Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

September 11, 2024

Apache Stronghold at U.S. Supreme Court to Protect Oak Flat

Now at U.S. Supreme Court. Photo courtesy Gary McKinney, Shoshone Paiute

Speaking now at the rally outside the Supreme Court, Gary McKinney, Shoshone Paiute, said, "Within your communities, activate your communities, your peers, your relatives, bring them to the circle, normalize this," McKinney said, urging action by local governments. "Put them to work, please."

"Take these necessary steps to ensure that our Seven Generations have a chance at clean air and clean water, and to learn our culture and traditions and to keep those alive and well." Standing with a banner of "Life Over Lithium," and standing with the struggle against the lithium mining now ongoing at the Paiute Massacre Site, Peehee Mu'huh, in northern Nevada, McKinney urged staying in prayer today and throughout our lives. "We are with you in solidarity, there are many more like us all around the world, no matter what religion, religious denomination, you belong to, this is our thought for Mother Earth, and those things that help us, those medicines, the sage, the cedar, the water, the land." -- Censored News

Apache Stronghold plans to file case to protect Oak Flat from a devastating copper mine, today, at the U.S. Supreme Court

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News, Sept. 11, 2024

WASHINGTON -- The Apache Stronghold has arrived in Washington, DC after two months following in the footsteps of the Spirit from the West on this Journey of Prayer to deliver their appeal to the Supreme Court to protect their religion, their sacred land, but also to protect all of humanity’s spirituality and the earth that is Mother to us all whether we recognize it or not. Dr. Wendsler Nosie, Sr. once told me that to really know how to fight for justice you must go to the places that are suffering to listen and learn. Mother Earth is crying everywhere, not just at Oak Flat, if you have ears to listen and eyes to see. And these cries of Mother Earth are at the same connected to the cries of the oppressed.

When we arrived, Dr. Wendsler Nosie and a few members of the Apache Stronghold were taken to what this country sees as the places of “power” - the Capitol, the White House, and the Supreme Court. When Dr. Nosie looked across to the Capitol and saw the flag flying that has been flown over the places the U.S. has caused so much pain for his peole and the land, he was remembering the suffering. This history of suffering reminds us not only of the truth of the founding of this country on this evil capitalist and colonialist system, but also it reminds us of who we are as humans and our sacred connection to Mother Earth and one another. Dr. Nosie reflected further, “They didn’t win. They didn’t erase me. We are here now still in the fight to protect our people, Mother Earth and all of human existence from shattering.”

As the Apache Stronghold has moved across this country, we have seen signs of hope with communities we met, even from inside churches who are remembering who they are and their connection to Mother Earth. We know this spiritual connection is where real power lies. It is time for people of all religions and spiritual connections to remember who we are and rise up together to protect our Mother Earth and future generations to come. Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador asked, “A church that doesn’t provoke any crises, a gospel that doesn’t unsettle, a word of God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin, a word of God that doesn’t touch the real sin of the society in which it is being proclaimed — what gospel is that?” For far too long the evil systems of empire have used churches and religion to undergird its grip of power over the earth destroying her and dehumanizing us all. We are reminded by the words of Gustavo Gutiérrez, “The denunciation of injustice implies the rejection of the use of Christianity to legitimize the established order.”

Hear our Prayers:

We rise with the strength of all Creation
Light of Sun
Radiance of Moon
Splendor of Fire
Speed of Lightning
Swiftness of Wind
Firmness of Rock
Stability of Mother Earth
May the spirit of God touch the hearts of all those appointed to the Supreme Court that they might remember the suffering of this land and her people, that they will remember who they are and who they can become again, and that they will not only remember these truths, but that they will now act justly to enact laws to protect Oak Flat, Apache religion, Mother Earth and all Creation.

"Every rebellion against suffering is fed by the subversive power of remembered suffering." - Johann Baptist Metz

Read more from today:

Apache Stronghold's statement

Statement by Becket Law

Reuters: Indigenous take fight against Rio Tinto to Supreme Court today

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