Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 31, 2019

Ancient Warriors aid in defense of the land by Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham

Photo ABC News
"Truck with Trump wall material out of Tucson headed west onto State Highway 86. The same type of dangerous hazardous loads crossing O'odham lands every day. State highway 86 is located in the middle of the Tohono O'odham Nation, federal reservation." -- Ofelia Rivas. Photos above and below by Ofelia Rivas.

Ancient Warriors aid in defense of the land by Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham

By Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham
Censored News

The ancient warriors have aided in defense of the land (this includes all, original people, plants, animals and all sacred elements.)

The natural world has not compromised its original ways of life of powerful peaceful balance and quiet gentle acknowledgment of all.

The continuous genocidal tactics and political alterations of society's protective laws, to destroy and cultivate hate, is the living legacy of these foreign invaders, from the first slaughter of civilization with weapons, diseases, chemicals and technology, we have survived.

The killing of children, women and our relatives the saguaro cactus, we will survive.

Indigenous peoples' destiny to survive is not a written manifesto by man, it is a universal mandate agreed upon by all forces and elements of the universe.

The young people are waiting for direction and leadership to confront the onslaught, yet the survival directives are innate, our knowledge is innate, as John Trudell said it is in our DNA.

The revolution of consciousness starts with an offering, an acknowledgment of all and those ancient warriors will aide.  We are here to conduct our way of life and witness.

Dine' Leoyla Cowboy is National Lawyer Guild's Legal Worker of the Year

Legal Worker Award: Leoyla Cowboy

Leoyla Cowboy is a citizen of the Dine Nation born to the Salt Water Clan (To’dikozhi). Leoyla studied Business Administration and Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. She has worked as a grassroots organizer with the Red Nation Coalition in Albuquerque and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Leoyla testified at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing on the criminalization of Indigenous people fighting resource extraction and worked with various groups on dismantling settler colonialism. Currently, she is an organizer for the Water Protector Legal Collective, prison abolitionist, and an active member of the NoDAPL political prisoners support committee.

Watch the video by Carl Williams Leoyla Cowboy dedicates award to Standing Rock prisoners. Accepting the award, Leoyla shares the fight for freedom and justice.
"Our lands are just like our grandmothers, our moms."

Leoyla Cowboy in Jamaica preparing to testify on Standing Rock
political prisoners at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Photo by Brenda Norrell
More at Censored News
Leoyla Cowboy testifies before Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Jamaica in May 2019 by Censored News:

October 30, 2019

Plaintiffs thank US House for first step Chaco Canyon protection bill

Plaintiffs Thank U.S. House for Passing First-Step Chaco Protection Bill

Industrialized fracking continues to besiege Greater Chaco communities

Contacts: Mario Atencio, Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment, 505-321-9974,
Kyle Tisdel, Western Environmental Law Center, 575-613-8050,
Rebecca Sobel, WildEarth Guardians, 267-402-0724,
Mike Eisenfeld, San Juan Citizens Alliance, 505-360-8994,
Miya King-Flaherty, Sierra Club, 505-301-0863,

SANTA FE, New Mexico — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act (H.R. 2181), which would withdraw federal minerals from new oil and gas leasing within a 10-mile buffer surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park. The bill would also provide for the termination of non-producing oil and gas leases within the designated area while acknowledging the Greater Chaco Landscape extends beyond the 10-mile buffer, and recognizes the need for additional health studies on the public health impacts of fracking in the area. Sadly, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) continues to approve new fracking in and outside of the proposed protection zone while it works toward updating its outdated resource management plans in defiance of a recent defeat in court centered on the issue.

October 21, 2019

Borderlands: Language and songs as resistance, waiting for the wall to come down

During the Borderlands Panel, Ofelia Rivas shares a painting by Casandra Productions honoring  Jakelin Caal Maquin. Jakelin, 7 years old, died in U.S. Border Patrol custody after being arrested near Lordsburg, New Mexico. Ofelia said Jakelin's death and the separation of migrant children from their parents is a continuation of the U.S. policy of genocide of Indigenous Peoples. Photo by Brenda Norrell.
Language and songs as resistance, waiting for the wall to come down

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN RAFAEL Calif. -- The United States is imprisoning migrant children and separating families. It is building a wall as a symbol of racism and separation and continuing the genocide of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas. The onslaught, however, has not silenced the languages or the songs, it has not killed the spirits.

October 20, 2019

Alcatraz to Standing Rock: Reclaiming land, water and life

Dr. LaNada War Jack

Alcatraz to Standing Rock: Reclaiming land, water and life

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- From Alcatraz to Standing Rock, the Native American rights movement has resulted in new federal laws and resulted in reclaimed lands and new realizations, said four Native Americans on an Indigenous Forum panel at the Bioneers Conference on Saturday. 
The panel -- From Alcatraz to Standing Rock, and Beyond: On the Past 50 and the Next 50 Years of Indigenous Activism -- described the ongoing destruction of industry, along with the value of the movements, making it clear that the economic paradigm of capitalism is the cause of the climate crisis.
Master of ceremonies Julian NoiseCat, Secwepmc, began by sharing news of the 50-year anniversary celebration of Alcatraz, and remembered the 19-month occupation of Alcatraz led by Indians of All Tribes.  NoiseCat honored those who stood, and asked those gathered to stand who were there at the occupation of Alcatraz.

NoiseCat joined Dr. LaNada War Jack, Bannock; Clayton Thomas-Muller, Mathias Colomb Cree/aka Pukatawagan and Ross K'dee, Pomo.

Dr. LaNada War Jack, Shoshone Bannock, said she was sent to San Francisco on BIA relocation when she was 18 years old. At that time in the Bay area, blacks had a program to send people to the University of California at Berkeley and she asked if she could be included. At the college, she helped create the Native American Student Group for Berkeley. This resulted in Native American groups at the universities throughout California. 

When a plan was announced to turn Alcatraz over to a billionaire for a casino, Native people decided to claim the island in accordance with Treaty rights.

Remembering the 19-month occupation, War Jack remembered the 19 Hopi who were incarcerated at Alcatraz. These were strong religious leaders and there were others incarerated here: Apache, Shoshone, Paiute and Bannock leaders were incarcerated at Alcatraz.

"All of our leaders were taken to Alcatraz as well," War Jack said.

Their leader chosen for the occupation at Alcatraz was Richard Oakes. Sadly, his daughter was killed and he was there for only six weeks.

At Alcatraz, they worked on the proposal for Thunderbird University. They also received $50,000 and created the Bay Area Native American Council, who negotiated with the federal government. She said at the time, the occupiers of Alcatraz were being accused of not having the support of the older generation, so this council was created for negotiations with the federal government.

"Here it is 50 years late and I am still alive," War Jack said.

War Jack pointed out that the tribal governments today are not the same as the Native governing bodies of long ago. The patriarchy now is a result of the oppression that Europeans brought, and it came with the trauma of boarding schools. It is the same system that kept the people from speaking their languages and carrying out their religions.

Speaking of the prayers at sunrise on Alcatraz, she encouraged prayers at sunrise, offering prayers to the sunrays, which send these blessings back to earth. Singing impacts the light.

Ross K'dee, Pomo, remembered Richard Oakes who married and a Pomo. K'dee said the Oakes family continues to do good work in the Pomo community. K'dee said his own grandfather was the director of the Intertribal Friendship House in Oakland and helped negotiate between the Alcatraz occupiers and the government.

"Alcatraz resulted in the reclaiming of lands all over the country," K'dee said.

From Alcatraz, many people went to DQ, where the same Treaty was used to claim land for DQ University, near Davis, California. But there were other lands reclaimed at the same time, that remain reclaimed lands by Treaty today, K'dee said.

K'dee expressed his love and appreciation for the allies in the movement. "We need allies on the frontline, especially when they come with the pepper spray."

K'dee spoke of the old-growth forest, salmon and natural beings being lost to destruction.

Clayton Thomas Muller, Cree, began with respect to Coastal Miwok ancestors. Clayton said that while growing up in Winnipeg, he was part of the Manitoba Warriors and in gang culture. This changed when he was taken to the Sundance. Today, the goal, he said, is to help young people decolonize their minds and re-establish their sacredness.

"Today young people have stepped up and are leading the climate movement."

Clayton said Greta Thunberg stepped up, but Indigenous young people have been leading the climate movement all along. An amazing 900,000 marched in Canada on Climate Strike Day. It was the largest ever, he said.

As for the strong movement to halt the tar sands mining and transport, he said, "The story is not over." 

Speaking of the Native Youth Movement, he said, "We have been knocking down pipelines one after another."

"We need the impossible."

Urging non-violent civil disobedience, he said, "In the Cree way, we talk about the 7 generations."

"We need to trust our children and youth. Lift them up."

"It's a race against time to give our people hope," Clayton said. "It is important to remember the spiritual aspect of the work."

"Standing Rock was a global teaching moment," he said. It was the largest gathering ever of its kind. Standing Rock camps became the fifth largest city in North Dakota.

Clayton said Standing Rock shares with us a simple natural teaching, "Mni Wiconi. Water is Life."

"They gave the world a spiritual teaching necessary if we are going to solve the global climate crisis."

Clayton made it clear that climate change and the tar sands are symptoms of a problem: The economic paradigm of capitalism.

Clayton said we spend nine months of our life in the amniotic fluid of our mothers, inside our mother's womb. And we hear the heartbeat of our mother.

"That is your shared experience."

LaNada War Jack attended UC Berkeley starting in 1968 and became very active in social change movements, including with the Third World Liberation Front that fought to establish ethnic studies programs and in the 1969 Native American take-over of Alcatraz Island. She is the author of the upcoming: Native Resistance: An Intergenerational Fight for Survival and Life.

She is the author of the upcoming: Native Resistance: An Intergenerational Fight for Survival and Life. Note: LaNada's new book, Native Resistance: An Intergenerational Fight for Survival and Life, will be out this November and will be available on her website:
Alcatraz captured the world’s attention and led to real policy changes to improve the lives of Native American peoples through increased self-determination. Since then, generations of activists have followed in those footsteps and vigorously fought racist, sexist, and classist U.S. government policies."

In this historic panel we’ll hear from Indigenous activists from three generations who were on the frontlines, respectively, at Alcatraz, Standing Rock, and other struggles, as they compare notes and discuss their visions of the next 50 years of Indigenous activism. Julian NoiseCat (Secwepmc); LaNada War Jack (Bannock); Clayton Thomas-Muller (Mathias Colomb Cree/aka Pukatawagan) and Ross K'dee (Pomo.)  -- Bioneers

Censored News series at Bioneers

Borderlands, language and songs as resistance, waiting for the wall to come down by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Alcatraz to Standing Rock, reclaiming land, water and life by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Valarie Kauer 'Birthing in Revolutionary Love' at Bioneers by Brenda Norrell
Climate Justice, a voice from Mississippi at Bioneers by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Nina Simons on 'Living Juicy' and remembering her mother at Bioneers by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Terry Tempest Williams: Castle Rock is alive. It has a heartbeat. By Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Clayton Thomas Muller 'Life in the City of Dirty Water' by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Bioneers celebrates healing, regeneration and democracy by Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Article copyright Censored News.

October 19, 2019

Valarie Kaur 'Birthing in Revolutionary Love' at Bioneers

In Memory of Balbir Singh Sodhi
Murdered in a hate crime for wearing a turban in Mesa, Arizona
Sept. 15, 2001
Birthing in Revolutionary Love

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- Valarie Kaur began her talk on Revolutionary Love with thanks to the Miwok people and ancestors.
"What if this not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?"
Speaking to those gathered at the Bioneers Conference, Valarie said the murder of her Sikh friend, an uncle, on the streets of Mesa, Arizona, made her an activist.
"Hate crimes have skyrocketed."

Climate Justice: A Voice from Mississippi at Bioneers

The face of climate justice today

By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- With joy and the heart of a mother, Mississippi activist Heather McTeer Toney rallied those gathered at the Bioneers Conference to realize that they are the face of the climate justice movement today.

Toney, is the National Field Director of Moms Clean Air Force. Toney was born and raised in Greenville, Mississippi. She was elected Greenville's first African-American, first female, and youngest ever Mayor at the age of 27. After her 2nd term, she became Regional Administrator for the EPA’s Southeast Region, appointed by President Obama.

Nina Simons on 'Living Juicy' and remembering her mother at Bioneers

Migrant children in cages and missing and murdered Indigenous women remembered, as Nina Simons remembers her own mother and Mother Earth

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- Cofounder of Bioneers Nina Simons remembered her mother as the Bioneers Conference began on Friday, "She showed me how we can reshape ourselves at any age," Nina told the crowd gathered for the 30th anniversary Bioneers Conference. The think tank on climate, nature, the arts, democracy and the future, includes 250 Indigenous participants and 51 Native presenters.
Nina said we must not focus only on hope and beginnings, but on history, while reclaiming our connection to our own Spirit and Mother Earth.

October 18, 2019

Bioneers celebrates healing, regeneration and democracy

Tara Trudell, daughter of John Trudell, with Ashara Ekundayo, Independent curator, author of the upcoming Artist As First Responder; and Angela Wellman, trombonist, scholar, educator, founder, Oakland Public Conservatory of Music. 

Celebrating truth and beauty at Bioneers

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- The Bioneers Conference celebrated 30 years today, with speakers sharing powerful talks on healing, democracy and the state of the news, with a large group of Indigenous presenters and youths present.
Cara Romero, Chemehuevi, said there are 51 Indigenous presenters here, and 250 Natives attending from 99 different Nations at Bioneers.  Romero is the program director of the Bioneers Indigeneity program.
Julian Noisecat, Indigenous Resistance youth presenter, described the Canoe Journey to Alcatraz. and how Alcatraz has been a vision of resistance.

Facebook, Google and the News
The inspiring speakers include Monika Bauerlein, CEO of Mother Jones speaking on the oppression of journalists, especially in Turkey. She described how Facebook makes money "by catering to anger and fear."
In 2017, Facebook began decreasing news appearing in feeds.
"Journalists are losing their jobs faster than coal miners," she told the crowd. At the same time, propaganda and disinformation are on the rise. This is not a coincidence.
Bauerlein said there is hope. There are now 2,000 people working in non-profit newsrooms. She points out that non-profits like Mother Jones have the freedom to write what others, like the New York Times, do not have the freedom to write or publish.
Earlier, Eve Ensler, author of Vagina Monologues, spoke on the sincere apologies necessary from those carrying out sexual and physical violence to their victims.
Other powerful speakers described healing, democracy and regeneration.
Cara thanked San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for sponsoring Native youths.

Sacred Rage and Love
During the afternoon session, Eve Ensler, author of Vagina Monologues, said, everyone needs a crew, a posse, someone who has your back.
"Who do you have in your corner, who do you have that has your back?" She said each person needs people who celebrate them and make them feel safe. Ensler is speaking the panel presentation, "Grief, Sacred Rage, Reckoning and Revolutionary Love."
Bioneers says: "These are the most extraordinary writers, activists and thought leaders of our era: Terry Tempest Williams, Eve Ensler, and Valarie Kaur." 
Bioneers writes, "For too long women in general and women of color even more pointedly have been told to suppress their grief and rage 
in the name of love and forgiveness. No more. How do we reclaim our emotions in the labor of loving others? What might authentic reckoning, apology, and transformation look like, personally and politically, and where would they ultimately lead us?"
Williams is an award-winning nature author from Utah, who has been arrested for civil disobedience. She spoke earlier on protecting Bears Ears, and the destruction of the oil and gas industry in the Aneth oilfields and elsewhere.
Ensler is the author of Vagina Monologues. She was sexually abused by her father from the age of five to the time she was ten years old. She described the process of healing and how there is a need for a sincere apology from those carrying out sexual and domestic violence. She described her journey to forgive her father.
During the afternoon session, Ensler said, "The most dangerous thing we can do is to be truly loving."
Ensler said, that she once had a pattern of giving all her friends a gift if she felt jealous of them and their success. She said there were lots of people getting gifts that year.
Valarie Kaur is speaking now on love and sacred rage. Kaur is an American civil rights activist, documentary filmmaker, lawyer, educator and faith leader. She was born and raised in Clovis, California, where her family settled as Sikh farmers in 1913.
"You are enough!" Kaur said, at the conclusion of the session attended by hundreds.

Grandmother's Blessings
An incredible keynote speaker today at the Bioneers Conference is Jerry Tello. Tello spoke of his grandmother and her blessings and how she woke at 4 a.m. to talk with the plants. Of course, as a child, he thought she was crazy. But later as a teen, with Fs in high school history and algebra, he considered taking his own life. But then, there on the streets of Compton, he smelled the scent of his grandmother, he felt her presence, and once again she brought him the blessing.
With great humor, Tello shared his life stories today, and added after this blessing as a teen, that he walked around the tree and found a 20 dollar bill. He encouraged everyone to bless everyone you meet.
Tello also remembered his mother and the life lessons she shared. He grew up with no thought of being poor, but then there were always the beans every day at meals. Now, he realized those beans, picking out the rocks from the dry beans with his mother, was a life lesson, about taking out what is not good for you in life. And yes, he would love to taste again his mother's beans.
Jerry Tello of Mexican, Texan and Coahuiltecan ancestry, raised in South Central Los Angeles, has worked for 40+ years as a leading expert in transformational healing for men and boys of color; racial justice; peaceful community mobilization; and providing domestic violence awareness, healing and support services to war veterans and their spouses. He currently works with the Sacred Circles Center in Whittier, California and is a member of its performance group.

Climbing Poetree! Great performance, hip hop spoken word.
Artists respond at the edges of birth and death

Bioneers writes, "This multimedia storytelling circle centers the embodied experiences of artists rescuing, making, and stewarding creative pursuits on the frontline edges of catastrophe and celebration—as in hurricane, as in border patrol, as in right to choose, as in ring shout! Join four 'culture-doulas' who will share strategies and tactics for survival and regeneration through images, songs and words."

Tara Trudell, daughter of John Trudell, is with Ashara Ekundayo, Independent curator, author of the upcoming Artist As First Responder; Tara Trudell, multimedia artist, photographer, poet, organizer; Angela Wellman, trombonist, scholar, educator, founder, Oakland Public Conservatory of Music. Tara Trudell is a socially and environmentally “engaged” multimedia artist who weaves poetry, photography, film, and audio components into her work. Recently she has tackled issues such as the crisis at the USA/Mexico border. One of her techniques consists of writing poems about topics, then rolling the poems into paper beads that become prayers that transport each poem’s purpose and energy into the world.

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Photo Cara by Brenda, publisher Censored News.

October 17, 2019

Mohawk Nation News 'E Vote Trap'


Posted on October 17, 2019

Mohawk Nation News

MNN. 17 Oct. 2019. Please post and distribute.


October 16, 2019

More than 70 International Faith Leaders urge Adani: Abandon mega coal mine in Queensland, Australia

More than 70 international faith leaders urge Adani to abandon his mega coal mine in Queensland, Australia 

Censored News
Date: 17 October, 2019

More than 70 religious leaders from fifteen countries have signed an open letter, calling on Adani Group chairman, Gautam Adani, to step away from the Carmichael Coal Project which threatens to destroy the lands of the Wangan and Jagalingou people, kill more of the Great Barrier Reef and further destabilise the climate.

Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Christian, Muslim and Jewish signatories, including many high-ranking leaders, have urged the billionaire industrialist to build Adani into a force for good that provides affordable, and clean energy to people, and doesn’t increase their risk of being harmed by climate disasters.

Credit Suisse makes step toward Indigenous rights after mediation by Society for Threatened Peoples

Credit Suisse makes a step toward  indigenous rights

In response to the effort made by Credit Suisse, Dineh (Navajo) attorney Michelle Cook said more is needed. Referring to the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Standing Rock Water Protectors who stood against it, Cook said:

'Considering that Credit Suisse provided corporate finance, not project finance to DAPL, this provision will do little to prevent another scandal and indigenous human rights abuses from occurring. As expected they are only including this Free, Prior, and Informed Consent provision toward project finance and not towards all investments maintaining their legal fictions that human rights only apply to projects, not to their business partners and all investments. We are still demanding a remedy, and still demanding a total exclusion and banishment of companies like ETP and Enbridge from their investment portfolios for indigenous human rights violations. We are not finished with you yet Credit Suisse, you can bet on that!'

Thankful for all the hard work by indigenous divestment advocates, thankful to all the lawyers who collected the human rights violations at the encampments, and for the IPLP program who continues to submit these abuses to international human rights bodies to seek justice for victims of extractive industries and the criminalization of our movements!
#divest #divestinvestprotect #NODAPL #StopLine3 #indigenousrights

By Society for Threatened Peoples

Censored News

Today, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the Swiss bank Credit Suisse concluded a mediation process, facilitated by the Swiss National Contact Point (NCP), in the context of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Credit Suisse has resolved to incorporate the protection of indigenous communities’ rights into its internal guidelines on project financing.
The STP welcomes this important step as a clear signal for the entire financial sector. However, it expects CS, as well as the other financial institutions, to extend this policy to all domains, such as company financing and stock broking. In addition, decisive action is expected in the event of breaches.

October 15, 2019

GENEVA: Transnational Corporations and the Walls Industry: Migrant, Women and Palestinian Movements Resistance

Photos Origins Tour in France, now in Geneva. Photos Michelle Cook, Dine'

Transnational Corporations and the Walls Industry. Migrant, Women, and Palestinian Movements Resistance @University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Michelle Cook was live on Facebook.


Together against transnational corporations and the walls-industry: The struggles of migrants, women and the Palestinian movements

Neoliberal globalization has opened the doors for the savage exploitation of the world by the big economic powers. Megaprojects, agribusiness and militarization, among other processes, express a patriarchal, neoliberal and racist capitalist system that amounts to an assault on life as such. Communities and peoples are resisting the advance of this offensive. From the places where military occupation kills people and steal their land, to the walls that bar those displaced from access to the places of perceived privilege, to the exploitation of whom was able to cross the barriers, this conference will hear testimonies of struggle and resistance that trace the entire trail of corporate crime that perpetuates capitalist repression of our rights and freedoms.

Speaker: Maren Mantovani (Stop the Wall)

More speakers:
Welcome by Swiss local organisations
Member of the World March of Women
María Josefina Caal Xol (Guatemala)
Nonoi Hacbang (Transnational Migrant Platform)
Mikel Alvarez Olaechea (LAB)
Vidalina Morales de Gamez (ADES – Santa Marta, El Salvador)
Maha Albdalla (Al-Haq, Palestine)
Maren Mantovani (Stop the Wall)
Facilitator: Rania Madi (BADIL)
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BERKELEY 'We Exist. We Resist. We Rise.'

              Photos by Western Shoshone Carl Bad Bear Sampson

          University of California at Berkeley Students Stand in Solidarity with Mauna Kea Protectors

October 14, 2019

Muckleshoots Canoe Journey to Alcatraz Photos by Rachel Heaton


Photos by Rachel Heaton: Muckleshoot Tribes pull to Alcatraz this morning. Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz. Thank you for sharing the photos of the Canoe Journey today!

Reclaiming the Vision of Alcatraz
Alcatraz Canoe Journey
Censored News

Today, On Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Monday, October 14) canoes representing communities from up and down the West Coast and beyond took to the waters of San Francisco Bay and circled Alcatraz Island to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1969 occupation

Jonathan Cordero, Chairperson of the Ramaytush Ohlone, gave the following statement of support. “San Francisco is in the ancestral homeland of my people, the Ramaytush Ohlone. Our history—and indeed our current presence—is little known or understood in our own homeland. Alcatraz Canoe Journey honors the 50th anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz and will make plain to the residents of San Francisco that we are still here, and these lands and waters must be preserved and protected for future generations. I have been proud to support this event from the early days of its inception and am excited to see the good that comes out of it for Indigenous peoples everywhere.”

The Alcatraz Canoe Journey committee thanks Chairperson Cordero and the Ohlone People for their support and we look forward to welcoming Indigenous peoples of all nations to the Alcatraz Canoe Journey in years to come

Beyond commemorating 50 years since the occupation of Alcatraz and supporting the Ohlone and Indigenous Peoples in the Bay Area to uplift their narratives, the goal of this journey is to reclaim Alcatraz as a vision, rather than as a penitentiary, for Indigenous sovereignty, rights, and freedom

Watch TV News coverage.
#IndigenousPeoplesDay2019 #IndigenousRising #ReclaimYourPower #CanoeJourney #AlcatrazCanoeJourney

News coverage from Dec. 1969: Arriving by boat on Alcatraz.