.
In the bigger scheme of things, Zambrano's death has further propelled allegations of excessive use of force by U.S. police agencies into an increasingly thorny issue on the world stage.
Sources: Cnnenespanol, February 16, 2015. La Jornada, February 15 and 16, 2015. Articles by Fernando Camacho, Gabriela Martinez, Antonio Heras, Juan Carlos Flores, Ciro Perez Silva, and editorial staff. La Jornada (Michoacan edition), February 16, 2015. Article by Francisco Torres., February 15, 2015. Associated Press, February 15, 2015. El Diario de Juarez/El Universal, February 14, 2015. Proceso/Apro, February 13 and 14, 2015. Articles by Mathieu Tourliere and editorial staff., February 14, 2015. Milenio, February 14, 2015.
Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news
Center for Latin American and Border Studies
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico
For a free electronic subscription
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS, thank you!
Washington Police Shooting Ingites a Cross-Border Controversy
by Fronteta NorteSur
Censored News
English and Dutch
February 16, 2015
The fatal shooting of an unarmed Mexican migrant by police in Washington state has stirred renewed attention south of the border on the use of deadly force by U.S. law enforcement agencies. The February 10 shooting of Antonio Zambrano Montes by police in Pasco, Washington, is getting prominent coverage in both the print and electronic media in Mexico.
The Zambrano killing, which was captured on video and widely transmitted in cyberspace, has also drawn the involvement of all three levels of the Mexican government. President Enrique Pena Nieto, the Secretariat of Foreign Relations (SRE) and the Michoacan state government all condemned the shooting, while the official National Human Rights Commission urged the SRE to provide financial support, attention and guidance to Zambrano's family. In a statement, the SRE not only criticized Zamrano's violent death, but also called attention to "incidents in which disproportionate force is used, even more so when it results in the loss of civilians."
An apple industry worker, Zambrano was shot and killed by Pasco police officers after he was reported throwing rocks at cars. According to police accounts, the 35-year-old man also threw rocks at officers before he was killed. Some eyewitnesses, however, said Zambrano had his hands up when he was shot. Zambrano's mother, Acapita Montes Rivera, was granted a U.S. humanitarian visa this past weekend so she could travel from the family home in Michoacan to recover her son's remains in Washington state. Montes said her travel and legal expenses were covered by the municipal government of Aquila, Michoacan. "He is my son, and he was always a good boy," Montes was quoted. "He never forgot about us and always helped us out." Antonio Zambrano's body was expected to be shipped back to Mexico this week.
In another communique, the SRE reiterated its disposition to provide all the necessary support to the slain man's family. On Sunday, February 15, Eduardo Baca, Mexican consul in Seattle, met with Zambrano's relatives. In rapid fashion, Zambrano's family took the initial steps in an expected $25 million lawsuit against the City of Pasco for Antonio's death. Cited by the Mexican press, Washington state media were credited for reporting that one of the officers involved in the deadly confrontation, Ryan Flanagan, was accused of excessive force and racism by a 30-year-old Latina woman in 2009, but escaped further consequences when a $100,000 settlement was reached with the complaintant.
Similar to Albuquerque, Ferguson and many other U.S. communities, the Zambrano shooting sparked mass protests against police violence.
On Valentine's Day 2015, hundreds of demonstrators led by Zambrano's family marched in Pasco chanting "Justice for Antonio." Felix Vargas, chair of Pasco's Consejo Latino, demanded a federal investigation of the shooting. Prior to the march, Vargas said he was "very perturbed" by an encounter that did not justify "even a single shot." On Facebook, activists are publicizing a Seattle rally for Zambrano and against police brutality set for Westlake Park on Wednesday, February 18.
Four people have been killed by Pasco police since last summer. About half of the estimated 68,000 inhabitants of the city are Latinos. Don Blasdel, the local county coroner, took the unusual step of ordering a public inquest into Zambrano's death. The inquest, Blasdel said, would ensure an independent and transparent investigation.
"I don't want the situation to end up as another Ferguson," the Franklin County official said.
In Mexico, Zambrano's death recast the spotlight on the broader treatment of migrants by U.S. law enforcement officials.
According to the SRE, 74 Mexican nationals have been killed by the Border Patrol and other U.S. law enforcement agencies since 2006. Of the 74 deaths, 26 of them occurred at the hands of the Border Patrol, with the remaining 48 attributed to altercations with municipal, county and state police forces.
More than half the cases, or 47, produced no consequences for the involved agencies, while 9 yielded some reparations of damages for family members. In addition to death by firearm, the fatalities were caused by electric shocks, drowining and crushing injury by a horse, according to the SRE.
In 2014, the Border Patrol instituted new policies that put some restrictions on its agents from employing gunfire during rock-throwing incidents.
Reina Torres, general director of the SRE's department dedicated to the protection of Mexicans abroad, expressed optimism that the Zambrano killing would produce accoutability.
"In the case of Antonio, we are confident there could be difference," Torres told the Mexican daily El Universal. "There are a lot of witnesses and a video that is very clear."
Torres vowed the Mexican government will pursue legal follow-ups on all the outstanding cases involving police violence against Mexican nationals in the U.S. Michoacan state lawmaker Noe Bernadino said the local legislature would pass a resolution during its next session requesting that the federal congress demand greater respect for the civil rights of Mexican nationals in the U.S.
In the bigger scheme of things, Zambrano's death has further propelled allegations of excessive use of force by U.S. police agencies into an increasingly thorny issue on the world stage.
Sources: Cnnenespanol, February 16, 2015. La Jornada, February 15 and 16, 2015. Articles by Fernando Camacho, Gabriela Martinez, Antonio Heras, Juan Carlos Flores, Ciro Perez Silva, and editorial staff. La Jornada (Michoacan edition), February 16, 2015. Article by Francisco Torres., February 15, 2015. Associated Press, February 15, 2015. El Diario de Juarez/El Universal, February 14, 2015. Proceso/Apro, February 13 and 14, 2015. Articles by Mathieu Tourliere and editorial staff., February 14, 2015. Milenio, February 14, 2015.
Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news
Center for Latin American and Border Studies
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico
For a free electronic subscription
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS, thank you!
Human Rights News
Door Frontera Norte Sur
Bron: Censored News:
Vertaald door NAIS:
Het doodschieten van een ongewapende Mexicaanse migrant door de politie van Washington, heeft ten zuiden van de grens de aandacht over het uitoefenen van dodelijk geweld door US ordehandhavers terug aangewakkerd.
Het neerschieten van Antonio Zambrano Montes, door de politie in Pasco,op 10 februari, krijgt aandacht in zowel de geschreven pers als in de elektronische media in Mexico.
De Zambrano moord, die opgenomen werd op video en wijd verspreid werd in cyberspace, heeft ook de betrokkenheid van de drie niveau’ s van de Mexicaanse regering belicht.
President Enrique Pena Nieto, het Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SRE) en de Michoacan staatsoverheid, hebben allen de schietpartij veroordeeld, terwijl de officiële National Human Rights Commission aandrong bij de SRE, om financiële steun en begeleiding aan de familie van Zambrano te verschaffen.
In een verklaring gaf de SRE niet enkel kritiek op Zambrano’ s gewelddadige dood, maar vestigde ze ook de aandacht op “incidenten” waarin ongepast geweld wordt gebruikt,en zeker wanneer deze resulteren in de dood van burgers.
Zambrano, een arbeider in de appel industrie werd gedood door de politie van Pasco nadat er een melding binnengekomen was dat hij auto’s met stenen bekogelde.
Volgens de politie zou de 35 jarige man stenen gegooid hebben naar de agenten voor hij gedood werd.
Echter, ooggetuigen verklaarden dat Zambrano de handen in de lucht hield toen hij werd neergeschoten.
Acapita Montes Rivera, de moeder van Zambrano heeft een US ‘humanitarian visa’ gekregen zodat zij vrij kon reizen vanuit Michoacan naar de staat Washington, om de overblijfselen van haar zoon thuis te brengen.
Montes zei dat haar reis en andere kosten gedekt worden door de gemeentelijke overheid van Aquila, Michoacan.
“Hij is mijn zoon, en hij is steeds een goede jongen geweest. Hij is ons nooit vergeten en heeft ons altijd geholpen” aldus Acapita Montes Rivera.
Men verwacht dat Antonio Zambrano’s lichaam nog deze week terug zal gebracht worden naar Mexico.
In een ander communiqué herhaald de SRE het verzoek om wettelijke steun aan de familie van de gedode man.
Eduardo Baca, Mexicaans consul in Seattle heeft op zondag, 15 februari een ontmoeting gehad met de verwanten van Zambrano.
De familie van Zambrano nam reeds de nodige stappen voor een rechtszaak tegen de City van Pasco. De eis voor schadevergoeding zou $ 25 miljoen zijn.
Geciteerd door de Mexicaanse pers, heeft de media van de staat Washington de aanzet gegeven met hun verslaggeving dat Ryan Flanagan, een van de agenten die bij de dodelijke confrontatie betrokken was, in 2009 door een 30 jarige Latino vrouw beschuldigd werd van extreem geweld en racisme, maar die aan een veroordeling ontsnapte toen met de aanklager een overeenkomst van $ 100.000 gesloten werd.
Vergelijkbaar met Albuquerque, Ferguson en vele andere US gemeenschappen, wakkerde het doodschieten van Zambrano massa demonstraties tegen de politie aan.
Op Sint Valentine, stapten honderden demonstranten, geleid door de familie van Zambrano, in Pasco terwijl ze scandeerden: ”Recht voor Antonio.”
Felix Vargas, voorzitter van ‘Pasco’s Consejo Latina,’ eiste een federaal onderzoek.
Voor de mars zei Vargas dat hij “zeer verontrust” was door een treffen dat “zelfs geen enkel schot” kon rechtvaardigen.
Op Facebook publiceren activisten een rally voor Zambrano in Seattle en tegen politiegeweld op Woensdag 18 februari in Westlake Park.
Sinds de zomer zijn vier mensen gedood door de Pasco politie. Bijna de helft van de geschatte 68.000 inwoners van de stad zijn Latino’s.
Don Blasdel, de lokale lijkschouwer heeft de ongebruikelijke stap gezet om een openbaar onderzoek naar Zambrano’s dood te bevelen.
“Het onderzoek moet onafhankelijk en transparant zijn. Ik wil niet dat toestand eindigt in een ander Ferguson,” aldus Blasdel.
In Mexico zet Zambrano’s dood het spotlicht weer op de wijdere behandeling van migranten door US ordehandhavers.
Volgens het SRE, werden sinds 2006 74 Mexicaanse onderdanen gedood door de grenspolitie en andere US ordehandhavers.
Van die 74 vonden 26 onder hen de dood door de handen van de grens patrouille, de overige 48 kwamen om in conflict met gemeentelijke, provincie en staatspolitie.
Voor meer dan de helft, zo’n 47, werden er geen vervolgingen ingesteld, terwijl voor slechts 9 een vorm van schadevergoeding aan de families van de overlevenden toegekend werd.
Behalve door vuurwapens vonden vele de dood door elektrische schokken, verdrinking en verpletterd door paarden, volgens de SRE.
In 2014 voerde de grenspatrouilles een ander beleid dat het gebruik van vuurwapens tijdens incidenten waarbij stenen gegooid werden beperkte.
Reina Torres, programmadirecteur van het SRE departement dat zich toelegt op de bescherming van Mexicanen in het buitenland, zegt dat ze optimistisch is over het feit dat de Zambrano moord vervolgd zal worden.
“In het geval van Antonio zijn we er zeker van dat een verschil zal gemaakt worden.” Vertelde Torres aan de Mexican Daily El Universal. “Er waren veel getuigen en een video die aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen overlaat.”
Torres zegt dat de Mexicaanse overheid er alles aan zal doen om al de lopende zaken in verband met politiegeweld tegen Mexicaanse onderdanen in de US zal op te volgen.
Noe Bernadino, een wetgever van Michoacan zei dat de lokale legislatuur op de volgende zitting een resolutie zal indienen waarin van het federaal congres een groter respect geëist wordt voor de burgerrechten van Mexicaanse onderdanen in de VS.
Sources: Cnnenespanol, February 16, 2015. La Jornada, February 15 and 16, 2015. Articles by Fernando Camacho, Gabriela Martinez, Antonio Heras, Juan Carlos Flores, Ciro Perez Silva, and editorial staff. La Jornada (Michoacan edition), February 16, 2015. Article by Francisco Torres., February 15, 2015. Associated Press, February 15, 2015. El Diario de Juarez/El Universal, February 14, 2015. Proceso/Apro, February 13 and 14, 2015. Articles by Mathieu Tourliere and editorial staff., February 14, 2015. Milenio, February 14, 2015.
Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news
Center for Latin American and Border Studies
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico
For a free electronic subscription
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