By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English with Dutch translation
The UN climate summit will be in Paris this year, in late November and December. Although many world leaders will just waste time and money there -- there will also be grassroots Indigenous delegations focused on the land, water and air. During the UN climate summit in Cancun, there was non-stop action, learning and speakers at the La Via Campesina camp and pavilion. Bolivia President Evo Morales was among the speakers beneath the canopy. It meant that all of us without credentials, or who just wanted to be with grassroots people, had a powerful and happy time -- outside and beyond UN COP and its military forces. So, Paris isn't exactly Cochabamba, but great grassroots Indigenous are planning to be there.
In the news today, the Obama administration gives Shell final approval for drilling in Arctic:
US EPA sends Navajo farmers contaminated water after Gold King mine spill in Animas River:
Dine' chase Arizona Sen. McCain off the Navajo Nation: Days of stealing land and water rights for corporations are over
The first statement to arrive at Censored News is from Istanbul. It is the Muslim Declaration on Climate Change.
Islamic Climate Declaration calls for fossil fuel phase out Istanbul, Turkey
(August 18, 2015) Islamic leaders from 20 countries today launched a bold Climate Change Declaration to engage the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims on the issue of our time. Adopted by the 60 participants at the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium, (Istanbul, 17-18 August) the Declaration urges governments to deliver a strong, new international climate agreement in Paris this December that signals the end of the road for polluting fossil fuels by creating architecture that will give us a chance of limiting global warming above pre-industrial levels to 2, or preferably 1.5, degrees Celsius.
Read more:
https://s.bsd.net/ ourvoicesnet/main/page/file/ 3c0511c6ca4f366d66_r2m6bx8nf. pdf
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette, thank you!
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English with Dutch translation
The UN climate summit will be in Paris this year, in late November and December. Although many world leaders will just waste time and money there -- there will also be grassroots Indigenous delegations focused on the land, water and air. During the UN climate summit in Cancun, there was non-stop action, learning and speakers at the La Via Campesina camp and pavilion. Bolivia President Evo Morales was among the speakers beneath the canopy. It meant that all of us without credentials, or who just wanted to be with grassroots people, had a powerful and happy time -- outside and beyond UN COP and its military forces. So, Paris isn't exactly Cochabamba, but great grassroots Indigenous are planning to be there.
In the news today, the Obama administration gives Shell final approval for drilling in Arctic:
US EPA sends Navajo farmers contaminated water after Gold King mine spill in Animas River:
Dine' chase Arizona Sen. McCain off the Navajo Nation: Days of stealing land and water rights for corporations are over
The first statement to arrive at Censored News is from Istanbul. It is the Muslim Declaration on Climate Change.
Islamic Climate Declaration calls for fossil fuel phase out Istanbul, Turkey
(August 18, 2015) Islamic leaders from 20 countries today launched a bold Climate Change Declaration to engage the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims on the issue of our time. Adopted by the 60 participants at the International Islamic Climate Change Symposium, (Istanbul, 17-18 August) the Declaration urges governments to deliver a strong, new international climate agreement in Paris this December that signals the end of the road for polluting fossil fuels by creating architecture that will give us a chance of limiting global warming above pre-industrial levels to 2, or preferably 1.5, degrees Celsius.
Read more:
Thanks to OurVoices Press Officer Vanya for shairng with Censored News.
UN Conference on Climate Change COP 21
http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/enDutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette, thank you!
* Grassroots inheemsen maken zich klaar voor de VN klimaattop in Parijs
Door Brenda Norrell, Censored News: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.be/2015/08/grassroots-indigenous-prepare-for-un.html
Vertaald door NAIS (with permission from Brenda Norrell): www.denaisgazet.be
De VN klimaattop zal in Parijs plaatshebben op het einde van november-
Alhoewel veel wereldleiders enkel maar geld en tijd zullen verspillen zullen er ook grassroots inheemse delegaties aanwezig zijn voor het land, het water en de lucht.
Tijdens de klimaattop in Cancun 2010 werden aan het La Via Campensina non-stop acties, en lezingen gehouden.
President Evo Morales was een der sprekers onder de huif. Dat wil zeggen dat ieder van ons zonder geloofsbrieven, of iedereen die gewoon samen wou zijn met grassroots een geweldige tijd had- achter en uit het zicht van UN COP en zijn militaire strijdmacht.
Parijs is nu niet bepaald Cochabamba, maar aanzienlijke grassroots inheemsen maken zich klaar om erbij te zijn.
Vandaag in het nieuws, Obama geeft Shell de definitieve goedkeuring voor boringen in Arctica:
US EPA zendt Navajo boeren besmet water na Gold King Spill in Animas Rivier: http://kunm.org/post/navajo-farmers-epa-sent-us-more-contaminated-water#stream/0
Dine’ jagen John McCain van hun land: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/08/dine-protesters-chase-john-mccain-off.html
De eerste verklaring die Censored News bereikte komt van Istambul.
Het is de Moslim Verklaring over klimaatverandering.
Islamic Climate Declaration calls for fossil fuel phase out Istanbul, Turkey
18 augustus, 2015-08-19
Islamitische leiders uit meer dan 20 landen hebben vandaag een krachtdadige klimaatverandering verklaring gelanceerd om de 1.6 miljard Moslims van over de hele wereld te betrekken op de problemen van onze tijd.
60 deelnemers aan het ‘International Islamic Climate Change Symposium’ (Istanbul 17-18 augustus) hebben de verklaring aangenomen.
In de verklaring manen zij de regeringen aan dat zij in Parijs tot een nieuw internationale klimaat overeenkomst moeten komen die een einde maakt aan de vervuilende fossiele brandstoffen.
Read more:
Thanks to OurVoices Press Officer Vanya for shairng with Censored News.
UN Conference on Climate Change COP 21
Climate express, Belgium
Move the Climate
De klimaattop is hét moment om massaal op straat te komen en de wereld te eisen waarvan we weten dat ze binnen ons bereik ligt: een wereld met een economie die werkt voor mens en planeet.
Wij geven het startschot met een gigantische klimaatmars en sluiten de top af met een straf staaltje creatief verzet.
Met de trein, de fiets en de bus brengen we minstens 10.000 Belgen naar Parijs!
Voor meer info: www.climate-express.eu
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