Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

June 15, 2018

Video Exposes Border Patrol Running Over Tohono O'odham in Topawa Today

Video exposes U.S. Border Patrol agent intentionally run over young Tohono O'odham man in Topawa community on the Tohono O'odham Nation on Thursday, June 14, 2018.
The Border Patrol agent fled the scene in this hit and run, and the O'odham victim was treated at the hospital.

Watch video on Facebook:


O'odham in Mexico on Facebook post:
Esto paso en la comunidad de Topawa. El joven oodham empiezo de grabar cuando miro un agente de aduanas y protección fronteriza parkeado en la casa abandonada de su abuela. Esto paso ayer a las 630pm.
This happened yesterday at 630pm in the Topawa community.
This happened in the community of Topawa. Young O'odham starts recording when I look at a customs agent and border protection parked at his grandmother's abandoned house. This happened yesterday at 6:30 pm.
This happened yesterday at 6:30pm in the Topawa community.

Click on image below to view video:

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