Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

May 31, 2024

Diné John Redhouse 'Fifty Years Ago: Uprising and Resistance'

Farmington 1974

Diné John Redhouse 'Fifty Years Ago: Uprising and Resistance'

By John Redhouse, Censored News May 24, 2024

On this Memorial Day weekend, we must also remember and honor the many native human rights warriors such as Larry Casuse and other brave indigenous men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in fighting for the lives and future of red people and nations on Turtle Island and throughout the Western Hemisphere—the red quarter of Mother Earth.

In the course of our long, hard, and bloody struggle for survival, since 1492, we are here only because our ancestors fought for our right to live and exist as first people and nations in the Americas.

May 28, 2024

Native American Tribes are Partnered with Corporations Responsible for War Crimes in Palestine

Police violently attacked pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who are opposing genocide. University of Arizona's Tech Park is home to the Salish and Kootenai's International Towers, a partnership with Israel's Elbit Systems, and Raytheon Missiles which produces missile parts on the Navajo Nation. (Image KTAR)

Three Native American Tribes are doing business with corporations responsible for war crimes in Palestine:  Israel's Elbit Systems, and the U.S. Corporations of Raytheon Missiles, General Dynamics and Caterpillar

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, May 28, 2024

TUCSON -- Native American Tribes are partnered with corporations responsible for war crimes in Palestine. The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe of Montana is in a partnership with Elbit Systems, an Israeli weapons producer. Salish and Kootenai own International Towers, and in partnership with Elbit, built spy towers, known as integrated fixed towers, on the Tohono O'odham Nation.

Caterpillar, being used for the destruction of Palestinian homes, has a facility located on the Tohono O'odham Nation's Tech Park in the San Xavier District near Tucson.

Raytheon Dine' Facility, is located on the Navajo Nation south of Farmington, New Mexico, and produces missile parts for Raytheon, among the top war profiteers in Palestine.

Raytheon, and International Towers, are tenants at the University of Arizona Tech Park in Tucson.

Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, lives in the western portion of the Tohono O'odham Nation, where the Salish and Kootenai tribal enterprise constructed the spy towers. Rivas describes the militarized partnership.

May 27, 2024

Censored: The Raytheon Diné Facility and Cuba Food Deal

Israel has kept up attacks on Rafah despite a ruling by the top United Nations court on Friday ordering it to stop.

Censored: The Raytheon Diné Facility and Cuba Food Deal 

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, May 27, 2024

Today: A horrific genocide in Rafah refugee camp. Babies and children sleeping in their tents were burned alive. This genocide would not be possible without the US bombs and missiles, sent by Biden and his appointees, and manufactured by U.S. corporations, including Raytheon Missiles.

While searching for other articles today, I found the censored article, and e-mails, that buried the truth about the Raytheon Missiles factory located on the Navajo Nation, while I was a staff reporter at Indian Country Today in 2006.

May 23, 2024

The Racism in Farmington: What No One Wants to Remember

Solidarity March in Farmington, New Mexico, on May 18, 2024. Photo by Ryan Vizzions, Censored News.

Solidarity March on Saturday for a Lakota teen whose beaded cap with a feather was taken from her at the high school graduation ceremony in Farmington, New Mexico. Courtesy photo.

The Racism in Farmington: What No One Wants to Remember

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Updated May 23, 2024

The Racism in Farmington. It is what no one wants to remember, no one wants to think about. Navajos were tortured and murdered here. Genevieve Jackson, Navajo councilwoman, called it a rite of passage for white teens in Farmington.

"White teenagers consider it a rite of passage. They learn it at home."

Mohawk Nation News 'Kanienkeha:ka Mohawks Invade Barnhart Island'


Breaking News at Mohawk Nation News: Read more at MNN:

By The Peoples Voice

Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24)

Yesterday (May 21st 2024) at 10:30 am, individuals went to Niionenhiasekowá:ne (Barnhart Island) to begin construction for a residence in a grass clearing on Beach Marina Rd. The three Kanien'kehá:ka men that were on site were unmolested for three hours until five state troopers, six NYPA security, and one St. Lawrence County Sheriff appeared. The encounter was described as amiable. The troopers asked the purpose of their activities to which one man responded, “We are here to build housing for our community… This is Onkwehonwe land.”

May 21, 2024

Native American Boarding School Digital Archive Launched

A new digital directory provides a search engine to locate Native American boarding school students and includes documents, photographs, and oral histories

May 17, 2024

Native Healing at Auraria Campus: Pro-Palestine Solidarity in Denver

Danielle SeeWalker, Standing Rock Lakota, was told by the town of Vail, Colorado, that her artist residency for a mural and workshop was cancelled. SeeWalker said she received a phone call after her artwork, "G is For Genocide," shown here, was printed in a limited edition for support for humanitarian aid to Gaza. Vail's representative called SeeWalker and said, "We don't want to align ourselves with an artist like you, who is too political, and especially somebody who is publicaly aligning themselves with Hamas." During the Healing Event in Denver on Wednesday, SeeWalker said Vail is  silencing artists of color and the freedom to voice opinions. SeeWalker said, "I was extremely shocked," adding that Vail immediately shut down the conversation. "Standing up for our Indigenous Palestinian relatives, that are going through some trauma, that is not us aligning ourselves with terrorism," she said, "Free Palestine." -- Censored News

From Turtle Island to Palestine: Denver Commemorates Nakba

By Alex Binder, Unicorn Riot May 15, 2024

Denver, Colorado — On Wednesday evening, the local Indigenous community hosted a healing event at the Auraria Campus pro-Palestine solidarity encampment. According to a press release for the event, in tandem with the commemoration, the organizers “offered solidarity and healing for the Palestinian community” and also “offered support and encouragement to student protestors at Auraria and Denver University who are demanding institutional divestment from US and international companies that are contributing to the genocide of the Palestinian people.”

May 16, 2024

Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Tucson, May 17, 2024

 In Tucson on Friday. Justice for Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham.

"Yvonne Nevarez, Mattia’s niece, said the shooting happened the day after her uncle's birthday last year. He would have been 59 today.

"Being that it’s his birthday, brings us extra sadness, because it’s the eve of his death. The last time I saw my Uncle Ray was the day before Mothers’ Day," she said.
Nevarez said federal investigators have still not answered the family’s questions about that night, including those about how many agents shot at Mattia, why they did and whether the tribal police officer on scene also fired his weapon."

Read the article at Fronteras:

Previously at Censored News: Vendetta of Tohono O'odham Police Officer Revealed

Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, was murdered in a hail of gunfire by Tohono O'odham police and U.S. Border Patrol agents at his home on the Tohono O'odham Nation. Federal prosecutors have refused to file charges or release the names of the officers responsible. Raymond Mattia, in interviews with Censored News, said he had video taped U.S. Border Patrol agents running drugs across the border with the cartels. After he submitted the evidence, it disappeared.

Mohawk Nation News 'Quebec State of Child Abuse'

 New today at Mohawk Nation News

Mohawk Nation News 'Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog'

 New today at Mohawk Nation News. Read the article at MNN:

May 14, 2024

University of New Mexico Pro-Palestine Encampment

Photos by Maurus Chino, Acoma Pueblo
Breaking News from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
Pro-Palestine Encampment at the Duck Pond

"The police have brought in a garbage truck, and I can hear it crushing the materials used to build the encampment."
Source New Mexico reporter Austin Fisher reporting:
"By 7 a.m. on Wednesday morning New Mexico State Police and UNM Police moved the group from the encampment, taking several people away in police custody. Riot cops stood in front of protesters, about 20 feet away as UNM staff tossed the belongings left at the encampment into a garbage truck with the words 'Go Lobos. painted on the top."
"Police used yellow tape to establish a barrier around the encampment space in the Duck Pond and arrested anyone caught in the area, or who refused to leave."

New Film! Apache Stronghold Protecting Oak Flat from Copper Mine

Wendsler Nosie photo by Brandi Morin

The Apache stronghold standing in the way of a copper mine that would desecrate a sacred site

By Ricochet Media

In the heart of the Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of Apache Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost. 

May 13, 2024

UN Permanent Forum Urges Clemency for Peltier in Report to United Nations

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Urges Clemency to Peltier

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, May 13, 2025

NEW YORK -- The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues urges clemency for Leonard Peltier, in its report now being finalized for the United Nations  Economic and Social Council.

"The Permanent Forum reiterates the recommendation it made to the United States of America at its twenty-second session to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier," states the advanced unedited report to the U.N. Economic and Social Council.

Mohawk Nation News 'Great Peace in Solidarity with Palest'Indians'

New today at Mohawk Nation News

May 12, 2024

Arizona Universities: Once known for sunshine and free spirit, now hallmarks of censorship and oppression

For a second time last night, the University of Tucson brought in police to attack students with rubber bullets and tear gas, after the encampment for Palestine was put up again on Thursday.

Before a mob of police attacked the Palestine camp at the University of Arizona this morning at 1 a.m., on Friday, May 10, faculty members formed a line and tried to protect them. Police fired tear gas on the media during the attack and cleared the camp for Palestine. Earlier, on May 1, the university brought in another mob of police that attacked the camp and tore it down, shooting students with tear gas, pepper balls and rubber bullets, and beating one student. Tucson police, Pima County Sheriff's deputies and Arizona law enforcement were responsible for the brutal attack.

May 7, 2024

'In Backlash to Campus Pro-Palestine Protests, Echoes of Standing Rock and the Global Crackdown on Climate Protest' by Drilled

In Backlash to Campus Pro-Palestine Protests, Echoes of Standing Rock and the Global Crackdown on Climate Protest

The use of militarized police and “antiterrorism” laws against activists is not new in the U.S.

by Alleen Brown, Drilled
This story is co-published with the Center for Media and Democracy.

As soon as a single Palestinian activist showed up at an anti-Dakota Access Pipeline camp on the edge of the Standing Rock reservation in 2016, intelligence analysts for the mercenary security firm TigerSwan were on alert."

"El-Zabri, the Palestinian activist surveilled at Standing Rock, was among 79 people arrested this week while protesting at the University of Texas at Austin. “It really felt like the same as Standing Rock, when we were facing the police,” he said. “There was a whole army that looked like it was at war in riot gear. They eventually used tear gas and pepper spray.”

“They're afraid of what we have to say and the people that we can touch,” said Cornell senior Yanenowi Logan, who is Deer Clan from the Seneca Nation and has been negotiating with campus administrators.

"Logan said that by standing up for Gazans, she and other Native organizers are also standing up for themselves. “We want to be able to show them that, hey, we're still here,” she said. “You can try to kill us. You can burn our crops. You can do whatever you want to do, but we're still going to persist.”

Read the article at Drilled


New today: TigerSwan spy files from September 24, 2006 on Red Warrior Camp, American Indian Movement, and aerial photos of camp. Posted by Drilled, with article by Alleen Brown. The documents were released after a court battle after TigerSwan was found to be operating without a license in North Dakota. See more of this file at

May 3, 2024

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Knowledge Keeper Provides Guidance to 'Palestinian Encampment' at McGill'

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Knowledge Keeper Provides Guidance to 'Palestinian Encampment' at McGill'

Mohawks Mothers provide guidance to Palestinian Encampment at McGill University. Read the breaking news article at Mohawk Nation News.

San Carlos Apache Tribe Petitions U.N. to Protect Sacred Oak Flat from Copper Mine

By San Carlos Apache Tribe, Censored News, May 3, 2024

SAN CARLOS APACHE — The San Carlos Apache Tribe has petitioned the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UNCERD) to call upon the United States government to withhold the transfer of sacred Oak Flat for the proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona.

The Tribe’s 15-page petition details the “imminent” threat to “Apache religion, culture, and spiritual well-being” from the proposed mine that would destroy Oak Flat, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a Traditional Cultural Property. Oak Flat is known in Apache as Chí’chil Biłdagoteel, which means “a broad flat of Emory oak trees.”

May 1, 2024

Maōri Urges Probes into Rights Abuses at the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn (Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa) Maori from New Zealand urged an investigation of COVID vaccines at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Maori Urges Probes into Rights Abuses at the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, April 23, 2024
Updated May 2, 2024

NEW YORK -- Maōri urged an investigation into COVID-19 vaccines, during the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on Tuesday, during its second week at U.N. Headquarters in New York.

The Russian Federation denied human rights abuses, which brought a strong response from those in exile and those recalling the genocide of Crimean Tartars.

Indigenous youths called out for support for children and youths who are victims of foster care systems, boarding schools and displacement around the world.

Green Colonialism, Rights of Women and Languages: Priorities of Indigenous in Reports for United Nations

Photo courtesy United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Green Colonialism, Rights of Women and Languages: Priorities of Indigenous in Reports for United Nations 

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, April 27, 2024

NEW YORK -- Fake green projects, the removal of children from their homes, loss of languages, rise of hate speech, and war were among the top concerns cited in the reports by the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as it closed its ten-day session on April 26, 2024.

The rights of women, the need to protect endangered languages and redress for victims of boarding and residential schools were also priorities in the Permanent Forum's reports prepared for the U.N. Economic and Social Council.