Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 31, 2024

Arizona's Universities are Instruments of War


The United States provides more than 70 percent of the funds and weapons used for war crimes and genocide in Palestine. Arizona universities are a backbone of the war industry.

by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 31, 2024

TUCSON, Arizona -- When Arizona's largest universities slammed down on Palestine supporters, it was obvious they were hiding something. What they were hiding was the fact that they are thriving on war dollars.

The most obvious is Raytheon Missiles located at the University of Arizona's Tech Park in Tucson. The less obvious are the millions in grants and contracts that both the University of Arizona and Arizona State University receive for technology, including cyber technology, artificial intelligence and robotics.

October 29, 2024

'The Day They Brought the Dogs In' Standing Rock Files New Lawsuit Against DAPL

Energy Transfer bulldozed burial places on Sept. 3, 2016

Energy Transfer Bulldozed Burial Place of Elite Lakota Warrior Society

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 29, 2024

STANDING ROCK LAKOTA NATION -- Standing Rock's burial place of an elite warrior society was bulldozed by Energy Transfer. While Water Protectors rushed to defend the sacred place, the security hired by Dakota Access Pipeline brought in vicious attack dogs.

The Standing Rock Lakota Nation has filed a new fedral lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers in Washington describing its threat to the water, and how Energy Transfer bulldozed the burial places of their elite warrior society. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe demands the immediate shut down of the pipeline.

In a separate lawsuit in North Dakota state court, Energy Transfer is carrying out a fishing expedition, serving media and Water Protectors with third party subpoenas for the case slated in court for February 2025.

October 25, 2024

O'odham Solidarity with Palestine: 'NO! to Genocide Joe' on Gila River Today

O'odham Solidarity with Palestine: 'NO! to Genocide Joe' on Gila River Today

Update: O'odham Woman Becomes Hero When Genocide Joe Comes to Town

By O'odham Solidarity, Censored News, Oct. 25, 2024

LAVEEN VILLAGE, Gila River Indian Community, Arizona -- An apology for genocide while actively causing a genocide is mind-blowing!

Show your presence on the outskirts of the reservation if you are NOT indigenous. We ask for respect for the O’odham first and foremost!

Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Biodiversity and Climate Crisis in Colombia

"We are never to be bought and sold, we are never to be enslaved," said Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, urging women to rise up against the false solutions of carbon credits, and rescue the rivers, land and air from the corporations poisoning the Earth for future generations.

Press Conference: Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Biodiversity and Climate Crises

Watch instant replay now:

Friday, October 25, 11:00 - 11:30 AM (COT)

The Media Center, Blue Zone, CBD COP16 Cali, Colombia

Frontline and Indigenous women leaders and global advocates will present solutions and strategies to tackle the interlinked biodiversity and climate crises, emphasizing the importance of gender equity, food sovereignty, forest protection and reforestation, traditional ecological knowledge, Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), protection of environmental human rights defenders, and financing genuine solutions in the Global Biodiversity Framework.

October 24, 2024

Brazil's Indigenous Women at Biodiversity Convention in Colombia

Indigenous women leaders from Brazil and WECAN at the UN Biodiversity Convention in Colombia today

'We are the Guardians of the Planet'

Deputy Célia Xakriabá (Xakriabá), Federal Deputy in Brazilian Congress in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and co-founder of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality (ANMIGA), Brazil (Screenshot Censored News)

Indigenous Women from Brazil: Calls for Action to Protect Biodiversity, Indigenous Rights and Climate

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 24, 2024

CALI, Colombia -- Indigenous women leaders from Brazil defending their rivers, forests and people, spoke with courage and the fire of their ancestors at the United Nations Biodiversity Convention.

"We sing because when we sing together, we don't feel that we are alone," said Deputy Célia Xakriabá, Federal Deputy in Brazilian Congress, and co-founder of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality.

"All of our lands, all of our rivers are being murdered," Xakriaba said during the press conference today of Women's Earth and Climate Action Network.

Colombia's Indigenous Demand Ancestral Knowledge is at Forefront of COP16 Biodiversity Convention

Colombia's Indigenous Demand Ancestral Knowledge is at Forefront of COP16 Biodiversity Convention

Indigenous communities from different regions of Colombia march in the southwestern city of Cali to demand that their ancestral knowledge on conservation be taken into account at the UN biodiversity summit, COP16, which is being held in the city.

Watch video by AFP

Article by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 24, 2024

The United States is the only United Nations member state that has not ratified the Convention on Biodiversity. While 197 countries arrive in Cali, Colombia for the COP16 Biodiversity Convention, the U.S. is engaged in war crimes and genocide in Palestine.

In the U.S., the team of Biden and Interior Sec. Deb Haaland plans to desecrate the Hualapai's sacred ceremonial water with a lithium mine; is promoting lithium mining digging into the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass; is allowing uranium mining in the Grand Canyon threatening Havasupai's aquifer and poisoning their medicine plants with radioactive dust; allowing dumping radioactive ore and global radioactive waste in White Mesa Ute's community; is bulldozing the ancient village sites, burial places and medicine plants of Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache for a wind energy project; plans a massive copper mine from San Carlos Apache sacred Oak Flat; and plans to increase the radioactivity in the Pueblo homelands with increased plutonium production and storage at Los Alamos Labs in northern New Mexico.

October 22, 2024

Women Lead at United Nations COP16 Biodiversity Convention in Colombia

Women's Press Conference screenshot by Censored News

Women Lead at United Nations COP16 Biodiversity Convention in Colombia 

by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 22, 2024

CALI, Colombia -- Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, is at the United Nations COP16 in Cali, Colombia today. "The Ponca Nation is on the ground here at COP16 in Colombia, trying to raise up the issue of false solutions to the climate crisis, like carbon credits and biodiversity credits that are killing nature," she said, adding that fossil fuels must be phased out.

"My people are suffering from environmental genocide," Casey said during the press conference today, "Rights of Nature: A Systematic Solution to Protect Biodiversity."

Casey, introducing herself with her Ponca name, said, "I'm a Ponca woman from the occupied territory of the United States, an area called Oklahoma, that was a POW camp for all the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island at one point."

Casey said ConocoPhillips and all of the extractive industries, are mass murderers killing her people, and killing our Mother Earth. They are poisoning the air, poisoning the rivers and the Ponca people.

    Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca

Describing the scam of carbon credits, she said carbon credits are a way for fossil fuels to continue what they have been doing for a hundred years. Buying into the carbon credit scam is the same as saying: "We give you permission to murder life on Earth and Earth herself."

Carbon credits give corporations the power to continue to pollute the frontline communities, as in Ponca, where the air, water and earth is already defiled.

"Don't give them permission to buy carbon credits."

"They are killing life on Earth."

The Ponca Nation is the first Nation in the United States to pass a statute around the rights of nature, among the nations of the world that have followed Ecuador's lead. 

"If you eat, if you drink, if you breathe, you are a part of nature, and nature is a part of you," she said.

"We are inseparable from nature."

Casey Camp-Horinek is the Ponca Nation Environmental Ambassador and Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) board member and project coordinator.

Mohawk Nation News 'Invasive Species'

 New today at Mohawk Nation News. Read the article at MNN

October 20, 2024

Mohawk Mothers at Supreme Court: The Power to Protect Children: Their Graves and Those Yet Born

Kahentinetha at Supreme Court of Canada. Film screenshot by Censored News

Mohawk Mothers at Supreme Court: The Power to Protect the Children, Their Graves  and Those Yet Born

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 2O24

OTTAWA -- "We wish we had seen our children who were taken from us, we wanted to see them grow up among us, but we couldn't, because we never saw them again," Kahentinetha said in front of Canada's Supreme Court.

Mohawk Mothers, Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistenserafiled a motion at the Supreme Court of Canada on Oct. 15, requesting a panel of experts to oversee and protect the graves at McGill University in Montreal.

October 19, 2024

Protect Ha'Kamwe: Stop Big Sandy Lithium Mine Protest Walk, Sat., Oct. 19, 2024

Protect Ha'Kamwe' Stop Big Sandy Lithium Mine Protest Walk

"Water is Life!" Hualapai say as they march today to protect their sacred ceremonial place Ha'Kamwe' from a lithium mine. 

Photo  courtesy Hualapai Cultural Resources


October 17, 2024

'The Death Trap' Dangerous Jet Combat Training Dramatically Increases Over Tohono O'odham Nation

A U.S. Marines 'Sniper' jet was among the military jets over the Tohono O'odham Nation this week in combat jet training, endangering the lives of O'odham below. Shown here is one of the Snipers based in Yuma, Arizona.

'The Death Trap' Dangerous Fighter Jet Training Increased Over Tohono O'odham Nation This Week

'The Death Trap,' Private Corporation and U.S. Military

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 17, 2024

TOHONO O'odham Nation, Sells, Arizona -- The U.S. military has dramatically increased its dangerous jet combat fighting over the heart of the Tohono O'odham Nation, with combat jets, a private corporation and a plane labeled as "the death trap," due to safety violations.

Tohono O'odham who live below say the sonic blasts break the plaster in their traditional homes. Dangerous flares endanger all life below, including the endangered species of Sonoran Pronghorn and more. Tohono O'odham are at risk below, including those in the community of Pisinemo this week.

The U.S. Air Force now plans to expand its dangerous use of the airspace over Tohono O'odham, White Mountain and San Carlos Apache and Pascua Yaqui communities in Arizona. Sacred places including Baboquivari Peak on the Tohono O'odham Nation are among those at risk. 

October 16, 2024

Buried in Time: BIA Takeover Documents Included Sterilizations, Pine Ridge Uranium, and Water Rights


Trail of Broken Treaties Takeover of BIA headquarters in Washington, Nov. 3, 1972.

Buried in Time: BIA Takeover Documents Included Sterilizations, Pine Ridge Uranium, and Water Rights

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 15, 2024

Buried in Time: When the Trail of Broken Treaties arrived in Washington and took over the BIA headquarters, the documents discovered in the BIA file cabinets altered the course of history. In the caravans from the west coast and northwest were activists from local Indigenous frontline struggles, from Pit River, Survival American Indian, and Alcatraz.

The BIA documents exposed the secret plan of Oglala President Dick Wilson to turn over one-eighth of tribal land over to the federal government for uranium mining. In the ton of documents taken away in a U-Haul, the documents showed proof of the sterilization of Native women by Indian Health Service doctors.

And there was more.

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Mothers File in Supreme Court of Canada Oct. 15/24'

Breaking News. Read the article at Mohawk Nation News, and watch the video of the news conference.

Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawk Mothers File in Supreme Court of Canada Oct. 15/24'

October 14, 2024

Zapatistas Call for International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistance 2024 --2025

Call for International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistance 2024-2025. Theme: The Storm and the Day After

October 2024.
Spanish, German, Italian

The Assembly of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (ACEGAZ), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN call on all people, groups, collectives, organizations, movements and indigenous peoples who have signed the so-called Declaration for Life, to the…

International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistances


White Mesa Ute: 'No to Uranium! Our Community is Not for Sale!'

Photo by Tim Peterson

Photo by Tim Peterson, Censored News

White Mesa Utes and Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Say “No to Uranium! Our Community is Not for Sale!”

Article by Bradley Angel, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Censored News

WHITE MESA UTE, Utah -- The long campaign by the White Mesa Ute people and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe against Energy Fuels’ uranium mill is heating up. The mill is located adjacent to the White Mesa Ute Community in southern Utah, is the last uranium mill in the United States, and was built literally on top of dozens of sacred and culturally significant sites including burials and ceremonial Kivas.

October 12, 2024

White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk and Protest, Oct. 12, 2024

'Stop Contaminating My Future'

           Yolanda Badback, White Mesa Ute, thanked everyone for coming. “I want our community to be free of radiation. I want our kids to be growing up in a good environment," said Badback, co-founder of White Mesa Concerned Community. Photo by Ofelia Rivas.

Live Coverage! Photos by Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham

White Mesa Ute Spiritual Walk and Protest

The Spiritual Walk began with a prayer song acknowledging the Creator this morning, and the reminder that this is Indigenous land. Walkers were asked to respond if they were called on to stop the trucks bringing in radioactive loads, with the reminder that the radioactive trucks are endangering everyone on the haul route.

Tó Nizhóní Ání Hydrogen Information Summit, Tuba City, Oct. 12, 2024

Photo courtesy Tó Nizhóní Ání


Adrian Herder, Tó Nizhóní Ání
Media Organizer

Tó Nizhóní Ání will be organizing a hydrogen informational summit for the Western Agency in Tuba City, Arizona for participants to learn more about hydrogen from subject matter experts and community perspectives.

October 11, 2024

Mohawk Nation News 'Planet Peace'

 New at Mohawk Nation News. Read the article at MNN

The Silent Killers in Indian Country: Copper, Lithium, Uranium and Plutonium

'Downwind' reveals the trail of cancer and death for Western Shoshone and those living downwind from atomic bomb testing in Nevada. The U.S. government detonated more than 900 atomic bombs on Western Shoshone land in secret from 1951 to 1992.

The Silent Killers in Indian Country: Copper, Lithium, Uranium and Plutonium

Judge finds plutonium plans in New Mexico and South Carolina violated environmental laws

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 10, 2024

The U.S. government's plan for increased plutonium production at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in the heart of Pueblo lands in northern New Mexico, has been delayed by a federal judge.

October 8, 2024

Peace Walkers to Havasupai's Sacred Red Butte: Solidarity to Shut Down Uranium Mine

 As the Sacred Lands Prayer Walk concluded the walk to Sacred Red Butte, Carletta Tilousi, Havasupai, said, "Japanese monks walk to pray for peace and sacred places.The walkers were from various backgrounds, Oglala Pine Ridge, California AIM, Navajo, Azteca Chichimeca, Hawaiian, Havasupai, Pomo California, and Akwesasne New York. Despite the challenge, we found strength in our ancestors' presence and completed the walk through teamwork. Thank you for your support. We share this for those who couldn't join us in prayer walk. Mah!"

Mohawk Mothers: Press Conference at Supreme Court Canada Ottawa Oct. 15, 2024

Mohawk Mothers photo APTN

Mohawk Mothers: Press Conference at Supreme Court Canada Ottawa Oct. 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM

JOIN US. 301 Wellington, Ottawa. Press Conference. Solidarity Gathering. Documents concerning Leave to Appeal in the Search for Unmarked Graves and Clandestine Mass Burials on McGill University Campus at the Former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute. 

Attending: Come and stand in solidarity with Kimberly Murray, Mohawk Mothers, Elders. Supporters. 

Meeting in front of the Supreme Court.


"Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original Americans [indigenous] the Indian was an inferior race. Even before there were large numbers of negroes on our shore the scar of racial hatred had already disfigured colonial society.  From the 16th century forward, blood flowed in battles over racial supremacy. We are perhaps the only nation [US} which tried as a matter of national policy to wipe out its indigenous population. Moreover, we elevated that tragic experience into a noble crusade indeed, even today we have not permitted ourselves to reject or feel remorse for this shameful episode. Our literature, our films, our drama, our folklore all exalted it. Our children are taught to respect the violence which reduced a red-skinned people of an earlier culture into a few fragmented groups herded into impoverished reservations." John F. Kennedy. the real leak site. 

October 5, 2024

Dangerous Low Flying Jets Target More Tohono O'odham, Apache and Yaqui Communities

Wild Earth Guardians: The Threat: The U.S. Air Force is proposing low-level fighter jet maneuvers and supersonic flights over White Mountains, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Baboquivari Peak and more. It will affect the Tohono O’odham Nation, White Mountain and San Carlos Apache Nations, and Pascua Yaqui Tribe.

(Above) The U.S. Air Force wants to make changes to 10 Military Operation Areas in Arizona and New Mexico that could impact up to 30 Wilderness areas with low-altitude jets, sonic booms, and supersonic flights. Speak up by October 9 to Keep Wilderness Wild! -- Wilderness Watch

October 4, 2024

Ute at Utah State Capitol: Stop the Uranium Mill Poisoning our People

Photo courtesy Unicorn Riot

Ute at Utah State Capitol Today: Stop the Uranium Mill Poisoning our People

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 4, 2024

SALT LAKE, Utah -- White Mesa Ute rallied at the Utah State Capitol on Friday, demanding that the deadly uranium mill in their community be shut down, as the legacy of genocide, toxic dumping, and widespread cancer continues.

October 3, 2024

Rally at Utah Capitol for White Mesa Ute -- Say No to Uranium Oct. 4, 2024

We're rallying at the Capitol to demand that decision makers keep unregulated, toxic, radioactive waste out of Utah. After decades of processing low-level radioactive waste from across North America, the White Mesa Uranium Mill is expanding its operations and now accepting hazardous materials from Europe and Asia. The mill, which operates without proper precautions or regulations, emits cancer-causing gases and jeopardizes the air, water, and health of nearby residents. Join us in solidarity with the White Mesa Community and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe on October 4 at noon at the Utah State Capitol.



Friday October 4, 12 noon Rally for White Mesa in Salt Lake City, Utah

Saturday, October 12, 11 am White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk and Protest Against Energy Fuels' uranium mill

October 1, 2024

Today: Sacred Land Prayer Walk: Flagstaff to Red Butte, Havasupai Oct. 2 -- 6, 2024

Oct. 4, 2024 -- Update with photos from the walk at:

From October 2 to 6, 2024 Jun San Yasuda, a Nipponzan Myohoji walker for peace, and additional buddhist monks and nuns will be walking over 66 miles from Flagstaff, Arizona to Sacred Red Butte on Havasupai homelands in solidarity with the fight to stop the Pinyon Plain uranium mine.

As a Nipponzan Myohoji walker for peace, Jun San has walked thousands of miles across Turtle Island over the past 46 years. All are invited to join this meditative prayer walk for a nuclear free world.

This walk will start Wednesday, October 2, at 10 am outside Flagstaff City Hall.