Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 7, 2024

Dine' Klee Benally 'Violence against the land is violence against the people'

Dine' Klee Benally. Video by SubMedia

"Violence against the land is violence against the people"

Dine' Klee Benally: Colonialism, police and genocide in the U.S.

Klee speaks on how colonialism, capitalism and police are part of the dynamic affecting violence against women and the destruction of sacred places, and the roles of Treaties and sovereignty.

Klee shares the Indigenous way of being and peacemaking in parallel to police and prisons, and the need for the restoration of traditional Indigenous systems for healing.

Watch the video, in English, with new French subtitles by Christine Prat. Klee passed to the Spirit World in December.

Klee's book, finished shortly before his passing, can be ordered at Detritus Books.

"No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred"

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