Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

September 28, 2016

Standing Rock Breaking News Surrounded by Police: Wed. Sept. 28, 2016

Breaking News Wed., Sept. 28, 2016

Police loaded shotguns, dropped tear gas or chemical substance, on water protectors. Armored vehicle on site. Excessive force by police as 21 water protectors arrested today.

Unicorn Riot -- Today, indigenous water protectors once again arrived at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site to halt work and hold prayer ceremonies. Police arrived with several military-style armored vehicles, and threatened water protectors with shotguns. We are hearing reports of up to 21 arrests. Livestream footage clip >>>>> <<<<< #NoDAPL
Officer loading 12 gauge riot shotgun -- while women, children at elderly are at the prayer -- at action site now: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2016

Live video: They dropped tear gas, we are surrounded by police.
"They are moving in."
"They won't let us leave. They have us locked in on both sides."
"They've got their weapons drawn."
"They've got snipers on top of the hill"
"They are blocking me on Facebook."
"They are arresting everyone now. Everyone is running."
"Share this far and wide."

Officer loading weapon, deleted video:

Read article at Censored News

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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sharing, I thought it was going well. How quickly things change. They are blocking facebook for the protestors. Snipers, Riot Gear, Arrests lady. Police are drawing a gun, putting bullets in Guns, as Natives should "We Have No Guns" Arresting everyone, Protesters are running. Police, National Guard. All shotguns loaded, pulling out machine guns. Share this they are blocking facebook. Harassing horses, teargas. People are running.

theWellSeasonedWoman said...

I am sharing as well.

Ronna said...

have posted it on fb

hurdygurdygurlCANADA said...


Anonymous said...

These are white people. No offense, but white people have never been trustworthy when it comes to Natives. I didn't trust the "more studies to be done", and I'm amazed at the number of Anglos who thought the government would actually keep its word.

Jessiekitty said...

I'm sharing this widely and praying hard!!!!

Sunshine said...

This is insane.

Anonymous said...

Why are they doing this???? I knew something like this woud happen...boils down to so sorry water heart is breaking for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Me too

Katt TCC said...

Sharing & sent link to cnn & bbc

Anonymous said...

i've posted it

Unknown said...

I curse these bastards & thank the wind spirits who blew the gas away. The world is watching & i'm sharing, calling the White House & adding my voice saying, "Water is life."

Anonymous said...

Shared. Give America back to the natives. This is their land.

Jeff said...

Keep the videos coming, Sharing as I can.

Unknown said...

Absolutely heart breaking , they are praying , yet BLM they riot in cities burn cars , break into building steal and government allows the riots continue. the native people we praying . May the higher spirit keep you all safe . I will keep posting the world needs to see and hear your cry

Unknown said...

OMG �� ��
Shared on facebook

hurdygurdygurlCANADA said...

Heart-wrenching. Standing with the Protectors and Defenders at Standing Rock. Prayers from Burnaby, BC.

Anonymous said...

Water is life..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is horrific!!!! My heart aches...literally! Praying for all of you!

Unknown said...

FB won't allow me to share.

(╯°□°)╯ said...

Thank you for staying peaceful and making sure you get these stories to us. We are so ignorant.

Ekwuss said...

Sharing wherever I can!! I am so deeply saddened by what is happening. I continue to pray for the Protectors!!

Sharon Hamer said...

Wait, how can they control FAcebook and block posts? Who are the police...any identifiers on their uniforms and cars? Have the news outlets been notified?

eGrease said...

Obama was just given a blanket today for being such a great guy to the Native Americans.

Ktunaxa said...

You all be careful....they have no qualms about shooting people of color, even with an audience! Be careful! Prayers are sent by many...they need to be answered without a drop of blood being shed!

UgooNC said...

In NC you don't have to have a weapon in hand. If an officer is outnumbered and there's a possibility that they can be overtaken then you're posing a threat. If you come within ten feet unarmed or if you have a SHOE in your hand it's considered a weapon.
Those officers don't know each individual's intentions.
Please keep in mind the local laws and stay safe!

Shiakoda Qkalokqua said...

OMG!!! Creator watch over you and keep you all safe. Prayers up in smoke for all there. I hope it all ends soon and peacefully so things can settle down, I am so scared for you all. You have my blessings and prayers. Aho

Shiakoda Qkalokqua

Unknown said...

Lord I pray against the "powers and principalities" of this world and I pray for these water protectors!

Anonymous said...

Not all Anglos are naive...many of us know from our history lessons the U.S. Gov't cannot be trusted when it comes to giving their word!

AJ Bear said...

Can not share this unless you share from this website. I have posted this on my page.

Robin Mahonen, Dancing Skygazer said...

Wheeling Water Warriors SALUTE YOU!
Reinforcements are on the way.

Anonymous said...

I shared on FB, DM'd to a couple reporters from Mn. Prayers and Thanks

Anonymous said...

Make it a White vs NDN thing and you will alienate a HUGE portion of your support. Tell all the white folk to not protect with you ( better figure out what blood Quantum you call White, pure blood NDN's only?), send back the money. Food and supplies the white folk have donated too. Make this a race war, when it is about corruption, greed and power, and you doom the cause. "White" governments in Europe have rallied to your cause. White UN reps have as well.

Unknown said...

Well I'm white and hispanic but I have Native's in my family 3 tribes so with that being said I've never trusted white people either. My heart and prayers are with you all we here in Houston stand with Standing Rock

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Share the post on my fb heartbreaking

Anonymous said...

You are saying a normal white person who is working as a slave and being oppressed is the problem? What kind of drugs are you on?

Unknown said...

Twitter is blocking this link I've tried to share 3 times

Anonymous said...

Please know many white and nonwhite are with you. This is an earth matter where all who live here should be concerned.

Anonymous said...

Shared on facebook. Unbelievable. Our prayers are with you, beautiful souls.

Joni said...

Sharing everywhere i can. Take Pride the police are showing a cowards way. Protecting profit of corporation rather than people and land. May they search their souls and leave their guns behind to stand with the true protectors.

Kathy Holmes said...

I'm white and I'm sharing.

Unknown said...

Your tax money at work.

Unknown said...

Shared on FB - I am praying with you

Unknown said...

Prayers and Energy to the Water Protectors ..Keep strength..If you are reading this please help the people trying to protect their water.

Cary said...

It is outrageous , who is in charge?

Cary said...

It is outrageous , who is in charge?

Anonymous said...

Prayers and energy to all the protectors

Anonymous said...

Dont listen to people who use the"white" thing. It could be a troll trying to make a conflict.

Jeff said...

YES twitter is blocking any link to this website right now. I have a screen capture showing this. Twitter is calling this website spam.

Random Order said...

This link and article is being blocked on twitter cannot share or tweet information. Seeking confirmation please respond. Thank you.

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell said...

Thanks everyone. I've been posting our links at Twitter for many years. Last week, Twitter began blocking the links, with a variety of excuses. Twitter won't respond and say why. Our content is original. I've been a news reporter in Indian country for 34 years. Twitter obviously has orders to block the breaking news from Standing Rock camp, which is what I've been posting. Thanks again, Brenda Norrell, publisher, Censored News

Anonymous said...

Shared, FB and Twitter... link sent to BBC and the Guardian also.

Stay safe, protecters... thank you so much. I am so sorry they're resorting to such tactics. Fear and intimidation... they want to silence all dissent.

Water IS life!

Unknown said...

I agree. White people and their ancestors hold a lot of blame and need to raise their consciousness about the destruction and harm that they have done as agents who were doing the dirty work. Water is life is raising awareness, grateful for all the teachings of indigenous people.

Anonymous said...

OK, I am confused. On September 9th, the U.S. Justice Department asked operators of the Dakota Access pipeline to suspend construction along a 40-mile (64 km) stretch in North Dakota. So when was the suspension lifted?

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Sharing! I stand firmly with you even though I cannot be there.

Unknown said...

What is the reason the police or whatever they are are giving for arresting people? The only officers that have any authority at this site should be county police from the county you are in and State or Federal police. Looks like a bunch of city cops that have been bought and paid for are participating as well. Make sure they tell you what you are charged you your rights and I wouldn't communicate with them at all once they have read you your rights. I thought this was all stopped temporarily by the President or somebody. I will share these posts. =[

Unknown said...

Protection Prayer

I ask the Divine within myself and of the universe to remove all the earthbound negative entities, the dark shields, dark energies, dark devices and dark connections from all beings' auras, souls, and cord, and also from their homes and all the natural environment around them, above and beyond, and that they be replaced with unity consciousness for peace, harmony and love.

Stand strong Standing Rock, we are all with you. <3

Unknown said...

Wow! Please be safe. Respect our water,Respect our lands, Respect our people, Honor are treaties. Water is life.

Anonymous said...

Shared in Jackson, MI. I'll keep spreading the word until the government quits doing this shit.

TruthSeeker said...

Any of us, anywhere, anytime. Wake up! The protection is for all lifeforms.

Anonymous said...

Post the videos on Youtube and other services to spread them out and make sure they aren't all blocked. Don't just try twitter and fb and give up. Post to the other sites then link the videos to facebook. Much less chance of them being blocked.

Shan said...

When you say white people you put people into a group. You segregate people by race rather than by of character. I am white and I had nothing to do with anything that was done before my time. Your way of thinking is all wrong. That's like me saying every male should bow down and pay me back for the wrongs that a few men have done. That's not very smart. Now is it. I personally has nothing to do with what was done years ago.

Martha said...

shared on facebook

MSteinberger said...

They "asked" them to stop. It wasn't ordered. They decided to go forward...not surprising...I am absolutely disgusted with the greed that has continued to demean and oppress the native population...I am teaching my children the REAL husband and I may be white, but we have many loved ones who are natives...our hearts are breaking for you!

teramiabullfrog said...

The law has become a game, played by dishonest, unethical, and criminally corrupt lawyers, and other equally corrupt "Officers of the Court" (including police, DA prosecutors, and judges) who support and even protect the dishonest actions by lawyers. Corrupt lawyer/politicians decide the course of action regarding causes like this, and what they can get away with, no matter if it violates peoples civil rights and human rights. Until our misnamed "legal system" is cleaned-up, inequities caused by these self-serving criminally corrupt Officers of the Court will continue with these type unethical practices. U.S. citizens have all become victims of corrupt politicians controlled by an inefficient Court system. Those entrusted with the punishment and prevention of crimes by other members of the Officers of the Court, are equally corrupt, dishonest, unethical, and inefficient - the tyranny of evil people in power is upon us.

Unknown said...

My heart is breaking.....pouring in Richmond VA and Ive sent prayers to the Gods to keep you all safe.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there with you! The world is watching them - don't allow yourselves to be provoked. The peaceful prayer drumming is very good. Keep sending them out. People all over are watching and praying for you. Have shared with many . Keep going!

CurvyWitch said...

It wasn't lifted for the "20-mile" stretch either side of Standing rock camp. It was a 'request' for DA to halt until further consultations occurred. They have gone ahead with pipe-laying anyway!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm posting this my heart goes out to them. I'm crying as I read this. This is not right the injustice that's being done to the natives. I live in Flint I too no how important clean water is. I can no longer shower and use my waterwith out me breaking into hives and sores . Yes my skin is white in this lifetime but my ancestors were Mongolian female shamans.the government sent me to thier doctors they falsified my medical reports this is not just a native thing it's about evil greedy people who don't have a soul and won't be happy until the earth is completely raped and people become mindless zombies. I support the native tribes and my spirit is with them. I only wish I could be there in person to defend mother earth and our lifeblood water.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Indians need to put a curse on them,and one on the republican congress for selling the land!!

Anonymous said...

Shared on FB, thank you for those out there protecting the water.

Anonymous said...

I shared everywhere. It is with a truly heavy heart that I share this sad day for this entire world when people, women and children who are unarmed and are simply praying and chanting for peace and love and for the safety of the world are gassed by the awful people out there who are in it only for the money. This stupid poisonous pipeline will go directly through the Missouri River. I am literally crying at how awful this is. Please share this with as many people as you possibly can this is what the world news is not showing us this is what those people with money or trying to hide from us. You have to take this world seriously or we'll end up killing it praying for peace.

Anonymous said...

It is with a truly heavy heart that I share this sad day for this entire world when people, women and children who are unarmed and are simply praying and chanting for peace and love and for the safety of the world are gassed by the awful people out there who are in it only for the money. This stupid poisonous pipeline will go directly through the Missouri River. I am literally crying at how awful this is. Please share this with as many people as you possibly can this is what the world news is not showing us this is what those people with money or trying to hide from us. You have to take this world seriously or we'll end up killing it praying for peace.

Molly Bee said...

The government still treats us like savages! These are the same tactics they've used on us since the white man came here!

Lori Crites said...

Please click on the link and search "Pipeline." Vote on all the questions and spread the word!!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie Chavez, It is with a heavy heart that I see your post regarding BLM. You have no idea who those people are who are stealing and causing damage. DO NO BELIVE THE HYPE. BLM members are farmers and caretakers of our youth, homeless, veterans, elders ,and community. Do not assume to know who they are based on TV. We too have ceremonies and rituals that are performed for the water, mountains, air, and earth. We honor our ancestors and their traditions. Do not assume to know who they are. We too have supported this struggle. However, your heart does not seem to understand that. It seems as if your heart is selective in its humanity. They are killing our people every day, three per day exactly and we have the right, we have the responsibility to be angry about that,however, BLM DOES NOT DESTROY ANYTHING but misinformation.

Anonymous said...

do not incite racism with thoughtless narrow judgment MJ Walters

This conflict will require new levels of collaboration which is already being seen on site, but not in your comments

Anonymous said...

The State/big business in the Land of the Free. Sounds like South Africa during Apartheid, except for the differences in narrative, of course. The State and Big Business! Stand strong, you are not alone, .. the world is watching. This stand of yours crosses all nations and all boundaries on numerous levels. Thank you, you inspire me every day. ♡♡♡

Anonymous said...

It will not let me reply to comments, but will let me do this,.I feel for you all. When my children were small i told them don't let the world tell you something is impossible. My girls came home one day and said the school system had switched from paper products (paper plates, cups, bowls etc) to Styrofoam. My youngest even at about 6 or 7 realized how wrong this was for the land...they both knew how horrible it was to have our landfills full of styrene and wanted to do something about it. I told them they should...if they really wanted to make a difference. My daughter and a couple of others organized a peaceful sit in to protest the change from paper to Styrofoam and the news came and talked to them. I was so proud of them and their trying to make a dufference. The system did change back to paper, but before the year was up went back again to Styrofoam. I remember the look on my baby's face when she told me that. She cried. I dont know if she remembers or not but it broke my heart because it broke hers.

I feel for these people. I feel for their cause which should be ours. I feel fear for them and their safety. I can not find a format to sign my name with. But my name is Cindy Karges and i am proud to make this statement!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are declaring war. What's wrong with these cops?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised they didn't throw down infected blankets to help keep you warm through winter. Oh wait ...

Anonymous said...

I posted on FB. I tried to comment and say what the cops were doing and FB suddenly could not post my comment! Strange.

Anonymous said...

I've been checking news web sites and found nothing about this and have called tv stations and asked why they haven't shown any of this, I was told they know nothing about it(right). I gave them this address and have been passing this info on through fb. From Portland Oregon, Please be safe.

Unknown said...

We can still share this on fb in Canada.

Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

what is neede is numbers like they are doing in Venezuela need to out number the police enough to make them think twice before they pull there weapons on inocent people .

TLW2-NR said...

Ummm...just for the sake of clarity, there is an active court order issued on September 16th that says that DAPL cannot do any work in a 40 mile swat, 20 miles on each side of the river. The police should be arresting dapl if they are working in that area. The jurisdiction of the feds is only under the river and a narrow strip along the river.

Crys said...

It basically boils down to THE PEOPLE vs THE ESTABLISHMENT.

I am so angry. So freaking angry. Time for action you guys.

They won't stop. Time for revolution of epic proportions.

Anonymous said...

Tom WhiteBear September 18th 2016 Aaron Turner I see at least 20 tanks and at least 30 APC units,, September 18th 2016 heading to North Dakota :: Tanks and APC units heading south on 287 on Montana posted from FB Aaron Turner

Mary G. (West Virginia) said...

Would there be any benefit to people driving or flying there to stand with them, and show that the whole country is behind them - not just the "locals", or would that come across negatively?

doriorli said...

Even if we aren't personally responsible for the actions of our ancestors we still benefit from the racist system they built. Its not our job to take credit for their wrong doings but it should be our job to fight to undo what they started and dismantle the imbalance of power And bring about true equity and equality for all citizens

Octohorse said...

Just so everyone knows, from experience, the riot police surround protectors, then shout at you to leave but you can't they have you surrounded and when you try they advance . Then they arrest everyone. I think this is so their body cams make it look like you weren't complying with their orders so that when aired on Fox or other corporate media it looks like you weren't following orders

Octohorse said...

Yah well I get it but there might be one or two that isn't hypnotized by TV.

Octohorse said...

From experience the cops surround you order you to leave and then close in.. But you can't leave because they are blocking you! Then they have an excuse to arrest you. I think this is for their cameras so the sheeple watching corporate media see us 'refusing' to comply when we couldn't and think , well they should have left.

Anonymous said...

this country disgusts me

Anonymous said...

Thank you sister for your support.

Unknown said...

Facebook is blocking our replys

Anonymous said...

Can they disrupt WiFi signals? I'm sure they can. The military and govt police can stop data transmission..

Anonymous said...

Anyone can come stand up against the DAPL pipeline no matter where your from.

Anonymous said...

Military and gov't police can surely disrupt WiFi signals and radio transmissions. Good luck posting anything they don't approve..

Anonymous said...

WiFi signals and radio transmissions are being disrupted..

Mae Dawson said...

Hello Relatives

Courage! You're standing in the Dragons maw! They have all the money and all the guns, and I haven't seen much compassion from them for the last 1500 years. Most of the people in the Missouri watershed should be camped at Standing Rock. The pipeline is just north of a very deep continental rift which runs from Vancouver Island to the New Madrid fault in Tennessee. When the Cascadia subduction zone ruptures (and it's past due)that pipeline is within its reach. It doesn't make the "news"... well, they own the news, except for Brenda, and a few others ... and Obama just gave the net to the UN. If you make $22,000 a year you're better of than 3/4 of the rest of the world and that's just above welfare in the US of A. This is not an Indigenous struggle, it's a Human struggle. Life vs Extraction Industries. Many of the atrocities that occur here and abroad are unknown because of Media control. Is atomic energy a bad idea ... ask the Dine', and the Russians, and the Japanese. Ask the farmers around Hanford, or Three Mile Island. They also have control of our food and health systems. We'd best envision what autonomy looks like. I could go on, but I don't want to take up too much of your attention. Blessings to you, Brenda, for your commitment, and to all the Relatives at Standing Rock.

Unknown said...

God Bless the water protectors! I will pray for your continued strength and continue to send support and post. You must continue your peaceful protests! "They" are trying to break you so they can document it. You must remind the younger generation to keep their posts "clean" and respectful. There are many people of ALL backgrounds who support you. This will never be about race. It is about greed. This must go mainstream! You are protecting the MO River and the land. Your work is SO important! God bless you all! (I wanted to give feedback to the people with their faces covered look like they have something to hide. This will draw suspicion from people from other parts of the US.)

Anonymous said...

Shared on fb and prayers sent out.

elsie said...


Anonymous said...

Dude!?! Seriously!?!? Smh .. some how u made this about you..
Smdh some people's kids..

Anonymous said...

These law enforcement officers are essentially armed guards for a private business that's illegally actively stealing Indian land. By treaty this land does not belong to the United States or any of it's agents. This encroachment of sacred land is an act of war by any definition of terms. The Dakota Access Pipeline is illegal.
These armed thugs are Illegal.
Pray for the Indians who are peacefully trying to save their land from a vulture company and a corrupt American government that no longer honors it's Treaties.

Wilkru said...

Also,if I understand correctly, it's been reported that this land, land which was once native decreed by the gov't & then taken away illegally, now owned by ?, has been sold to the pipeline company, allowing the night of their own forces to come down on native people. Obama just signed a bill that will allow another line built going South thru Big Bend Texas. Major pressure is on. Divide & conquer. Come from many directions. Same old imperialist tactics.

Anonymous said...

Posting now! Stay strong friends!

Jax said...

Sharing and following from Australia

Anonymous said...

'Murkuh continues with its Scorched Earth and Oppressed People policies...Love and Light surround all who fight for their Mother Standing Rock...and all over this planet.

Unknown said...

How many more unarmed peaceful protesters need to die before they learn the elites don't care?? This will not end, for as long as the people remain scared little sheep of the armed thugs.

Unknown said...

Twitter won't allow share either

Anonymous said...

I also was able to post to Facebook. And I agree with anonymous above - please don't make this a race issue. I am ( predominantly) white, but stand with you and cry at the injustice.

Anonymous said...

seriously stfu--- there is so much more happening right now - no one cares about your white pride and delicate sensibilities! @shan. (posted by a white person. seriously stfu.)

Liger Null said...

Yes, I have experienced this myself. It gives the "This looks like it might be automated" warning. I can share other links just fine.

We need to spread the word about Twitter censorship.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the UN already step in and ordered a stop to construction? Oh, that's right, the House and Senate are on vacation until after the elections....

Pythoness Sins said...

I'm absolutely fucking SICK!! I know the government and law enforcement are completely crooked and always have been but COME ON!!! They KNOW they are being filmed...they KNOW someone will find a way around the facebook blocks...they FUCKING KNOW the whole world is watching them!!! Well just dig yourself a deeper hole you morons....when this,is over there's going to be many "officers" and "officials" out of work!! KRS1 song comes to mind "Sound of the police" a few lines comparing an officer to an overseer. I think it applies here!
Water is truly LIFE!!!

dujaa74 said...

The original link to this is being blocked by Twitter and others? Go figure? #NoDAPL #Waterislife #Standingrock

Anonymous said...

I will be sharing as a native Anishinaabe Mille lacs Lake,onamia Mn. Power to all involved as you we have that right?

Anonymous said...

Two words... Lavoy Finicum!
They don't care what color you are.

Anonymous said...

A corrupt government that unfortunately has never honored it's Treaties with Native Americans... A dishonorable government.

Anonymous said...

I am not Indian don't think that matters though My heart goes out to you that your peaceful prayer protest was disrupted in such a shameful manner. may god keep you all safe to continue your stand. I admire what you are trying to do and ashamed that your 1st Amendment Right was violated in such a horrible way. Thank god for social media and live video. I would of never believed it if I didn't see this with my own eyes. You have a new supporter here in Iowa Sharing your plight.

Mary said...

What can be done.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Europe!

We don't get matters like these shown in our news and media at all.
Lucky me I have friends in the USA, who share the news.

I've shared this link in public on Facebook as well, so everyone can read about this.
Who commands and orders actions like these?
The President of the USA?
A council?
The senate?

Is this actually legal? Isn't it a breach in the bill of rights, or in the rights of an US-American ciitzenship? Is there no way to fight or end this by law, or a referundum regarding this topic?
It's terrible what the government does to these people.
There are so many things going wrong in the USA.

Shame on you, US-Government. You are worse than the Russian government, you are worse than IS/ISIL/ISIS, the Taliban and Al'Qaida!

Anonymous said...

This angers me beyond belief. That is y'alls sacred land. They are supposed to leave it alone! I hope the people are ok. Are they ok? Have they been let out? In my thoughts and prayers. For those being angry against all whites, please stop. You are only hurting yourselves by doing so. Not every person outside your race is against you and is actually trying to help in any way they can. I shared and will continue to share this outrage against this.

Unknown said...

I am so disgusted by this action against peaceful protesters for a very valid cause. I am sharing. I may be more white than my Cherokee ancestry but if I was all white I would still be sharing!

Unknown said...

Who understands what is going on...peace protests have been staged for a hundred years, in the 1960's all over the world in foreign nations, the signs protestors carried were written in English, those who were protesting were gullible enough to think it was not political

Unknown said...

Who understands what is going on...peace protests have been staged for a hundred years, in the 1960's all over the world in foreign nations, the signs protestors carried were written in English, those who were protesting were gullible enough to think it was not political

Running Wolf said...

Can't trust white corporate America. Since the beginning their words have been lies. The media won't cover it because they are white, can you imagine if every single native person showed up at the site, then all this would end.

Karma Farms said...

SHARED. Any updates today?

Running Wolf said...

You can't trust white corporate America. They have been lying since the beginning of time when they first came here. There is no media coverage because it's white. Wouldn't be great if every single native American Indian showed up at the site, all this nonsense would end because then the world would know and the media would have no choice but to cover what's going on with all Native People. Idle No More!!!! Proud and Strong

alytron said...

You want to actually be an ally to indigenous people in their struggles, stop being so sensitive and making it all about you.

White people HAVE NOT been trustworthy, for the entirety of the time we've been occupying their land. So you can get defensive about reality and feel personally attacked by accurate assessments of history, thus providing you're not actually a good ally who cares about indigenous struggles but only about your own fragile feelings, or you can work on being trustworthy and assisting in their work. That starts with actually listening to their voices, and not shutting them down when your fragile ego over identifies with white supremacy and your feelings get bruised.

Feel defensive. Examine that feeling. Think about why you're feeling it, think about context, think about why someone would feel the way they do. Then drop your defensiveness and do something useful.

Anonymous said...

I have turned off every ad-blocking and filtering software I'm running and still can't get the video to show. I dearly hope it's been sent to Democracy Now, because they will show it to us all. But you might want to check into who's blocking your video NOW ... this makes me furious.

Running Wolf said...

Can't trust white corporate America. Since the beginning their words have been lies. The media won't cover it because they are white, can you imagine if every single native person showed up at the site, then all this would end.

Anonymous said...

Clean water gives life to our plants our wildlife our children. This such a shame to put this source of earths creation at risk of contamination. I stand with all my elders, brothers and sisters enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Obama hands over control of the Internet to the UN in 3 days. Just wait until the worlds information is censored

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't white people, per se, we were raised into this system that from our point of view seems logical and fair and is anything but. Saying it's "white people" is true, period. But it only becomes an attack on you if you do nothing to change our culture. We nees to educate ourselves, try and listen even when we're being attacked. Afterall, we've force other ethnicities to do the same. The only way to solve these issues is for everyone, but especially us whute people, to make an honest effort to understand each other and stop jumping to conclusions. Those cops are white, so arw their bosses (mostly) and I'm willing to bet their corporate sponsors are also white, this is no coincidence. It being white people only becomes a racist point because white people are so quick to ensure they are treated equally (or better) no matter what, but fail to see that others aren't being treated as equal. It's like going to thanksgiving dinner, everyone gets food but you so you say "shouldn't I get food?" And your dad says "Yes, everyone should get food." But you never actually get food. Meanwhile if your dad didn't get food he make sure everyone have him some of theirs.

Anonymous said...

Posting on FB for you. Can't quite believe this is being allowed to happen. UK.

Anonymous said...

Shared. On Fb. :-(

Anonymous said...

Native people of America. The Inuit people from Greenland support you in your fight for clean water and protecting sacred lands. Keep protesting IT IS YOUR LAND.

Sushi Roshi said...

Come on people, this is just what they want us to do. To go after each other. Don't you think it is time ALL of us forgave each other for every thing that has wounded us and kept us apart? I think it is time we drew a line in the sand, forgave everyone for the most horrific to the tiniest offence, step over the line and said, "We are one people, one heart, one mind, one body." "This is a new day!" Together we will be unstoppable!

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you as you peacefully try to stop this injustice. Sharing to open eyes of those who do not know what is being done. My heart is crying.

Unknown said...

We, The People, are watching you, Government and Corrupt officials. If you bring any weapons, then there is intent of use, therefore... anything that might happen is on you, and will not be considered an accident or mistake ... Isn't that how it works, on the legal side, if you commit a robbery, even at a store, with an empty gun ? Think folks,... it is all of our waters, and We are made of Water.....and this is happening all over the Country, World... destruction and privatization , Greed.....

Anonymous said...

i agree with your comment whole heartedly its time

Anonymous said...

Police, once sworn to protect and serve the citizenry, are now nothing more than mercenaries bought and sold by corporations. Where are their consciences?

Anonymous said...

How many of these police troops are American citizens and how many are the UN united police force which the attorney general signed an agreement for them to come to the US?

Anonymous said...

Amen! :) \o/

Anonymous said...

ND police and MORTON county sheriff AND ND GOVERNOR

hotmixhans said...

And who's in charge of this? Are you sure you want to vote for Hillary Clinton?

Unknown said...

Sharing. We are One

Angela said...

I just got a message from a friend that there is a warning about this link on Twitter...what is going on?

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell said...

Thanks for your comments. Twitter began blocking our links at Censored News last week. There is no reason for this. Twitter refuses to respond to questions as to why. It has a variety of automated responses. I've been posting our links on Twitter for years with no problem. So this is obviously part of the scheme to silence the voices from Standing Rock, which has been our focus recently at Censored News. Today is our 10th Anniversary at Censored News. It has been published for 10 years with no ads, grants or revenues. In the big scheme of things, Twitter doesn't matter that much. Thanks for reading Censored News, Brenda

Anonymous said...

This is insane. I'm sure as anyone would know in this day and age we are lucky to have clean water. To protect what God gave us is a right. Doesn't matter if your green or yellow or orange these people are living proof of their culture and they have the right to protect it. This is "gods creation" "Earth" "clean water" "clean air" "good food" and "good farming land"...many many prayers sent up and your way. I hope some light can be shed on this soon.

Unknown said...

This is horrible and needs to be seen by the world.

I found a way around the block on twitter. I had this tiny URL created and it just allowed me to post this article to Twitter and Facebook after it being previously blocked.

Use this URL instead....

Peace and prayers to all of you defending our water.

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell said...

Thanks Brenda. I tried the tiny URL, and Twitter still blocked my Tweet. I'm not sure if it is blocking others when using tiny URLs. Best, Brenda, Censored News

Unknown said...

PLEASE READ!!! If you are at all upset about the situation with the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota, and the Governor calling the National Guard against peaceful protestors, OR
If you have any problem with a total lack of transparency in government: PLEASE call your Senator, and CALL GOV. DALYRIMPLE'S ODFFICE.
I just called and the woman said they have "no comment". I said we as the public want to have some transparency as to what is going on there, and she said he and his office are "not releasing any information about it". How convenient! (are you at all surprised that he is a smug white male Republican??).
The number to his office is 701-328-2200. PLEASE CALL.

April Thompson said...

I've left messages with Senator Dick Durbin & Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, for all the good that does! Durbin's intern in DC was quite testy, as if he was fed up with listening to the hundreds of fellow protesters calling and demanding the senator take a stand against the Black Snake! As for Bustos, her person in Saukenuk (alias Rock Island, IL) was far more reasonable... but I haven't forgotten how she voted FOR McCain & Flake's land grab from the Apache, and I let her know I knew, too!

Unknown said...

Tried to watch the videos and they would not open. Censorship at it's worse

alytron said...

They ask, that's how.

Anonymous said...

For the love of God people, Please do not bastardize what the protectors where doing by turning this into a hate/racial mentality. Keep it real! People with money and influence bullying people to take what is their God given right to have. Water. My prayers are with you all.

alytron said...

You and I may not have committed those atrocious crimes, bit we directly benefit from them still to this day.

We also directly benefit from white supremacy.

We didn't ask to do so, and almost no one is suggesting we actually are personally responsible for, say, the trail of tears, but what we have to do is stop being so effing defensive and start owning this reality.

Instead of being upset that marginalized and oppressed groups do not trust the group you belong to and may feel unsafe with you as a member of the oppressing class, try focusing on dismantling that oppressive system. Use your white privilege for good, use it against white supremacy, put your defensive feelings aside and recognize that you're putting your hurt feelings above the actual oppression of people of colour.

Women tend to be more wary of men, more careful around men, less trusting of strange men, etc then they are around women because, well obviously because of reality and history and experience.

Basically, if you don't like being 'grouped' as white, do something about the actual causes of that and consider the actual reasons for it rather than blaming indigenous people for not catering to your feels. Sit with your defensiveness, consider where it's coming from. Then put it aside and look at what people are actually saying, because your 'bow down and pay me back' bs is a product of your imagination, fueled by fear and prejudice and emotion, not reality.

B. Sadie B. said...

PEOPLE! STOP fighting! do something useful! CALL your representaitives. CALL the Morton County representatives. Call the Morton County Jail and voice your concerns (701-667-3330) CAL or email the North Dakota Attorney General will respond to emails. ndag(at)nd(dot)gov You should receive a reply within two business days. Or call 701 328-2210. TTY: 800 366-6888. CALL and petition president Obama. Or GO to Standing Rock and stand with these people! Facebook is NOT gonna do. Standing Rock Sioux need us. NOW>

ps - post this or any videos you have on youtube or any other media source. Write articles to your local paper. Get off of facebook and DO something!

lrcrn54@yahoo.cim said...

Dear Lord, please, stop the rule of the few over the many. This pipeline DOES NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT IF THE GENERAL PUBLIC!!!!!!! I stand in support of the protesters!!!! From Oregon!!!!!!

DznyChica said...

Not everyone who looks "white" is white. I'm still looking for that place on a map. Never found it. I happen to be part native, but if you saw me you would never guess. We are all one people. And the people need to be together and fight these bastards!

Dianne Pola said...

I continue to breathe - and drink (relatively) clean water when thirsty. This is a right for all. I support those in ND and all other places where we are standing up for human rights. Thank you, God.

Unknown said...

Please keep posting these videos, I am just one, but I am re-posting and praying for all of you and our mother earth!

Unknown said...

What was that our politicians were saying about citizens not needing high capacity guns? You know, the sort that these police officers were using to infringe on the citizens' rights of peaceful assembly. Something about "times are different now, the people would never need to fight for their liberties again"?

Anonymous said...

Likely the reason why things are being blocked is because of systems that automatically sense excessive traffic coming from a source. It helps to keep websites from being SPAMMED, hacked or under a "Denial-of-service attack". It's not a person thing, it's done by automated systems. Using other connections (such as posting in different places and sending links) will temporarily get around this until too many people do it. Strength and peace to those who are defending the water.


SEPT. 29, 2016

Anonymous said...

are we living in 2016 or 1876??..government will be sending in Custer and the 7th Cavalry next.amazing how nothing really changes.

Wild Oglala said...

People can try to devide each other because of their own selfish opinions but the bigger picture is our people need to communicate better we need thousands and thousands of us to go and stop construction everyday we stop them in a peaceful and sacred way we meet our objective let's stay united all nations all races let's forget about politics and put the need to protect first we are all connected! We need people to have diplomatic immunity but in all reality according to their treaties we do we are sovereign we need coordination compliance and accountability and lots and lots of lawyers! The police are trying to escalate everything we need thousands to act as one in self discipline!

Unknown said...

Why is everything a race issue come on wake up its wrong period you dont wanna trust no white people cuz of some we didnt all come out the same vagina yah know were not all the same its about everybodys future your spirit is the same color as mine so please focus on the big issue at hand and not what the government wants to start a race war so they can sit back and watch us all kill eachother

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe the cops thought they needed MRAP armored vehicles, snipers and automatic weapons to arrest a bunch of unarmed people peacefully protesting.

kat newkirk said...

i am with you in my heart and i pray for your safety and success. i have posted this to facebook and sent the link to the clinton campaign.

Ms Talara said...

posted it on FB

Anonymous said...

��treasure please dont poison it Government you poisoned us all enough can we at least have our water

Censored News, publisher Brenda Norrell said...

Greg Grey Cloud, Lakota, is free after a bogus warrant, and a night in jail. Read the article at Censored News.

Anonymous said...

yes, don't start the race thing. it's a government thing which is made of many nationalities. I'm 1/2 white, 1/2 NDN. Can't say that I care less cos I'm 1/2 white. I grew up with as many, if not more NDNs than whites.

Unknown said...

I am sharing as much as I can and telling people about what is going on. Our government is not right. Haven't been for a long time. Wish I could be there in person. My heart, soul and prayers are with you all.

Bungle said...

I am a tribal member of the Osage nation, now living in Canada, and my heart goes out to all of the protesters.

Just My 02 cents said...

Twitter is censoring links to this site. When trying to tweet them me & some other people are getting this message: "This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later." I got this message on 2 different blog posts.

WORKAROUND for right now is to use Google URL shortener. I was able to tweet links to this site that way.

We WON'T be silenced!!

Anonymous said...

#DontForgetFlint #WaterIsLife #NoDAPL #NoTPP #NoFracking #OilIsTheRootOfAllEvil #AllTribesMatter

Anonymous said...

You will never win a war against a government, police force or military by saying what you think and standing strong in physical form.

Take some time and study some coding languages, learn how the internet actually works and how computers read each other, then use that knowledge to fight back.

*I'm not telling you to do any of this! I am simply expressing that in this day in age you can do more damage with knowledge and the internet than a stand in.

Unknown said...

That is some bullshit. Native should go with weapons and kick the off your land.

Anonymous said...

Have been watching and posting from Pocatello, ID. Prayers and blessings around all of you who stand to protect the water. I stand for you. Send money to support caravans and people traveling there with supplies and support. This is Wounded Knee all over. Stand strong this is a moment in history.

Anonymous said...

I too am white and I fully disagree with all actions taken against all of native blood. I despise corruption and the rule that this government is forcing upon its people. If I had means I would be beside you in your cause. Don't give up, you are fighting for so many who share your purpose.

Unknown said...

@ anonymous saying : yes, don't start the race thing. it's a government thing which is made of many nationalities. I'm 1/2 white, 1/2 NDN. Can't say that I care less cos I'm 1/2 white. I grew up with as many, if not more NDNs than whites.

if i could upvote here i upvote you so much /clap

phatarchives said...

We are sharing for you and please keep race out of this , not all whites are against you and alot of us will fight with you . My Great Grandmother was Indian .. so no race cards not know , we need to come together .

Anonymous said...

400+ years of oppression continue. Not just against First-Nations, but people categorized into neat little boxes and treated like trash. When will North America wake up and listen to the spiritual guidance of First-Nations people, and away from greed and oppression?

Ralph A Weible jr said...

First I need to thank everyone out there for their hard work for those of us who can not be there in the camps and on the front lines.Thank you Robin Bowen,Mat and Lennie Prinze and all the others who has contributed reporting back to us in Louisville, KY. via Facebook.Money was raised for the cause at Trail of tears POW WOW in Hopkinsville, KY.and folks were educated,prayers sent the rite way. I can only say from those of us of the eastern woodlands KEEP THE FAITH.

Anonymous said...

Was there any construction at this location?
Did the water protectors halt construction ?
Did the water protectors have a prayer ceremony ?
If sacred songs and prayers were made and construction stopped, then water protectors surrounded mother earth and skies where the eagle soared, children of the earth did protect and were protected today. Thank you.

Craig S.Thompson said...

The William Thomas Memorial Antinuclear Peace Vigil in DC, across from the White House, supports & believes in you. Keep the faith!!

Unknown said...


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