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MNN. MAR. 30, 2017. Threats that World War 3 is coming abound in MSM, to keep everybody in fear. The US economy is breaking down. Police forces have all been militarized with “to serve and protect” on their cars. They dash to protect the elite and corporations, not the public, as seen at Standing Rock.
Trump comes from a business background, which corrupts differently from the politicians. He steals millions. They steal billions. They all have in common that whoever makes the most money makes the rules. “Money talks and bullshit walks”.
Trump is supposed to be commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. When Obama gave the order to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline construction at Standing Rock for further investigation, the corporation that controls the military and police forces ignored the presidential order. 
Trump promised to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington DC. He is now the swamp master covered in swamp mites. He is an actor following the script given to him by the puppet masters.
The reality is that the White House is controlled by the corporation through the military. The Federal Reserve prints the money and controls the interest rates. The Federal Reserve could turn his billions into worthless pieces of paper overnight and he could do nothing about it. That is the real swamp that needs to be drained.
Don’t believe anything that comes out of the corporation. They want ownership of the world and everything in it.
This billionaire boys clubs writes and subverts all the countries’ histories. They believe, “He who controls the past, controls the future”. They put themselves above everyone else which shows how advanced the “owistah” [money] disease infects their minds.
The corporation continues on its destructive path trying to destroy mother earth. As they say, “Criminals come with a mask, a badge, a smile and a wave”.
As the Man in Black sings: “You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later, god’ll cut you down. Tellthat long tongued liar, go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, tell them god’s gonna cut them down”.
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Paul Hellyer disturbing message to US
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