Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

February 23, 2025

Tuba City Awareness Walk to Shut Down Uranium Mine and Halt Radioactive Trucks

Awareness Walk in Tuba City. Photo by Dawn Dyer, Censored News

Tuba City Awareness Walk to Shut Down Pinyon Plain Uranium Mine in the Grand Canyon and Halt Radioactive Haul Trucks
Photos by Dawn Dyer, Censored News

Awareness Walk in Tuba City. Photo by Dawn Dyer, Censored News

Awareness Walk in Tuba City. Photo by Dawn Dyer, Censored News

Awareness Walk, Tuba City, Navajo Nation. Photo Dawn Dyer, Censored News


Dine' Tree Jones, founder of the grassroots group Bidi Roots, organized the Walk in Tuba City on the Navajo Nation on Saturday, with Haul NO! and Dine' CARE.

"An Awareness Walk in Tuba City to share information on the recent negotiations between Energy Fuels and the Navajo Nation Tribal Leadership which have now permitted the previous illegal transport of uranium ore from the Pinyon Plain Mine, near the Grand Canyon, to White Mesa Mill in Southeastern Utah," Bidi Roots said.

The radioactive haul trucks are endangering everyone from Energy Fuels Pinyon Plain uranium mine in the Havasupai's ancestral homeland, known as the Grand Canyon. Everyone who lives in the region is at risk -- Havasupai, Hualapai, Paiute, Dine', Hopi, Ute, and the residents of the City of Flagstaff.

Bidi Roots has been live-streaming the trucks, two a day, passing through Tuba City on weekdays, endangering Dine'. The deadly trucks are transporting radioactive uranium ore, covered only with tarps, on the route on the Navajo Nation, from Cameron to Tuba City, Kayenta and Mexican Water in Arizona. From there, the radioactive trucks cross the state line into Utah where White Mesa Utes are suffering from Energy Fuels radioactive uranium mill. The uranium mill is now bringing in radioactive waste from Japan and Europe.

Videos of the community forum and more on Facebook and Instagram

Photos copyright Dawn Dyer

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