Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

April 21, 2023

United Nations -- 'Water is Life' Dismantling Water Colonialism


Wakinyan LaPointe addressing the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York 2023. Courtesy photo.

Mni Ki Wakan calls for Indigenous Water Justice, Global Collaboration, and Dismantling of Water Colonialism

Watch the video on YouTube

MKW Co-convener, Wakinyan LaPointe (a Sicangu Lakota citizen of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe), in partnership with Indigenous Peoples Organizations, called for Indigenous water justice on a mass scale, global collaboration, and an end to water colonialism.

Over 1000 Indigenous delegates to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 22nd Session supported the intervention as they applauded. Why Indigenous water justice and co-governance must take center stage. The global calls to action stem from past MKW Summit Reports and research. Learn more about the MKW Water Summit, and the Indigenous Water Decade at:

I'm reading this on behalf of Tony Gonzalez, AIM-West

Today we are here to voice the rights of water for future generations we are here to remind the global community that water is not a resource but a relative. We are here to call upon the global Indigenous Community to join us in our fight for the future of water in all life.

In 2016 our delegation announced the Mni Ki Wakan indigenous water decade, otherwise known as MKW, a 10-year commitment to advancing indigenous-led water rights and water justice for all.

We remember the words of our ancestors, Indigenous rallying cries for the rights our sacred Waters echoed in the Kyoto water declaration as Standing Rock at every river lake tributary and ocean held sacred to Indigenous peoples and youth.

We remember the promise made by the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationships with their traditionally owned or otherwise occupied waters and coastal seas, to uphold their responsibilities to future generations in this regard, yet water colonialism has reached an unprecedented level as colonial and western water entities find themselves in dominant positions of power, wealth and resources, controlling the dialogue and trajectory of water feud charities, for all while excluding Indigenous Peoples and youth at every level access to, and the quality of water has a significant impact on the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples.
In the final analysis, water will be the primary issue impacting all life.

Our MKW team calls upon the global Indigenous community to join us at the 2023 Mni Ki Wakan Summit occurring August 15th through the 17th.

We call upon the global Community member states, U.N water organizations, and all those whose futures depend on water to dismantle water colonialism, direct resources and investments to Indigenous water initiatives, institute equitable and just water policies and equal consultation decision-making with Indigenous peoples, and strengthen global collaboration with Indigenous water initiatives.

Censored News original coverage of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York:

-- World Governments Rattled as Indigenous Expose Atrocities
-- China Denies Cultural Genocide in Mongolia: China says it does not have Indigenous Peoples
-- Miskito father of assassinated son tells of courage in Nicargua
-- Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute council delegate describes lithium green colonialism and toxic hydrocarbon site, responsible for cancer cluster
-- Highlights: San Carlos Chairman speaks on Oak Flat:
Images and statements from delegates around the world as the UN Indigenous Forum begins

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