Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

May 16, 2016

Lloyd Vivola Photos: Indigenous 'Break Free' Day of Action Anacortes Wash.


Swinomish, Coast Salish and more!
Break Free of Fossil Fuels!
Photos and article copyright Lloyd Vivola
Censored News

Indigenous 'Break Free' Day of Action - Anacortes, Washington, Photos May 14

By Lloyd Vivola
Censored News

May 14, 2016, Anacortes WASHINGTON

Thousands of supporters converged on March Point, Washington, today from as far away as Montana and southern Oregon, answering an invitation from the Swinomish Tribe and other Coastal Salish Nations to join in a blessing of sacred earth and waters by calling for an urgent transition to renewable energy and ecological sanity while assuring economic stability and employment for the inhabitants of the Anacortes region, some 65 miles north of Seattle, where the sprawling refineries and transport stations of Shell and Tesoro now dominate the horizons of treaty lands on Fidalgo Bay.


Unknown said...

This action is part of a world-wide shift. For so long it was a few white people who led protests against pervasive abuses of our environment. A moral giant has awakened. Indigenous people now are saying "No" not only to trespasses of the small tracts of earth they still occupy, but to the abuses of land, water and sky we all share. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Indigenous Peoples have carried the message far and wide for a long, long time and now other people are starting to wake up and listen and make space fir their voices in an honorable way and so now the hard work begins in earnest. For this coming together I am grateful and humbled. Thank you thank you!

Lloyd Vivola said...

Yes, a most inspiring day at March Point. Heart-felt gratitude for the centuries-old wisdom and resilience of First Nations people and culture. I was honored and humbled to answer the invitation to join in the spirit of such an occasion.