10 am to 6 pm
Location Mount Rushmore National Memorial
13000 Hwy 244 Bldg 31 Suite 1
Created By United Native Americans, Inc, A Gay Kingman
We Invite You To Both Attend and Participate In Our Upcoming Tribal Sovereignty Forum at Mount Rushmore.
This Coming August 29, 2010 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the historic Reclaiming of Our Sacred Paha Sapa (Black Hills of 1970). On this day, we will gather at the Amphitheater at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, South Dakota to reflect upon the 1970 occupation in a spiritual way, to renewing friendships and bonds formed at that time. We come to pray, to educate The Youth about the Importance of Protecting Our Sacred Sites, and to use this opportunity for our people to be near the place of our origin, the Paha Sapa.
Additionally, we hope to coordinate Tribal Leaders who will discuss the needs of our People and move forward with real resolutions to The Issues Each Reservation Has. Such as Better Health Care on Our Reservations, Schools and Colleges, Red Road Teachings, Language Preservation, Suicide Prevention, Treaty Rights, Tribal Police Force, Water Preservation, Better Housing, Renewable energy's. Traditional dancers and Drums are Welcome to participate.
Confirmed to speak:
*Lehman L. Brightman-President of UNA-Leader of The Take Over of Mount Rushmore 1970.
*A.Gay Kingman-Executive Director of The Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association.
*Richie Richards-UC Berkeley
*Paul Robertson-Oglala Lakota College
*Barbara Elk-Writer, Poet
*Kiera-Dawn Kolson-singer,songwriter,motivational speaker
We are extending open invitations to the Inter-Tribal Community and their families to join us, in this historic and educational event. Please RSVP at (605) 484-3036 or (510)672-7187
Our Event Is 100% Free. But, Persons Driving to and from Our Event Must Pay For Parking. There will be a car pool from the Mother Butler Community Center to Mt.Rushmore. For those who wish to car pool you can contact:
Les Old Lodge: (605)491-0651 or lesoldlodge@gmail.com
Parking Fee:
$10.00 - Annual Pass (Cars,Motorcycles and RV's)
$50.00 Commercial Bus - Day
Also there will be a community feed, for those of you who would like to donate food please contact:
Christy Ryan:(605)431-6358 or Cjryan07@yahoo.com
For More Information On How To Donate, Sponsor, Present a Work Shop and or Be a Participate.
Please Contact:
A. Gay Kingman, M.Ed. Executive Director
Member, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association
1926 Stirling St., Rapid City, SD 57702
Cell: (605)-484-3036 Fax: (605)-343-3074
E-mail: KingmanWapato@rushmore.com
Quanah Parker Brightman
VP of United Native Americans, Inc., 2434 Faria Ave, Pinole, CA 94564, Cell: (510)-672-7187
Professor Lehman L. Brightman-National President of U.N.A. Speech on the Capital Steps in Washington D.C. at the conclusion of the Longest Walk 1978
Historical Overview & Resolutions
1978: Eleven legislative bills introduced in the 95th U.S. Congress would have abrogated Native Treaties that protect remaining Native sovereignty. The Longest Walk of 1978 was a peaceful, spiritual effort to educate the public about Native American rights and the Native way of life. Native American Treaty Rights under the U.S. Constitution are to be honored as the supreme law of the land. The 3,600 mile walk was successful in its purpose: to gather enough support to halt proposed legislation abrogating Indian treaties with the U.S. government. Shortly After, The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978 was passed. As a result of The 1978 Longest Walk, Indigenous people were granted the federal legislative right to freedom of religion, a fundamental right guaranteed to all Americans under the U.S. Constitution.
40-50% of All Indian Women have been Sterilized. Evidence of massive sterilization of American Indians has been revealed by the (GAO) General Accounting Office in a study for ex-Senator James Abourezk from South Dakota in 1976. Most of these women were sterilized without their informed consent. The Same GOA Report also revealed that Indian Children are being used as "human guinea pigs," by the Federal Government in 56 different medical experiments (in most cases without parental consent). The Abourezk Report found that approximately 3,406 Indian Women had been sterilized in a three year period between 1973 and 1976, in only four states. Lehman L. Brightman, President of United Native Americans,Inc. estimates that between 60,000 and 70,000 Indian Women have been sterilized in the last twelve years. Most of the Indian Women were sterilized "unknowingly." and without their informed consent, and in many cases by outright intimidation. In many cases women were told they were going to die if they had more children, that they had cysts on their ovaries, or that the operation was reversible. Voluntary sterilization among the general population of the U.S. of some 200 million people isn't going to wipe out the country, but in smaller groups like the American Indians, it could wipe them out forever, as an example: If Every white woman in the state of California was sterilized, the white race in North America would not be in danger, but if every California Indian Women was sterilized, the Genocide of California Indians would be Permanent. President Carter has Refused on 3 different occasions to stop the sterilization and to remove Dr. Emery Johnson, the Director of the Indian Health Service. . .The man most responsible for Indian Sterilization.
For More of The REAL History on the Longest Walk of 1978 Visit: http://www.myspace.com/thelongestwalk30yearanniv
United Native Americans, Inc.
13000 Hwy 244 Bldg 31 Suite 1
Created By United Native Americans, Inc, A Gay Kingman
We Invite You To Both Attend and Participate In Our Upcoming Tribal Sovereignty Forum at Mount Rushmore.
This Coming August 29, 2010 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the historic Reclaiming of Our Sacred Paha Sapa (Black Hills of 1970). On this day, we will gather at the Amphitheater at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, South Dakota to reflect upon the 1970 occupation in a spiritual way, to renewing friendships and bonds formed at that time. We come to pray, to educate The Youth about the Importance of Protecting Our Sacred Sites, and to use this opportunity for our people to be near the place of our origin, the Paha Sapa.
Additionally, we hope to coordinate Tribal Leaders who will discuss the needs of our People and move forward with real resolutions to The Issues Each Reservation Has. Such as Better Health Care on Our Reservations, Schools and Colleges, Red Road Teachings, Language Preservation, Suicide Prevention, Treaty Rights, Tribal Police Force, Water Preservation, Better Housing, Renewable energy's. Traditional dancers and Drums are Welcome to participate.
Confirmed to speak:
*Lehman L. Brightman-President of UNA-Leader of The Take Over of Mount Rushmore 1970.
*A.Gay Kingman-Executive Director of The Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association.
*Richie Richards-UC Berkeley
*Paul Robertson-Oglala Lakota College
*Barbara Elk-Writer, Poet
*Kiera-Dawn Kolson-singer,songwriter,motivational speaker
We are extending open invitations to the Inter-Tribal Community and their families to join us, in this historic and educational event. Please RSVP at (605) 484-3036 or (510)672-7187
Our Event Is 100% Free. But, Persons Driving to and from Our Event Must Pay For Parking. There will be a car pool from the Mother Butler Community Center to Mt.Rushmore. For those who wish to car pool you can contact:
Les Old Lodge: (605)491-0651 or lesoldlodge@gmail.com
Parking Fee:
$10.00 - Annual Pass (Cars,Motorcycles and RV's)
$50.00 Commercial Bus - Day
Also there will be a community feed, for those of you who would like to donate food please contact:
Christy Ryan:(605)431-6358 or Cjryan07@yahoo.com
For More Information On How To Donate, Sponsor, Present a Work Shop and or Be a Participate.
Please Contact:
A. Gay Kingman, M.Ed. Executive Director
Member, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association
1926 Stirling St., Rapid City, SD 57702
Cell: (605)-484-3036 Fax: (605)-343-3074
E-mail: KingmanWapato@rushmore.com
Quanah Parker Brightman
VP of United Native Americans, Inc., 2434 Faria Ave, Pinole, CA 94564, Cell: (510)-672-7187
Professor Lehman L. Brightman-National President of U.N.A. Speech on the Capital Steps in Washington D.C. at the conclusion of the Longest Walk 1978
Historical Overview & Resolutions
1978: Eleven legislative bills introduced in the 95th U.S. Congress would have abrogated Native Treaties that protect remaining Native sovereignty. The Longest Walk of 1978 was a peaceful, spiritual effort to educate the public about Native American rights and the Native way of life. Native American Treaty Rights under the U.S. Constitution are to be honored as the supreme law of the land. The 3,600 mile walk was successful in its purpose: to gather enough support to halt proposed legislation abrogating Indian treaties with the U.S. government. Shortly After, The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978 was passed. As a result of The 1978 Longest Walk, Indigenous people were granted the federal legislative right to freedom of religion, a fundamental right guaranteed to all Americans under the U.S. Constitution.
40-50% of All Indian Women have been Sterilized. Evidence of massive sterilization of American Indians has been revealed by the (GAO) General Accounting Office in a study for ex-Senator James Abourezk from South Dakota in 1976. Most of these women were sterilized without their informed consent. The Same GOA Report also revealed that Indian Children are being used as "human guinea pigs," by the Federal Government in 56 different medical experiments (in most cases without parental consent). The Abourezk Report found that approximately 3,406 Indian Women had been sterilized in a three year period between 1973 and 1976, in only four states. Lehman L. Brightman, President of United Native Americans,Inc. estimates that between 60,000 and 70,000 Indian Women have been sterilized in the last twelve years. Most of the Indian Women were sterilized "unknowingly." and without their informed consent, and in many cases by outright intimidation. In many cases women were told they were going to die if they had more children, that they had cysts on their ovaries, or that the operation was reversible. Voluntary sterilization among the general population of the U.S. of some 200 million people isn't going to wipe out the country, but in smaller groups like the American Indians, it could wipe them out forever, as an example: If Every white woman in the state of California was sterilized, the white race in North America would not be in danger, but if every California Indian Women was sterilized, the Genocide of California Indians would be Permanent. President Carter has Refused on 3 different occasions to stop the sterilization and to remove Dr. Emery Johnson, the Director of the Indian Health Service. . .The man most responsible for Indian Sterilization.
For More of The REAL History on the Longest Walk of 1978 Visit: http://www.myspace.com/thelongestwalk30yearanniv
United Native Americans, Inc.