Dine' protest outside the Navajo Nation Council
Dine' Urge Real Climate Solutions as the Navajo Nation Council Continues Backdoor Deals By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat
NAVAJO NATION CAPITOL -- What is the Navajo Nation Council doing to stop the egregious acts on the Navajo Nation, what real solutions are being offered to combat climate change, and who are the shareholders of Navajo Oil and Gas, which is benefitting financially from the destruction of the land, water and air. These are the questions Dine' asked during the protest outside the Navajo Nation Council on Monday.
Dine' protesting outside the Navajo Nation Council questioned who are the shareholders of Navajo Oil and Gas. The Navajo Oil and Gas website today shows these shareholders -- leading with Navajo Council Speaker Seth Damon. It is owned by the Navajo Nation and owns and operates oil and natural gas interests in New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah, according to its website. Since it is owned by the Navajo Nation, Dine' protesting outside the Council told Speaker Seth Damon that the Council is not listening to the people. The shareholders and more are on its website at: https://nnogc.com/who-we-are-2/Thank you to Marley Shebala, Dine'/Zuni Pueblo reporter here for 40 years, for this video coverage. Marley shared the voices of Dine' who said they are not being heard.
During her coverage, Marley and Dine' elders are refused entry into the spring session of the Navajo Council. Dine' oppose new helium mining at the sacred Beautiful Mountain in Sanostee and in Two Grey Hills. This legislation was reverted back to a committee this week.
Dine' voiced the needs of sexual assault victims and the help needed in the search for missing and murdered Dine' during the protest. Dine' hemp farmers raided by Navajo police said their voices have not been heard. They said people do not know what happened to them during and after the police raid.
Among those here are Dine' from Black Mesa, resisting forced relocation for 50 years because of Peabody Coal's mining which ripped apart the land and poisoned and depleted the springs and the aquifer. They described living without running water, with outhouses, and roads that are not repaired.
Watch Marley's video coverage https://www.facebook.com/marley.shebala/videos/511992007145333
Read more at Navajo Times
Navajo Times journalist Rima Krisst reports -- "With $1.07 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds idle because the Navajo Nation Council and president’s office are divided over how to spend it, members of the Dzil Yijiin Regional Council marched on the first day of spring session Monday to express concern. Marcus Tulley, president of the regional council, said the protest was to demand Navajo Nation leaders to 'do their job' and approve ARPA spending."
“The people that are suffering are the chapter people,” said Tulley. “They need to stop playing games with these funds and sit down together and iron things out.” The Dzil Yijiin region includes Hardrock, Black Mesa, Forest Lake, Pinon, Whippoorwill, Blue Gap and Low Mountain chapters.
Read the article at Navajo Times.