Media release
12 February 2010 (Vancouver) — The entire Olympic Resistance march stopped in front of Alberta House today to say STOP THE TAR SANDS and STOP GREENWASHING THE OLYMPIC GAMES. Delegates from the Indigenous Environmental Network, tar sands impacted communities and Albertan residents, were joined by a diverse crowd of thousands of people, to condemn the environmental and social justice crimes of the Alberta tar sands and to confront Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, who was set to speak.
The group was there to ensure the complete horror story of the tar sands was communicated to the crowd awaiting the opening of the 2010winter olympics and Premier Stelmach's Speech.
“We want to ensure that the public knows the true tarmageddon story. A story filled with toxic lakes, growing cancer rates, broken treaties,pipelines and human rights abuses,” said Warner Naziel from the Wet'suwet'en First Nation. “The impacts of the tar sands are being felt by people across Canada, the United States and beyond. My community is just one of many threatening by the sprawling tar sandsmonster. The Premier can't use the international Olympic spotlight to gloss over the enormous human rights and environmental price tag associated with the tar sands.”
This greenwashing of the tar sands by Alberta's Premier is beingechoed by several tar sands companies that are also financially involved in the games. Suncor, Petro Canada, RBC and TransCanada pipelines all have a stake in the toxic tar sands industry.
“The world is watching to see if we'll clean up our act. It's well past time this government stops selling out to big oil and corporate interests and begins creating the renewable energy economy of the future,” said Clayton Thomas Muller, Tar Sands Campaigner with the Indigenous Environmental Network . “These tar sands corporations and all the dirty oil money in the world can't buy a tar sands greenwash.While their profits rise, people die — this is the nature of this tarsands industry. It's time to shut them down.”
Extracting oil from the tar sands generates up to five times more carbon dioxide than conventional drilling, and irreversibly damages the land, water, and forests.
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For more information, please contact:
Clayton Thomas Muller – 1.218.760.6632 (Tar Sands Organizer, IEN)
Warner Naziel – 250.877.3915 (Wet'suwet'en First Nation Resident)
Scott Harris – 780.233.2528 (Prairie Organizer, Council of Canadians)
Media release
12 February 2010 (Vancouver) — The entire Olympic Resistance march stopped in front of Alberta House today to say STOP THE TAR SANDS and STOP GREENWASHING THE OLYMPIC GAMES. Delegates from the Indigenous Environmental Network, tar sands impacted communities and Albertan residents, were joined by a diverse crowd of thousands of people, to condemn the environmental and social justice crimes of the Alberta tar sands and to confront Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, who was set to speak.
The group was there to ensure the complete horror story of the tar sands was communicated to the crowd awaiting the opening of the 2010winter olympics and Premier Stelmach's Speech.
“We want to ensure that the public knows the true tarmageddon story. A story filled with toxic lakes, growing cancer rates, broken treaties,pipelines and human rights abuses,” said Warner Naziel from the Wet'suwet'en First Nation. “The impacts of the tar sands are being felt by people across Canada, the United States and beyond. My community is just one of many threatening by the sprawling tar sandsmonster. The Premier can't use the international Olympic spotlight to gloss over the enormous human rights and environmental price tag associated with the tar sands.”
This greenwashing of the tar sands by Alberta's Premier is beingechoed by several tar sands companies that are also financially involved in the games. Suncor, Petro Canada, RBC and TransCanada pipelines all have a stake in the toxic tar sands industry.
“The world is watching to see if we'll clean up our act. It's well past time this government stops selling out to big oil and corporate interests and begins creating the renewable energy economy of the future,” said Clayton Thomas Muller, Tar Sands Campaigner with the Indigenous Environmental Network . “These tar sands corporations and all the dirty oil money in the world can't buy a tar sands greenwash.While their profits rise, people die — this is the nature of this tarsands industry. It's time to shut them down.”
Extracting oil from the tar sands generates up to five times more carbon dioxide than conventional drilling, and irreversibly damages the land, water, and forests.
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For more information, please contact:
Clayton Thomas Muller – 1.218.760.6632 (Tar Sands Organizer, IEN)
Warner Naziel – 250.877.3915 (Wet'suwet'en First Nation Resident)
Scott Harris – 780.233.2528 (Prairie Organizer, Council of Canadians)
keep the fight!!
New Tar Sands Oilympics video from the London Tar Sands Network
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