Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 17, 2024

Violence and Repression: Indigenous from Russia, Algeria and Nicaragua Appeal to United Nations

An Indigenous woman from Russia describes the coal and gold mining at the U.N. Screenshot Censored News.

Violence and Repression: Indigenous from Russia, Algeria and Nicaragua Appeal to the United Nations

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 17, 2024

GENEVA -- The coal and gold mining in Russia has driven Indigenous Peoples from their homes and poisoned their rivers. In Nicaragua, the assassinations and imprisonment of land defenders has fractured families and communities, presenters told the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

In Algeria, the people have barely survived 3,000 years of violent colonization and genocide.

"Other people should not undergo what we have experienced – which is the case now in Palestine," said the representative from the Algeria Association, Learned Society of scientific research, religious and mystical bodies. Describing the genocide in Algeria, he said France has thousands of bones and craniums of the people in French museums.

An Indigenous woman from Khakassia Republic in Siberia described the coal and gold mining.

"Coal is mined, despite mass protests, the government used land, private property for this, and citizens were driven out of their homes." Now, she said, the conditions are no longer good for livestock breeding, which is their way of life.

"The government is only interested in the presence of natural resources -- but we are a resource ourselves,” she told the United Nations.

"Our language is disappearing, and we only have one school in the republic where the language is taught. We are Khakas but we do not govern Khakassia."

"Nothing has been done to protect our land. The main priority is the mining for materials."

"I also note the Shors are suffering from gold mining, they have territory for traditional nature management created by the Republic of Khakassia, traditionally they are fishers and hunters and so on."

"However, companies are polluting rivers, and this water should be used for vital needs. This water flows through villages, however it is polluted, but companies do not put an end to their activities."

"The issues of the Shors are not being resolved and we need mechanisms to achieve the ends of the UNDRIP," she said, referring to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

"I would like to express a wish, namely to adopt documents and recognize the rights of Indigenous Peoples in their key roles in solving issues related to the use of water by Indigenous Peoples."

Algeria: Surviving Colonization and Genocide

Algeria is the largest country in Africa, with 3,000 years of violent colonization, decolonization and recolonization.

"The last was the French insurgency and there was 130 years of genocide."

"Never in the history of mankind have we gone so far in destroying the human aspect. In terms of conflict, there are 150,000 relics, bones, and craniums in the current French museums from the nineteenth century,” said the representative from the Algeria Association.

Indigenous of Algeria were deported to New Caledonia to enable mixed marriages, a weapon of mass destruction in the colonization of Indigenous Peoples, he said.

"Our struggle is to identify tribes who face mass invasion for the past 3,000 years, and our second is to raise the profile."

Nicaragua: Brutal Oppression of Land Defenders

The International Network of Europe describes deadly consequences of defending the land and communities for  Indigenous in Nicaragua, during the U.N. session. Screenshot by Censored News.

In Nicaragua, the criminalization and prosecution of Indigenous land defenders has intensified. This persecution of those fighting for the protection of their land has resulted in a breakdown of families and communities, said an advocate from the International Network in Europe.

Since 2023, there have been 585 complaints of surveillance, intimidation, house searches, and criminalization of Indigenous Peoples by state security forces.

"Since 2023, at least 75 Indigenous leaders have been murdered."

The criminalization of Miskito and Mayangna goes beyond legal processes, there are harassments, and the government is closing down organizations. There is migration because people are uprooted from their land.

She urged investigation into the persecution of Indigenous rights leaders.

"The lives of human rights defenders depend on this.”

She said those who offer testimony at the United Nations face reprisals and are compelled to leave their homes, communities and families.

The testimony at the United Nations shows that the brutal oppression in Nicaragua is repeated throughout Central and South America. Military forces and mining corporations murder with impunity.

"Latin America is one of the most dangerous regions to be an Indigenous rights and environmental defender," Cultural Survival reports. "Three out of four assassinations of environmental defenders take place in Latin America. Indigenous defenders face a double threat: defending rights and being Indigenous."

The U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples concluded its weeklong session in Geneva on Friday. The recommendations are now sent to the U.N. Human Rights Council.


Khakassia, Russia Statement of Iris Ecofund
Original in Russian 

I can say the same about another indigenous people of Khakassia, the Shorians, who suffer from gold mining. Their territory of traditional nature use was created by the government of the Republic of Khakassia.  Usually, the Shorians live off the gifts of the taiga: they gather nuts and berries, harvest ferns and ramson, hunt and fish. But there are more than two dozen licenses for gold mining in the territory. Companies are polluting rivers and destroying the taiga. I covered the problems of the Shorians in the village of Neozhidanny in the Askizsky district of Khakassia. A river flows through the Shor village, the water is used for drinking, for household needs. The river is polluted, companies do not stop their work. 

Under the government of the Republic of Khakassia there is a Council of Indigenous Minorities. It is not independent, it does not solve the problems of the Shorians.
My recommendations regarding state legal mechanisms to achieve the goals of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in the conditions of Russian reality, are wishes. These are the State's support of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adoption of relevant international documents, adoption of the FPIC procedure, recognition of the right of indigenous peoples to play a key role in addressing issues of subsoil use on indigenous lands.

Presented to: Analysis of constitutions, laws, legislation, policies, judicial decisions and other mechanisms through which States have taken measures to achieve the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in accordance with article 38 of the Declaration


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About the author

Brenda Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 42 years, beginning at the Navajo Times during the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation. She was a correspondent for Associated Press, USA Today and Lakota Times. After serving as a longtime staff reporter for Indian Country Today, she was censored and terminated in 2006 and created Censored News. She has a masters degree in international health. 

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