Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

May 7, 2024

'In Backlash to Campus Pro-Palestine Protests, Echoes of Standing Rock and the Global Crackdown on Climate Protest' by Drilled

In Backlash to Campus Pro-Palestine Protests, Echoes of Standing Rock and the Global Crackdown on Climate Protest

The use of militarized police and “antiterrorism” laws against activists is not new in the U.S.

by Alleen Brown, Drilled
This story is co-published with the Center for Media and Democracy.

As soon as a single Palestinian activist showed up at an anti-Dakota Access Pipeline camp on the edge of the Standing Rock reservation in 2016, intelligence analysts for the mercenary security firm TigerSwan were on alert."

"El-Zabri, the Palestinian activist surveilled at Standing Rock, was among 79 people arrested this week while protesting at the University of Texas at Austin. “It really felt like the same as Standing Rock, when we were facing the police,” he said. “There was a whole army that looked like it was at war in riot gear. They eventually used tear gas and pepper spray.”

“They're afraid of what we have to say and the people that we can touch,” said Cornell senior Yanenowi Logan, who is Deer Clan from the Seneca Nation and has been negotiating with campus administrators.

"Logan said that by standing up for Gazans, she and other Native organizers are also standing up for themselves. “We want to be able to show them that, hey, we're still here,” she said. “You can try to kill us. You can burn our crops. You can do whatever you want to do, but we're still going to persist.”

Read the article at Drilled


New today: TigerSwan spy files from September 24, 2006 on Red Warrior Camp, American Indian Movement, and aerial photos of camp. Posted by Drilled, with article by Alleen Brown. The documents were released after a court battle after TigerSwan was found to be operating without a license in North Dakota. See more of this file at

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