Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

April 22, 2013

Mohawk Nation News 'Vigilantism'


MNN. Apr. 22, 2013. Vigilantes take the law into their own hands, backed by militancy, bigotry and suspicion, without facts.  The mainstream media unleashes propaganda to empower the mob of vigilantes.
Vigilantes stone and kill an elder.
Vigilantes stone and kill an elder.

During the Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990, Canada and Quebec  directed vigilantism against the Mohawks. On August 28, 1990 a convoy of 75 cars carrying Mohawk mothers, children and elders left the Kahnawake community on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River across from Montreal. Many were the sick and elderly. They were being removed ahead of a forewarned Canadian Army attack on Kahnawake. 
Quebec Police, posing as part of the mob, forced the cars to remain on the bridge for 7 hours on one of the hottest days of the summer. On the other side of the Mercier Bridge a white crowd was being organized. Prejudice was spurred on by a local popular radio announcer, Gilles Proulx, urging people to kill “les sauvages”. 
Ambulances were let through after patients were examined by the crowd. A young woman in labor had her cervix examined by the mob. When the cars started to move, the crowd pelted the vehicles with rocks while the out-of-uniform Quebec Police directed or looked on.  One elderly man was killed. None were charged or went to trial.   
Vigilantism is psychological warfare designed to undermine the will to fight. We were “extremists” who had to be brought under control. The issues was our objection to the town of Oka expanding a golf course over our burial grounds and ceremonial market 
Stories of violence and chaos were churned out “The government keeps you safe”. “One global government is needed”, was repeatedly screamed. “Everybody wants peace, not bloodshed”. 
Real reason for false flags
We were dangerous. The kasastensera kowa sa oiera placed us on land to which we have natural ties. Our resources are needed by those trying to set up a one world government whose strength is declining. Their weakness is their dependence on the resources of the Indigenous which they have to steal.  The resistance to theft imperils their future. False flags are smoke screens. Harper’s vision
Police line at Caledonia 2006. Oka, Caledonia, now Boston.
Police line at Caledonia 2006. Oka, Caledonia, now Boston.
In 1990 brainwashing messages were sent out all hours of the day and night. Lies about the Mohawks and nationalism were spouted on the airwaves. The target and the public were beaten into submission. The Mohawks were being prepared for the massacre that was to follow. The army landed on an offshore island to go door to door into our houses. Thousands of unarmed Mohawks young and old, women and men, girls and boys, ran over the small bridge or swam to the island. They backed and disarmed the soldiers. The military had to send in a contingent to rescue them. 
Mohawks defend the land.
When army comes to your home, the men stand up to protect the women and children.
The 1990 crisis was a false flag, studied by the PTB and used in the business plan for Boston. Canada held a conference in 2009 in Montreal on “Adapting to a New World Order”. As Sarah McLachlan sings: “You come out at night. That’s when the energy comes. And he dark side’s light. And the vampires roam. …you’re setting up your razor wire shrine!” Building a mystery
Boston false flag
Glenn Beck about Boston
Rocks at Whiskey trench
OPP raid Caledonia 2006
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

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Mohawk Nation News :
NAIS Gazette
BRON: Censored News
Vigilantes nemen, gerugsteund door vechtlust, fanatisme en achterdocht, de wet in eigen handen.
Het vigilante gespuis wordt geholpen door de mainstream media met propaganda.
Tijdens de Mohawk Oka crisis van 1990, organiseerden Canada en Quebec de vigilanten tegen de Mohawks.
Op 28 augustus,1990 verliet een konvooi van 75 auto’s, geladen met moeders, kinderen en ouderen de Kahnawake gemeenschap van de zuidkust van de st.Lawrence River doorheen Montreal.
Velen waren ziek en bejaard.
Zij hadden de waarschuwing gekregen dat het Canadese leger een aanval zou uitvoeren op  Kahnawake.
De Quebec politie dwong de auto’s 7 uur lang op de brug te blijven op een van de heetste dagen van de zomer.
Ondertussen werd aan de overkant van de Mercier brug een blanke massa georganiseerd.
Deze werden aangevoerd door Gilles Prouix,een lokale populaire radio omroeper die opriep om de “wilden” (les sauvages) te doden.
Ambulances werden enkel doorgelaten nadat het gespuis  de patienten had onderzocht.
Bij een jonge vrouw in barensweeën werd haar baarmoeder onderzocht door de omstaanders .
Toen de auto’s in beweging kwamen werden ze  bekogeld met stenen terwijl een Quebec agent in burger aanwijzingen gaf en toekeek.
Een oudere man werd gedood. Geen enkele aanvaller werd aangeklaagd .
Vigilantisme is psychologische oorlogsvoering ontworpen om de wil om te strijden te ondermijnen. Wij waren de “extremisten” die onder controle gebracht moesten worden.
De kwestie waar het om ging was ons bezwaar tegen de uitbreiding van een golfbaan over onze begraafgronden en ceremonie site.....
In 1990 werden er  alle uren van de dag en nacht berichten rondgestuurd om de hersenen te spoelen.
Leugens over de Mohawks en nationalisme werden op de radiogolven uitgebraakt.
Hun doel en het publiek werd geranseld tot overgave.
De Mohawks werden voorbereid op het bloedbad dat nog moest komen.
Het leger landde op een eiland waarna ze deur na deur de woningen binnenbraken.
Duizenden ongewapende Mohawks, jong en oud, vrouwen en mannen, meisjes en jongens, liepen over de smalle brug of zwommen naar het eiland.
Zij ontwapenden de soldaten. Het leger moest hen ontzetten.

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