Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 23, 2024

Kayap贸 Forest Defenders Urge United Nations to Help Halt Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil

Doto Takak Ire, leader of the Menkragnoti Indigenous Land 馃摲 Fred Mauro/Terra Floresta Filmes/ISA

Kayap贸 Forest Defenders Urge United Nations to Help Halt Illegal Gold Mining in Brazil

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 23, 2024

GENEVA -- Indigenous from Brazil urged the United Nations to join them and demand Brazil halt illegal gold mining, and its mercury contamination, now destroying the ancestral homelands of Kayap贸, Yanomami and Munduruku Peoples, during the U.N. Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Doto Takak Ire, Meb锚ng么kre, said, "The Kayap贸 are still warriors and we will always be defenders of the forests."

"We do not want any kind of exploitation of natural resources in our territories. We want the Amazon protected, so that our children and all the children of the world can grow up healthy."


Doto Takak's Statement to U.N. Expert Mechanism on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Original in Espanol

My name is Doto Takak Ire, I am from the Meb锚ng么kre indigenous people, or Kayap贸, as non-indigenous people call them, and I live in central Brazil.

My uncle Raoni has already denounced many times the threats we suffer and now I am here to talk to you about respecting us.

I am here to represent my people and also the Alliance in Defense of the Territories among the Kayap贸, Yanomami and Munduruku Peoples.

We are the three peoples most affected by illegal gold mining. The miners have already destroyed more than 26,000 hectares of our protected areas.

It is a large-scale exploitation: there are heavy machines entering our territories, miners involved in organized crime and the gold is sold internationally.

All countries must commit to verify the origin of the gold they buy.

We want the UN to demand that the Brazilian State protect our lands and urgently expel all invaders.

Create laws to control the gold commercialization chain in Brazil and the use of machines such as backhoes;

Create laws to control the mercury trade and prohibit its use by gold miners.

We thank the Mechanism's informant for reporting the threat that Law 14.701/2023 represents to our territories. This week the National Congress will analyze another bill to change our constitutional rights to our lands, PEC 48/2023.

It is urgent that the Supreme Court annul Law 14.701/2023 and the government go ahead with the demarcation of the Sawr茅 Muybu Indigenous Land of the Munduruku People and all others.

The Brazilian Congress is against us and many times the threat comes in the form of a law.

We do not want Brazil to create laws to destroy us.

Today the threat is illegal mining, but tomorrow it could be the regulation of industrial mining on indigenous lands.

We do not want any kind of exploitation of natural resources in our territories.

We want the Amazon protected, so that our children and all the children of the world can grow up healthy.

The Kayap贸 are still warriors and we will always be defenders of the forests.

Photo: Illegal gold mining on Yanomami land. Photo by Christian Braga, Greenpeace.

The Guardian

Kyapo Project said: Doto Takak Ire, president of the Kabu Institute, was in Geneva on a trip organized by the Alliance in Defense of Territories and the Amazon Cooperation Network. Along with Julio Ue'kwana, a leader from the Yanomami Indigenous Territory, Doto attended a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council where he spoke about the Alliance's recommendations to end mining in Indigenous Lands and the threats that the Brazilian Congress is increasing, such as the approval of the Temporal Landmark law ( the notorious Marco Temporal bill) and the attempt to amend the Constitution to include the Temporal Landmark with PEC 48.

On Wednesday, July 19, our relatives are participating in the event "Indigenous Peoples Against Gold Mining in the Brazilian Amazon. Todd Howland, Chief of Development, Economy, and Social Rights at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, opened the event.

For the leaders who united to fight and denounce mining to be able to go to Switzerland and tell the world about our struggle for the conservation of territories, it was essential to have the support of long-time partners like the Socio-Environmental Institute. Also crucial were new partners like Greenpeace, Instituto Iep茅, Rainforest Foundation Norway, and the Institute for Race and Equality.

Read more:

"From July 8th to 12th, members of the Alliance in Defense of Territories, formed in 2021 by the Kayap贸, Yanomami and Munduruku peoples – the three most affected by illegal mining in Brazil –, will be in Geneva, Switzerland, to denounce violations of their territories in 17th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), from the United Nations (UN).

"Doto Takak Ire, Kayap贸 leader of Menkragnoti Indigenous Land e president of the Kabu Institute and J煤lio Ye'kwana, president of the Wanasseduume Ye'kwana Association (SEDUUME), of Yanomami Indigenous Land, will speak in the main plenary on the mornings of July 8th and 9th, during discussions on Items 3 and 5 of the schedulerespectively. Continue reading:

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