Censored News
Photo: Roberta Blackgoat opposing coal mining and relocation in Flagstaff during one of her lasts protests. Photo Brenda Norrell. Photo 2: Bombing of Hanoi.
February 23, 2011
Senate Indian Affairs Committee regarding John McCain's conduct in the Vietnam war and how it affects Indian Affairs. John McCain should be removed from the US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs for killing old men, women and children. John McCain is suppose to be helping Natives but has passed laws that are contrary to Indians. -- Vincent Yazzie
Vincent H. Yazzie
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Committee on Indian Affairs
United States Senate
838 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Honorable Senators,
The attached documents came from the CIA website http://www.foia.cia.gov/search.asp
DOC_0000463502.PDF page 6 reveals only 2 bombs hitting a thermal power plant, but 35 civilian structures

John_McCain_captured.pdf page 1 reports John McCain and his friend dropped steel pellets, from "foreign correspondents in Hanoi saw with their eyes civilian dwelling houses destroyed and Hanoi's women, old folks, and children killed by steel-pellet bombs dropped from McCain's aircraft and those of his colleagues."
McCain Interview2.pdf on page 5 is a psychological point of view on John McCain by Dr Barral, "He showed himself to be intellectually alert during the interview. From a morale point of view he is not in traumatic shock. He is neither dejected nor depressed. He has able to be sarcastic, and even humorous, indicative of psychic equilibrium. From the moral and ideological point of view he showed us he is an insensitive individual without human depth, who does not show the slightest concern, who does not appear to have thought about the criminal acts he committed against a population from the almost absolute impunity of his airplane, and that nevertheless those people saved his life, fed him, and looked after his health, and he is now healthy and strong. I believe that he bombed densely populated places for sport. noted that he was hardened, that he spoke of ???? things as if he were at a cocktail party."
This man has no regard for human life. In his state alone the Navajo Hopi Land Dispute continues, tribes are losing their water rights, and over half the Navajo Nation now lives off the reservation. An acting congressional laws that are contrary to the Apache (Mount Graham Observatory), created congressional laws for Navajos to trade their lands rights for 75 year lease agreements. Page 23 of Healing v. Jones II, 210 F. Supp 125 says 300 unknown Navajos were settled on the 1882 Reservation and this case was confirmed by the US Supreme Court Jones v. Healing 83 S. Ct. 1559. The US Department of Interior has engaged in hiding important land records from the Healing v. Jones court a major violation of Rule 26 of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The US government had a duty to disclose, but failed. Healing v. Jones II, 210 F. Supp 125 says 300 unknown Navajos, but the land records show there are 834 Navajos and 3,500 Hopis.
John McCain as in Vietnam takes sport in killing indigenous helpless old man, woman and children as well as in Vietnam. How many Navajos have been moved to foreign lands via relocation and lost their homes who now wander the land with no home. Where Navajos that roamed free in there land with their sheep now waste away in a small 10x10 foot room waiting for death as the only language they know is Navajos. This conduct is not tolerated by Native Americans and only brings up memories of the Massacre at Wounded Knee.
John McCain needs to step down from the Senate Indian Affairs Committee as well as being a Senator from the State of Arizona.
I am a member of the Navajo Tribe of Indians, 305,180 and over the age of 18. I have served in the US Navy.
Vincent Yazzie
Documents: The site where documents are found
http://www.foia.cia.gov/search.asp (Search under Mccain)
Also see: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs membership:
Agreed. He has no respect for Native Americans and has shown his disregard time and again by lobbying for bills and laws that were hurtful and abusive to Native peoples, thier needs and US treaties.
To facilitate his special interests, namely: Peabody Western Coal Company (the largest coal group in the US) and the Mohave Generating Facility in Laughlin (operated by Bechtel) delivering low cost coal produced electricity to Las Vegas's C...asinos in exchange for Beer Distribution Contracts afforded his wife's business, Hemsley Inc., John McCain personally, over the course of 25 years in the state legislature and federal senate introduced and arranged for the enforcement of unethical and constitutionally unlawful legislations which brutally displaced thousands of Navajo farmers onto a Nuclear Waste Dump, Church's Rock, New Mexico to live after brutalizing them for two decades in peaceful resistance. McCain assembled support to modify existing laws and produce new ones (Navajo Resettlement & Navajo Accommodation Agreement, Navajo Settlement, and amendments to PL 93-531, PL S.1003), illegal and unethical enactments designed to force Native American Navajo of the Dineh Band off their Arizona lands, moving them onto Church's Hill in New Mexico, depriving them of lands they've owned since 1500 AD. As a result, thousands of aboriginal elders passed away from shock associated with displacement into urban apartment settings and on to uranium contaminated waste sites such as Church's.
Using a phony Hopi tribal counsel composed of paid stooges, and Rangers comprised largely of BIA police, McCain and Peabody Western Coal Company progressively stole and exploited the Dineh's lands for mutual personal gain, brutalizing the natives, terrorizing elders and engaging in thuggery, forcing these peaceful people to leave "or else". They even bulldozed their sacred sites and sweat lodges, beating their members physically and abusing their elders to the point of terrorizing them and causing health failure and heart failures and worse. Fake Hopi Rangers (BIA Police) organized by McCain allies arrested and beat any peaceful resistors on their own lands and while celebrating holy days at their sacred sites. Three Presidential runs by McCain have been backed by the Mining, Power company and its Nevada Casino clients through street names organized in Nevada. McCain's wife has been granted huge Beer distribution contracts at her liquor company, Hemsley, by Nevada gaming interests. Two faced political favor banking has robbed the Dineh of any political support. The supposed "new lands" at Church's Hill are a Superfund Nuclear Waste Dump landfill site where children in schoolyards play among openly dumped uranium tailings! Children born in these communities have twice the national average of birth defects! http://www.cain2008.org/ Allison Harris
Can't we just start some on line petition to have John McCain removed from office and persecuted for his actions?
Yesterday I wrote to Allison Biney, chief counsel of the Senate committee on Indian Affairs, as well as sending a copy to the White House and my state senators and congress woman. I posted this letter on my facebook wall and invited anyone who wanted to, to just cut and pate my letter and send it. I will post a copy below, as well as email addresses. If every one will resend thier letters daily, when they first turn on thier computers in the morning, they will be deluged with mail and have to respond.
Keep standing together and fighting the good fight!!
Allison Harris
Here is a copy of my letter if you want to simply cut , paste, add your salutation , and add your name, rather than mine. I sent to the Whitehouse, my congressman and senators, and the Senate Committee for Indian Affairs.
I am writing to r...equest that Senator John McCain be removed from the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Senator McCain has a long track record of human rights abuses against the Native American people, as confirmed by the United Nations Special Rapporteur, Hon Abdeltalif Amor, and his condemnation of human rights violations inside the US, over the stripping of rights and forced resettlement of these gentle and deeply spiritual band of Dineh-Navajo Indians from Arizona, swept off of lands they'd owned since 1500 A.D. so that Peabody Western Coal could mine the Coal from beneath their farmlands and tap their wells to slurry pipe it to a power station in Nevada.
Senator McCain has no respect, concern or consideration for the Native American people, nor any understanding of thier culture, tribal laws,US treaties, and basic human rights. He is driven purely be his connection to fossil fuel companies, greed and money. In putting his self serving interests first, he has time and again allowed the theft and rape of sacred Native lands and a continued genocide against the Native People. Senator McCain is not fit to be any part of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and I stand with the People of the Sovereign Indian Nation, and demand his immediate dismissal from this committee.
Below please find articles and videos for your further education and consideration.
Allison Harris
Dineh-Navaho victims of Senator McCain sponsored Human Rights Violations.
Vanishing Prayer, Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs2DXHUKASA
Vanishing Prayer Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpM6nFWqaQI&feature=relmfu
Am I My Brothers Keeper
http://www.cain2008.org/See More
Email addresses:
For the Whitehouse: president@whitehouse.gov
To contact your state senator:
To contact your state congressman:
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