The Mural depicts community activism, self determination, resistance and survivance of Native American peoples. 1:00 pm - City of SF Proclamation presented by Andrew Jolivette to Annie Oakes and Fawn Oakes
Friday, November 20th, Free of charge. 40th Anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz Program hosted by Richie Richards, Native American Education Specialist for the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at UC Berkeley Hearst Museum patio, 103 Kroeber Hall, Berkeley.
The event will honor and commemorate the original efforts and intentions of the student-based occupation that took place in 1969; which was to protest the social conditions Native Americans were being subjected to in both urban areas and on reservations. Please RSVP by sending contact information to Richie Richards at naes-pahma@berkeley.edu. *Healthy lunch will be provided to occupation speakers and elders who attend.. Lunch will be provided by Friendly Natives Catering: bluemaiz@yahoo.com
Saturday, November 21st, 8 am. 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Takeover of Alcatraz by Indians of All Tribes. Meeting at Pier 33 at 8 am. Tell the ticketing office you're with the 'Occupation ceremony'.
We're holding a commemoration on the island and trying to locate as many people as possible that inhabited or even just visited the island during the occupation from Nov. 1969 to June of 1971. This was a monumental event in Indian Country with international attention drawn to the plight of the American Indian. It helped shape reforms in policy that impact Native Americans to this day. Come join us!
Saturday, November 21st- Film Screening of Alcatraz is Not an Island. Artist Television Access,992 Valencia Street (at 21st) San Francisco (415)824-3890
Filmmaker James Fortier will be in attendance as well as members of the Oaks family.
Wednesday, November 25th from 6pm till sunrise- KPOO 89.5 FM live broadcast interview with film makers and film projection on Coit ower.
The themes are honoring the occupation and also raising the presence of Ohlone leaders.
Thursday, November 26th, $14 Indigenous People's Annual Thanksgiving Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz. Boats depart 4:45-6:00am Pier 33, San Francisco.
Purchase advance tickets at http://www.alcatrazcruises.com/ (http://www.alcatrazcruises.com/website/sunrise-gathering.aspx) or call (415) 981 7625. For more information contact Morning Star Gali at morningstar@treatycouncil.org (415) 641 4482. Sponsored by International Indian Treaty Council and American Indian Contemporary arts. http://www.treatycouncil.org/
Please check out this incredible archive of news coverage and footage from the 1969 occupation from the SF State archive project:
Morning Star Gali
Community Liaison Coordinator
International Indian Treaty Council
Tel. + 415.641.4482 Fax + 415.641.1298
Special thanks to the UN OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague for sharing this:
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