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The Ixchel Route.
April 2021.
The Mountain will come out.
By SupGaleano (Marcos)
From one of the houses of Ixchel , the mother of love and fertility, the grandmother of plants and animals, a young mother and an old mother, the rage into which the pain of the earth is transformed when it is hurt and stained, will emerge the mountain.
One of the Mayan legends tells that Ixchel spread out over the world in the shape of a rainbow. This was done in order to give the planet a lesson in plurality and inclusion, and to remind it that the color of the earth is not one, but many, and that all, without ceasing to be what they are, together illuminate the wonder of life. And she, Ixchel , the rainbow woman, embraces all colors and makes them part of her.
From one of the houses of Ixchel , the mother of love and fertility, the grandmother of plants and animals, a young mother and an old mother, the rage into which the pain of the earth is transformed when it is hurt and stained, will emerge the mountain.
One of the Mayan legends tells that Ixchel spread out over the world in the shape of a rainbow. This was done in order to give the planet a lesson in plurality and inclusion, and to remind it that the color of the earth is not one, but many, and that all, without ceasing to be what they are, together illuminate the wonder of life. And she, Ixchel , the rainbow woman, embraces all colors and makes them part of her.
In the mountains of the Mexican southeast, in the Mayan language of the oldest of the old, one of the stories of Ixchel , mother-moon, mother-love, mother-rage, mother-life is told . Speaking Old Antonio thus speaks:
“ From the east came death and slavery. So it came and no way. We can change nothing from the above. But so said Ixchel :
" May life and freedom sail to the east tomorrow in the word of my bones and blood, my babies. Do not send a color. Let him not send any so that none obey and that each one is what he is with joy. Because grief and pain come from those who want mirrors and not crystals to peer into all the worlds that I am. In anger, 7 thousand mirrors will have to be broken until the pain is relieved. Much death will have to hurt so that, in the end, life is the way. May the rainbow crown then the house of my babies, the mountain that is the land of my successors ”.
When the oppression reached Mayan soil in metal and fire, the ts'ul , the one who had come from afar, looked at many figures of the rainbow goddess and called that land: Isla Mujeres.
One morning tomorrow, when the talking cross invokes, not the past, but the future, it will navigate the mountain to the land of Ts'ul and dock in front of the old olive tree that gives shade to the sea and identity to those who live and work in those coasts. "
- * -
On May 3 of the year 21 of the 21st century, from Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico, the Mountain will set sail to cross the Atlantic in a journey that has much of challenge and nothing of reproach. In the sixth month of the calendar, you will have to see the coasts of the port of Vigo (Ciudad Olívica ), Pontevedra, in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spanish State.
- * -
If you cannot disembark, be it because of COVID, migration, outright discrimination, chauvinism, or the wrong port or hell, we are prepared.
We are ready to wait there and we will unfold, off the European coast, a large banner saying “ Awake! ”. We will wait to see if someone reads the message and then as long to see if, indeed, they wake up; and the same more to see if it does something.
If the lower Europe does not want to or cannot, then, anticipating, we take 4 canoes with their respective oars and we will start our return. Of course, it will take a while until we see the edges of Ixchel's house again .
The cayucos represent 4 stages of our being as Zapatistas that we are:
.- Our culture as an original people of Mayan roots. It is the largest canoe and within which the remaining 3 can be stored. It is a tribute to our ancestors.
.- The stage of secrecy and uprising. It is the cayuco that is second in size to the first, and it is a tribute to those who have fallen since January 1, 1994.
.- The stage of autonomy. It is the third in size, from largest to smallest, and it is a tribute to our peoples, regions and areas that, in resistance and rebellion, have and are raising Zapatista autonomy.
.- The stage of Zapatista childhood. It is the smallest cayuco that Zapatista boys and girls have painted and decorated with the figures and colors they wanted.
- * -
But if we manage to disembark and embrace with the word those who fight, resist and rebel there, then there will be parties, dancing, songs, and cumbias and hips will shake floors and distant skies.
And, on both sides of the ocean, a short message will flood the entire electromagnetic spectrum, cyberspace and will echo in hearts:
вторгнення почалося
bosqinchilik boshlandi
to invasion comezou
Die Invasion hat begonnen
istila başladı
the Invasio has initiat
l'principiata hè invasione
invazija je započela
invaze začala
инвазията е започнала
Invasionen er startet
invázia sa začala
invazija se je začela
the komenciĝis invade
the invasion has started
invasioon on alanud
inbasioa hasi da
hyökkäys on alkanut
l'invasion a commencé
mae'r goresgyniad wedi cychwyn η εισβολή έχει ξεκινήσει
Tá an t-ionradh tosaithe
innrásin er hafin
l'è invasione iniziata
بدأ الغزو
Eris dest pê kiriye
iebrukums go fill your stomach
prasidėjo invazija
d'Invasioun Huet ugefaang
започна инвазијата
bdiet l-invażjoni
of invasie is begonnen
invasjonen har startet
حمله آغاز شده است
rozpoczęła się inwazja
a invasão começou
invazia a început
вторжение началось
инвазија је започела
invasionen har börjat
"The invasion has started."
.- .. .- / .. -. … - .-… .. - -. /…. .- / .. -. .. -.-. .. .- - .. - (in morse code)
And perhaps, just perhaps, Ixchel , moon goddess, will then be the light on our path and, as in this morning, light and destiny.
From the Zapatista
Seedling Comandanta Ramona Maritime-Terrestrial Training Center . Tzotz Choj area.
The SupGaleano.
Mexico, April 26, 2021. Full moon.

Soundtrack of the video: “Te Llevaré” Lisandro Meza.
Greetings and hugs Compas from Greece and the Mediterranean Sea, we are waiting for you to sail together in the blue seas ... and "if you don't go, I will take you in my heart
Comment from Ευτυχιος Τιμαρας - April 26, 2021 @ 4:54 am
¡Magnífico !!! ¡Gracias infinitamente por vuestras creaciones qué iluminan la inmensidad del corazón colectivo – el apoyo de todas y todos, la presencia visible e invisible de cada uno cada una, el acuerdo de Nosotros – qué reemplazará las lágrimas de pena por las lágrimas de alegría! Te estamos esperando! Maya
Comentario de Maya Joulkva — abril 26, 2021 @ 6:03 am
«inbasioa hasi da», euskaraz zerbait irakurtzen dudanean, malkoak isurtzeraino, unkitu egiten naiz.
Eskerrik asko, ongi ibili eta ongi etorri!
Comentario de nkn — abril 26, 2021 @ 6:31 am
Y por supuesto que nuestros corazones y nuestras corazonas irán con ustedes. Ya de por sí.
Comentario de Armando Soto — abril 26, 2021 @ 6:58 am
¡ Buen viaje, copas !
Aquí les estamos esperando con ganas y júbilo.
Baiona-País Vasco
Comentario de Pantxika — abril 26, 2021 @ 7:19 am
Y desde aquí también sumaremos a la vida y la libertad. Desde la alegría, sin angustia y caminando el miedo, que los espejos sean camino para sanar el dolor y caminar la arcoiris
Les abrazo con un chingo de amor compas zapatistas y compas de la sexta de la A a la Z
Comentario de Diana Itzu Luna — abril 26, 2021 @ 7:20 am
Despues de revisar la tragedia que vive el mundo en los medios internacionales es refrescante llegar aquí y encontrar una aparente inocentada que la desmiente el largo tiempo de la resistencia. Adelante.
Comentario de Antonio Gonzalez — abril 26, 2021 @ 9:51 am
Wuauuuuuuu. Ora si que nos dejan a todos con el ojo redondo!!!!!
Que arte, que cultura!!!! Que creatividad y organización !
Su barco, La Montaña, no lleva oro ni plata sino arte, cultura y esperanza
Lo que la humanidad necesita para un nuevo amanecer.
No se como le voy a hacer pero estaré esperándolos en los 5 continentes
A remar a remar que el capitalismo se va a acabar!
Y los mares ya no son como antes, campo de múltiples batallas, sino camino para el encuentro de todas las culturas, todos los colores iluminados por el sol y la luna.
Comentario de Beatriz Aurora — abril 26, 2021 @ 11:06 am
Gracias por emprender este viaje, aqui estaremos con los brazos abiertos todos los que entendemos que la conquista America fue una de las peores masacres que ocurrieron en la historia de la humanidad. Gracias de nuevo, por traer vida y sabiduria a estas tierras. Buen viaje!
Comentario de Eduardo — abril 26, 2021 @ 11:06 am
Desembarcad e iluminad el viejo mundo!!!!! Buen viaje …y lo mejor desde argentina.
Comentario de jorge oscar — abril 26, 2021 @ 1:28 pm
Que alegría seguir su Travesía por la vida. Estamos sedientos de esperanza y ustedes la encienden con sus palabras y sus asombrosas propuestas de vida. Aquí quedan muchos corazones que van navegando con ustedes, en espera que la vida triunfe. Abrazos valientes piratas.
Comentario de Oralba Castillo Najera — abril 26, 2021 @ 5:51 pm
Comentario de FERNANDO SANTANA — abril 26, 2021 @ 6:04 pm
Que lindo, bravo compas, muchas gracias, toda mi fuerza, mi pensar mi sentimiento hacia ustedes.
Comentario de Cristóbal Romero — abril 26, 2021 @ 8:53 pm
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