Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

May 14, 2024

University of New Mexico Pro-Palestine Encampment

Photos by Maurus Chino, Acoma Pueblo
Breaking News from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
Pro-Palestine Encampment at the Duck Pond

"The police have brought in a garbage truck, and I can hear it crushing the materials used to build the encampment."
Source New Mexico reporter Austin Fisher reporting:
"By 7 a.m. on Wednesday morning New Mexico State Police and UNM Police moved the group from the encampment, taking several people away in police custody. Riot cops stood in front of protesters, about 20 feet away as UNM staff tossed the belongings left at the encampment into a garbage truck with the words 'Go Lobos. painted on the top."
"Police used yellow tape to establish a barrier around the encampment space in the Duck Pond and arrested anyone caught in the area, or who refused to leave."

"The chants begin. Gaza Gaza don’t you cry Palestine will never die! Free Free Palestine!"

Video by Maurus Chino

Video by Maurus Chino

The University of New Mexico said the camp must be dismantled by 5 pm, May 14, 2204.

Update Source New Mexico, Thursday, May 17:

"At public comment during the UNM Board of Regents meeting Thursday, Rakin Faruk, described the harms she saw done by the UNM Police Department and New Mexico State Police at the Duck Pond the day before.
Faruk, president of UNM College Democrats, said police on Wednesday detained one of her fellow protesters using a zip tie “so tight, that when the police tried to take the zip ties off of her, they slit her wrists yesterday, and she was taken to the hospital.”

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