Watch the four-part livestream of the WECAN Women's Assembly for Climate Justice, in San Francisco on Tuesday. Indigenous women from the frontlines speak on panels with global women climate leaders.
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Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks about independent media as a sanctuary of dissent -- "the thing that will save us."
Goodman speaks of the Water Protectors of Standing Rock, and the militarized police who brutalized them.
"They unleashed dogs on the Water Protectors ... but still they stood their ground."
The Democracy Now video of the dog attack was viewed 14 million times.
WECAN International video Women Rising for the Earth - Call To Action and Orientation with Emily Arasim and Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Welcome to the land with Corrina Gould, (Ohlone) Spokesperson of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan,Co-Founder of the Sogorea Te Land Trust, Co-Founder of Indian People Organizing for Change
Opening remarks Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder and Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Panel One: Indigenous Women Speak from the Frontlines of Climate Change
Kandi Mossett - (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara) Lead Organizer on the Extreme Energy & Just Transition Campaign with the Indigenous Environmental Network
Nina Gualinga - (Kichwa) Leader Pueblo of Sarayaku, Ecuador
Wanda Culp - (Tlingit) Artist and forest defender, and Women's Earth and Climate Action Network Regional Coordinator in the Tongass, Alaska
Pennie Opal Plant - (Yaqui & undocumented Choctaw & Cherokee) - Co-Founder of Idle No More SF Bay, Co-Founder of Movement Rights, and Signatory on the Indigenous Women of the Americas Defending Mother Earth Treaty
Keynote by Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice and former President of Ireland
Panel Two: Women’s Strategic Analysis, Policy and Advocacy for Systemic Change and Climate Justice
Jacqueline Patterson - Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Environmental and Climate Justice Program
Bridget Burns - Co-Director of the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Morissa Zuckerman - Representative with Sunrise Movement
Antonia Juhasz - Energy author, investigative journalist and analyst, specializing in oil
Musical Presentation by María De Lime Dorsey
Panel Three: Women’s Leadership and Solutions in Facing Impacts of Climate Change 1
Dr. Gail Myers - Agri-Cultural Anthropologist, Co-Founder of Farms to Grow, Inc., and co-initiator of the Freedom Farmers Market
Amira Diamond - Co-Director of the Women's Earth Alliance (WEA)
Elizabeth Kaiser - Regenerative farmer, Owner/Operator of Singing Frogs Farm
Miriam Nobre - Representative of World March of Women in Brazil, and member of the technical team of SOF (Sempreviva Organziação Feminista)
Karina Gonzales (Women Speak Coordinator) and Emily Arasim (Communications Coordinator) Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Poetry by Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner - Poet and Co Founder of Jo-Jikum, Marshall Islands - and reading of a statement from Her Excellency President Hilda Heine, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Rights of Nature for Systemic Change in Climate Solutions
Shannon Biggs - Co-Founder of Movement Rights
Osprey Orielle Lake - Founder and Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Panel Four: Women’s Leadership and Solutions in Facing Impacts of Climate Change 2
Michelle Cook - (Diné) Human rights lawyer, and Founder and Co-Director of the Divest, Invest, Protect campaign
Doria Robinson - Executive Director of Urban Tilth, Representative of the Climate Justice Alliance
Neema Namadamu - Founder of SAFECO/Hero Women Rising, and Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) Regional Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Crystal Huang - Coordinator of Energy Democracy National Tour and Founder of CrossPollinators
Keynote by Miriam Cisneros (Kichwa) President of Pueblo of Sarayaku, Ecuador with translation and presentation by Leila Salazar-Lopez, Executive Director, Amazon Watch, United States
Call to Action for the Protection and Rights of Defenders of the Land
Valéria Paye Pereira - (Tiriyó and Kaxuyana) Member of Executive Coordination for APIB (Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil) in Brasília/DF
Musical Presentation - Pat Humphries and Sandy O of Emma’s Revolution
Recap of the day, Call to Action document, and introduction of final presentations
What Is This Moment In The Climate Movement And What Actions Are Most Needed
Casey Camp Horinek - (Ponca) Ponca Nation Council-Woman, and Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International Advisory Council Member
Jacqueline Patterson - Director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Environmental and Climate Justice Program
Amy Goodman - Host and Executive Producer of Democracy Now!
Eriel Deranger - (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation) Executive Director and Co-Founder of Indigenous Climate Action, Canada
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