Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

September 11, 2024

Standing Rock Water Protector Shot in the Head by Israel in the West Bank

"I Stand with Standing Rock," Aysenur Eygi at Standing Rock in defense of the water from Dakota Access Pipeline at the age of 18. Aysenur was assassinated by an Israeli soldier after peace observers held a prayer gathering in the West Bank. As she fled from tear gas for safety, she was standing beneath an olive tree when she was executed.  Photo credit

"Happening Now: Hundreds of people are gathered along Alki Beach right now, calling for justice for Aysenur Eygi, the University of Washington alum killed in the West Bank last week by the Israel Defense Force. She was 26 and described as a lifelong activist." -- Ryan Simms, KOMO News reports on Wednesday evening at sunset.

Seattle honors Standing Rock Water Protector shot in the head by Israel in the West Bank

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, September 11, 2024

SEATTLE -- Standing Rock Water Protector Aysenur Eygi was honored tonight on the banks of Alki Beach in Seattle. Aysenur, 26, was a life long activist, an American with dual citizenship in Turkey, and a recent graduate of the University of Washington.

Aysenur was among those who came to Standing Rock to defend the water from Dakota Access Pipeline. Aysenur was 18 years old when she came to Standing Rock.

"It was an intentional killing which can not be justified," said Jonathan Pollak, who tried to resuscitate Aysenur as she bled to death.

"It was quiet, there was nothing to justify the shot, the shot was taken to kill," Pollak said.

Aysenur was assassinated after dozens of Palestinians and international activists held a communal prayer on a hillside outside Beita overlooking an Israeli settlement.

The peace activists were scared and ran into the olive trees for protection after tear gas was fired at them, said one of the women with her.

"She must have put her head out to have a look to see what was happening. And then I heard a gunshot, and I looked and she just dropped." She called Aysenur's name, because she thought she had just dropped out of fear, but she turned her, and saw blood on her left temple, and blood from her nose. She knew she was gone, her eyes were glazed over.

"I just couldn't believe that anyone could actually hold up a rifle, look through the scope, look at her head, look at her beautiful face and shoot straight to her head."

"We had never heard shots before," the woman said. "Someone shouted 'live ammunition,'" she said. "We ran into the olive garden." Aysenu's fellow peace activist said she knows that no one will be held accountable.

Aysenur was there less than two hours before Israeli forces assassinated her.

(Photo) Where Aysenur Eygi and the Israel soldier who killed her were located when she was shot, according to the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call.

AP reports, "Jonathan Pollak, an Israeli peace activist who participated in Friday’s protest with Eygi, said she posed no threat when Israeli forces shot her. He said the killing happened during a period of calm after clashes between soldiers and Palestinian protesters."

"Pollak said he saw two Israeli soldiers mount the roof of a nearby home, train a gun in the group’s direction and fire, with one of the bullets striking Eygi in the head."

Al Jazeera reports, "The activists were standing within the built-up area of Beita for about 30 minutes, during which time the soldiers took over the rooftop of a house at the top of the hill."

"That home belonged to the daughter of Munir Khudair, who was on the roof that Friday, he told Al Jazeera: “Of course, the army surrounds this house every Friday and climbs onto the roof to use it to shoot at demonstrators. The army came … and we went downstairs.”

"At the time when two shots sounded, Munir said, there were no confrontations or friction. 'I think it was a sniper who fired,' he said, adding: 'We heard shouting from the group, saying: ‘Injury! Injury!'”

Flags fly in support of Palestine over Navajo Nation Fair Parade. Raytheon Dine' Facility on the Navajo Nation continues to manufacture weapons for genocide.

Waving Palestinian flags above the Navajo Nation Fair Parade on Saturday --
Solidarity in a time of genocide.

The United States continues to supply Israel with weapons for war crimes and genocide.

Raytheon Missiles is a top weapons producer for Israel. The Raytheon Dine' Facility on the Navajo Nation, located on the tribe's commercial farm, Navajo Agricultural Products Industries, near Shiprock, New Mexico, produces missile parts for 12 Raytheon missiles. The Navajo government has been silent about the Navajo factory producing missile parts for genocide.

In Arizona, Raytheon partners with Israel's weapon maker Rafael and is headquartered on the tech campus of the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. The university partners with Raytheon and other producers of weapons and surveillance.

The U.S., Israel's biggest ally and weapons supplier, has sent Israel more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles since the start of the Gaza war in October, U.S. officials told Reuters in June.

At least 41,084 people have been killed and 95,029 wounded in Israel's war on Gaza.

Funeral held for an American activist that a witness says was shot by Israel
by Imad Issied, Associated Press

NABLUS, West Bank (AP) Sept. 9, 2024 — The Palestinian Authority held a funeral procession Monday for an American activist who a witness says was shot and killed by Israeli forces last week following a demonstration against settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Dozens of mourners — including several leading officials of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority — attended the procession for Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old from Seattle who also held Turkish citizenship.

Eygi’s body was draped in a Palestinian flag and her face was covered with a traditional black-and-white checkered scarf as security forces carried her and then placed her into a Palestinian ambulance.

United Nations calls for full inquiry into West Bank shooting, by BBC

Jewish-Israeli activist Jonathan Pollak, who was at the protest, told BBC World Service's Newshour programme he had seen "soldiers on the rooftop aiming".

He said he had heard two separate shots, "with like a second or two distance between them".

"I heard someone calling my name, saying in English, 'Help us. We need help. We need help.' I ran towards them," he said.

He said he had then seen Ms Eygi "lying on the ground underneath an olive tree, bleeding to death from her head".

"I put my hand behind her back to try and stop the bleeding," he said. "I looked up, there was a clear line of sight between the soldiers and where we were. I took her pulse, and it was very, very weak."

He added that Friday's demonstration had been Ms Eygi's first time attending a protest with the International Solidarity Movement, a pro-Palestinian group.

Al Jazeera
Published On 12 Sep 2024

Israel’s military bombed the UN-operated al-Jaouni school in central Gaza, killing at least 18 people. Witnesses say “women and children were blown to pieces” in the assault.

Six of the victims were UNRWA staff, including the manager of the shelter. The agency said it was the highest death toll for its staff in a single incident in the 11-month war.

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