Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 15, 2024

Apache Stronghold: Prayer Journey to Supreme Court Begins on Lummi Nation

Apache Stronghold: Prayer Journey to Supreme Court

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News July 15, 2024

The Apache Stronghold started the journey of prayer to the Supreme Court to stop the shattering of human existence and to protect Mother Earth. We begin our journey with our relatives from the Lummi Nation, north of Seattle, Washington.
We met with the elders of the nations and were given words of encouragement and support. Adalitza, who leads the elder program for the Lummi Nation, spoke of the importance of this fight, saying it’s crucial to set the precedence for the younger ones because it’s the children who will be living in the world we are creating for them.

She also spoke to us about continuing to teach our children what native people have lost and opening that with the world. Sharing what Indigenous peoples have is beautiful and allows us to understand one another. She thanked Apache Stronghold for protecting Mother Earth. Adalitza hopes for our children to know and spiritually connect to sacred sites.

In Adalitza’s words, “We’re doing this to take care of the mind, body, and soul of our people because it’s all timely our Mother Earth is dying and she’s upset, so let’s take care of her and carry those words of protection, protection, protection, let her live, let us live, and that means for all people because mother nature keeps us all here.”

Later, we traveled to the bay to conduct a prayer ceremony and were met with their deities, the crab, the fish, and the eagle. We moved the prayer ceremony around the fire, where we met with other Indigenous people from around the world. Throughout the ceremony, we were reminded that we are not alone in this fight to protect Mother Earth and to keep going because winning the case against the United States is crucial to protect our religion and way of life.

The journey to the Supreme Court has just begun. We are eternally grateful for the powerful words and prayers the Lummi people shared with us for the journey ahead. We ask our supporters to continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we travel to Supreme Court, ahiíy’eh gozoodõlal (Thank you, and may blessings be with you).
Photos by Molly Peters
Written by Báásé Pike
Edited by Leilani Jose

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