Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

September 11, 2024

Seminole Evan Haney: Fighting the Right War, Bringing the Resistance Home

United Nations Delegation: Bill Wahpepah, Clyde Bellecourt, Russell Means, Greg Zephier, Joe Lafferty, Evan Haney, Juan Aguilar, in Geneva Switzerland, 1977. (Photo courtesy Evan Haney, shared with permission, Censored News.)

Seminole Evan Haney: Fighting the Right War and Bringing the Resistance Home

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Sept. 11, 2024

OKEMAH, Oklahoma -- When Evan Haney, Seminole, was in the military in Vietnam, he suffered a trauma. He found a culture like his own, and found he was fighting the wrong war, Evan said during the Convening of the Four Winds gathering on Sunday.

Evan spent the rest of his life fighting the United States government.

Read more in the five-part series from the Convening of the Four Winds gathering at the Phillip Deere Round House in Okemah, Oklahoma, September 7 -- 8, 2024, at Censored News.

Seminole Evan Haney: Fighting the Right War, Bringing the Resistance Home

'Bringing the Ancestors Home,' Les Willison, Choctaw

Convening of the Four Winds, Day 2

Defending the Ancestors: Voices from the Phillip Deere Round House

Live from the Phillip Deere Roundhouse: Day 1: Convening of the Four Winds

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