Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

August 20, 2024

Hualapai Call to Urgent Action: Occupation Begins to Protect Sacred Spring from Lithium Mine

Hualapai Urget Call to Action

Hualapai Call to Urgent Action: Occupation Begins to Protect Sacred Medicine Spring from Lithium Mine

Drilling for the Big Sandy Lithium Project would desecrate Ha’Kamwe’ and the ancestral homelands of the Hualapai people

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, August 20, 2024

WIKIEUP, Arizona -- Hualapai sent out an urgent call to action, and began an occupation on Monday to protect their sacred medicine spring from the drilling for lithium by an Australian-owned company, with drilling headed by a Navajo Nation enterprise.

"We need people, this is an immediate call to action," Hualapai defenders said, urging those who are serious about protecting the land to join them.

"It was a pretty dramatic night, we could hear cars driving in and out," Hualapai said in a video alert, describing the first night of the occupation on Monday night. "We know that they know we are here."

Hualapai video alert. Screenshot by Censored News

Interior Sec. Deb Haaland is being sued for granting the mining permit to Hawkstone Energy of Australia, which changed its name to Arizona Lithium. The CEO of the Navajo Transitional Energy Company, Vern Lund, based in Farmington, New Mexico, entered into an agreement with the company to head the drilling and desecration.

Protecting a sacred medicinal spring from lithium mining in Wikieup, Arizona.
"Hualapai tribal members, local community members, and allies have set up a protest camp in response to further exploration drilling for the Big Sandy Lithium Project that would desecrate Ha’Kamwe’ and the ancestral homelands of the Hualapai people. The Bureau of Land Management is ignoring tribal voices and siding with Arizona  Lithium Ltd. and Navajo Transitional Energy Company," Hualapai defenders said in a statement.

Call to Action: Starting 8/19/24 join the camp in solidarity for an hour, a day or a week! We will be here continuing on-going organizing efforts. We will share more ways to get involved soon!

Read more:
An Australian Company is Rushing to Mine Lithium in Hualapai's Sacred Place, a Navajo Enterprise is Leading the Desecration, by Censored NewsHawkstone Energy of Australia changed its name to Arizona Lithium

In the Dirty Business of Faking Green, a Third Arizona Tribe Sues Interior's Deb Haaland, by Censored News
#ProtectHaKamwe #StopBigSandyLithiumMine #ProtectTheSacred #LifeOverLithium #WaterIsLife #IndigenousJustTransition #ResistFalseSolutionsToClimateChange and

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