Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

January 31, 2025

Rival Chinese and U.S. Companies Respond to Controversial Questions from Indian Country

Standing Rock 2016. Photo by Ryan Vizzions.

Rival Chinese and U.S. Companies Respond to Controversial Questions from Indian Country

Today: U.S. ChatGPT's Failed Responses

The new U.S. ChatGPT, financed by billionaires, obtained a contract to serve U.S. agencies with information this week. We asked the search platform questions about Standing Rock, and the upcoming case Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society.

It failed to provide the correct answers more than a dozen times. It repeatedly gave outdated and incorrect information. After an hour of being unable to answer basic questions, which are stated in court documents, it finally gave up and said: "You've reached our limit of messages for the hour."

It did not correctly identify Heath Harmon as an FBI informant. It did not even give the correct names of the defendants shown in the upcoming court case, Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society. It gave information that was three years old involving Energy Transfer's subpoena issued to Unicorn Riot media.

In our questions today, we asked who was identified in the court document as a defendant and member of the Red Warrior Society. The search platform repeatedly was unable to answer, and tossed out various names every time it was asked. As can be seen here, it incorrectly identified Clyde Bellecourt as the leader of Red Warrior Society. We pointed out that Clyde was co-founder of the American Indian Movement, not the Red Warrior Society.

Our research reveals that this industry planning to make big money off of other peoples data with AI, artificial intelligence, is deeply flawed, and potentially dangerous.

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Updated Feb. 1, 2025

We asked the rival Chinese-owned and U.S.-backed search platforms a series of controversial questions from Indian country, on torture in residential schools, critical injuries of water protectors at Standing Rock, bordertown racism in Rapid City, and federal lawsuits filed against Deb Haaland while she was Interior Secretary.

We asked if the Rio Puerco wash, flowing by Navajo communities, was contaminated by the Church Rock uranium spill. We also asked who were the Lakota Red Warriors.

January 30, 2025

Controversial Search Engines Do Not Reveal U.S. Interior's Failure to Report Thousands of Boarding School Deaths

Controversial Search Engines Do Not Reveal U.S. Interior's Failure to Report on Thousands of Boarding School Deaths

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, January 30, 2025

The controversial new search platforms owned by a Chinese company, DeepSeek, and U.S. billionaires, ChatGPT, did not respond accurately to the question of the U.S. Interior's failed report on the number of deaths of Native children in U.S. boarding schools.

Leonard Peltier's Conviction: Chinese and U.S. Search Platforms Respond Differently to Case

Leonard Peltier's Conviction: Chinese and U.S. Search Platforms Respond Differently to Case

Leonard Peltier's Conviction: Chinese and U.S. Search Platforms Respond Differently to the Case. The Responses Reveal a Flaw: The AI Platforms are Not Up to Date. 

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, January 30, 2025

Was Leonard Peltier unfairly convicted? The Chinese-owned DeepSeek, and the U.S. backed ChatGPT search platforms, responded differently when asked if Leonard Peltier was unfairly convicted of killing two FBI agents.

The responses show a major flaw in AI, artificial intelligence, search platforms. They are not current. Both search platforms failed to show Peltier was granted clemency last week by President Biden, with a release date of February 18, 2025.

January 29, 2025

Mohawk Nation News 'Carney's Carnival -- Step Right Up, Folks!'

New today at Mohawk Nation News
Read and watch at MNN

China's 'DeepSeek' confirms U.S. boarding schools were genocide -- but rival U.S. fails to confirm genocide

Sicangu children at Rosebud in South Dakota in 1987 before the Lakota children entered  Hampton boarding school in Virginia. Photo Library of Congress

China's DeepSeek confirms U.S. boarding schools were genocide, but rival U.S. company fails to confirm genocide

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Jan. 29, 2025

In the race to scrape up all the data in the world, a Chinese company and a U.S. company are in a race to the top, or the bottom, in the AI, artificial intelligence industry, depending on your perspective. They are in the business of answering questions -- using other peoples data -- on new search platforms.

There's billions at stake, and the Chinese startup caused the biggest market value loss in U.S. history -- $600 billion -- in the stock market on Monday.

There' also a mother's statement about her son's murder and a cover-up of the industry's copyright violations. And now, ChatGPT is set to make a fortune with a new U.S. government contract this week, providing the scraped up data to government agencies.

We asked the Chinese-owned DeepSeek this question: Did U.S. boarding schools commit genocide? DeepSeek confirms that boarding schools are responsible for genocide. On the other hand, the big money U.S. rival ChatGPT says, it's just a matter of perspective.

DeepSeek confirms it was genocide.

January 27, 2025

Leonard Peltier's Spiritual Advisor Lenny Foster 'Prayer, Clemency and the Road Ahead'

Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier's Spiritual Advisor Lenny Foster: 
Prayer, Clemency and the Road Ahead

"Geronimo died in captivity in Fort Sills, Oklahoma, we certainly didn't want that to happen to Leonard Peltier." -- Lenny Foster, Dine', Peltier's spiritual advisor in federal prison.

Article by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Jan. 27, 2025

Video interview

SAN FRANCISCO -- Tony Gonzales, AIM West, thanked people around the world for their support for freedom for Leonard Peltier, who is scheduled to be released on Feb. 18 after a grant of clemency. Tony shares an interview with Lenny Foster, Dine', spiritual advisor to Leonard Peltier.

Tony Gonzales, AIM West, shares an interview with Leonard Peltier's spiritual advisor, Lenny Foster, Dine', and welcomes all to watch a film about Peltier.

Lenny, Peltier's spiritual advisor in the federal penitentiary from March, 1985 to September 29, 2018, continues to pray with him. "I'm very happy that our prayers have been answered."

"It's been a long haul, 50 years, I feel like I've done time with him," Lenny said during the interview with Morning Star Gali, Pomo, broadcast on AIM West TV.

January 24, 2025

U.S. Interior Did Not Report Thousands of Children's Deaths in 'Prison Camps' -- U.S. Boarding Schools

The U.S. Interior Did Not Report Thousands of Children's Deaths in U.S. Boarding Schools

(Photo: Albuquerque Indian School, May 10, 1884.) The U.S. Interior did not report the large number of children who died in Albuquerque Indian School. The raw data from Washington Post shows epidemics of tuberculosis, and pneumonia, killed Dine', Pueblo, Apache and Hopi children during epidemics in 1892 and 1911 -- 1912. The Meriam Report in 1928 exposed the U.S. negligence and the overcrowding, lack of food and failed medical care that accelerated the diseases. -- Censored News

Walapai (Hualapai) students in Hackberry, Arizona 1900

(Photo) Geronimo's People: Say Their Names -- Chiricahua Apache children transferred from prison in Florida to Carlisle Indian School in 1886. More Apache children with Geronimo imprisoned in Florida were transferred with Geronimo to the barracks at Mount Vernon in Alabama. From there, Apache children were sent to Carlisle Indian School in the winter and spring of 1886-1887. Of the 106 students who arrived at Carlisle from Mount Vernon, 27 died and more were dying in May of 1889 at Carlisle. Shortly after being taken to Carlisle, during the year of 1887, the teenagers began dying from tuberculosis. Skahsejah, Skah-se-jah, 17, died in June. Eric Gatay, 18, died in October. Fourteen-year-old Edna Graham, Bet-ah-kat-oth, died in July. The following year, more of the children died from tuberculosis. Basil Ekarden, E-kard-en died in March. He was 16. Alida Booth,Ta-pe-na-nah-clin-ah, 15, died in April of 1888. Simon Dakosin, Dak-o-sin, 14, died in June. More of the children and teenagers died from tuberculosis and consumption, the Washington Post's raw data shows. -- Censored News.

The U.S. Interior drastically under-reported the deaths of children at Chemawa Indian School in Oregon.

'Run, run as fast as you can'

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Updated Feb. 1, 2025

Censored News is examining the raw data from Washington Post, and continuing to expand this article on the thousands of deaths of children in boarding schools that the U.S. Interior did not report. Who were the children, what did they die from, and why is it being covered up in history?

Thousands of Native children died in U.S. boarding schools that were not reported by the U.S. Interior Department in its recent report. Suffering from malnutrition, diseases and abuse, the largest number of unreported children's deaths were at Chemawa Indian Training School in Oregon, followed by Haskell Indian Industrial School in Kansas. The largest total number of deaths were at Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania.

The year-long investigation by The Washington Post documented that 3,104 students died at boarding schools between 1828 and 1970 -- three times as many deaths as reported by the U.S. Interior Department. The actual number of deaths could be as high as 40,000, since deaths of children in unmarked graves were either never reported or the records were destroyed.

Colorado Boarding Schools "Filthy and Abusive"

Teller Boarding School in Grand Junction, Colorado -- Thirty six children died here between 1894 and 1910. The causes of death are typhoid, tuberculosis, pneumonia, kidney problems, blood clot and drowning. They were Dine' (Navajo,) Shoshone, Tohono O'odham, Mescalero Apache, San Carlos Apache and Yuma, Washington Post's data shows.

Of the 36 children who died at Grand Junction, five were Tohono O'odham. Five were Dine'.

The Interior reported that no children died at Grand Junction.

At Fort Lewis Indian Boarding School in Hesperus, Colorado, Southern Ute, Navajo, White Mountain Apache, Pima and Pueblo children died of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in the early 1900s. An estimated 1,100 children from 20 Native tribes attended the Fort Lewis Indian Boarding School in Colorado for 17 years.

"At Fort Lewis, students and staff were subjected to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of Thomas Breen, a longtime superintendent of the school whose abuses came to light in a series of Denver Post articles in 1903," reports Chalkbeat.

"Students lived in poor conditions. Illness was common. Raw sewage and putrid water conditions were frequent problems at the Grand Junction school. The Fort Lewis school also was hard to heat in the winter, making for miserable conditions."

Twenty-six children died at Fort Lewis of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, scrofula, fever and pneumonia. Seven of the children were Southern Ute, and five were White Mountain Apache. The other children were Mescalero Apache, Dine', Pueblo, and O'odham.

Mary, Southern Ute, was 12 years old.

The U.S. Interior reported only one child died at Fort Lewis -- but the Washington Post documented 26 children died here. Five were Dine'. Five were White Mountain Apache. Seven were Southern Ute children. Most died of tuberculosis and infectious diseases.

At Ute Mountain Boarding School in Towaoc, ten children died. Seven children died at Southern Ute Boarding School in Ignacio, Colorado.

Albuquerque Indian School Militarized Children

Albuquerque Indian School in New Mexico

Dine', Pueblo and Apache children were forced to attend the Albuquerque Indian School in New Mexico, where they were militarized.

Mohawk Nation News 'Fear Mongering'

 New today at Mohawk Nation. Read the full article at MNN

January 23, 2025

Leonard Peltier is Going Home! Biden Commuted Peltier's Life Sentence

Leonard Peltier is finally going home!

“It’s finally over–I’m going home,” said Peltier in response to the news. “I want to show the world I’m a good person with a good heart. I want to help the people, just like my grandmother taught me.”

Release day is Feb. 18, 2025

With just moments left before he left office, President Joe Biden commuted the life sentence of Leonard Peltier. 
Biden said Peltier is to serve the remainder of his sentence in home confinement.

January 22, 2025

Klee Benally Honored as Nuclear Free Futures Awardee 2025

Nuclear-Free Future Awards 2025 Laureates Announced

Klee was a passionate campaigner and filmmaker exposing the colonialist legacy of uranium mines and working for the cleanup of the more than 500 abandoned uranium mines that continue to contaminate the Navajo Nation. A month before his death on December 30, 2023, Klee published his book, “No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred.”

French translation by Christine Prat

Contact: Beyond Nuclear: Claus Biegert,; Lind; Pentz Gunter,, 301-455-5655; IPPNW-Geneva; Liaison Office: Chuck Johnson,, 503-777-27

TAKOMA PARK, Maryland -- The 2025 Nuclear-Free Future Awards will this year honor individuals from Brazil, India, Navajo country, the United States and Zimbabwe for their achievements in working for a nuclear-free world.

The Award laureates are chosen by an international jury of their peers and are offered in three categories: Resistance, Education and Solution. The 2025 laureates are: S.P. Udayakumar (India) for Resistance; Márcia Gomes de Oliveira and Norbert Suchanek (Brazil) for Education; and Edwick Madzimure (Zimbabwe) for Solution.

January 20, 2025

Ophelia Rivas: 'Build your fires and burn your medicines' for Peltier's return home


Build your fires and burn your medicines for Peltier's return home

By Ophelia Rivas, O'odham VOICE Against the WALL

In solidarity to all first peoples of Turtle Island.

Leonard Peltier is not free yet, I urge you to build your fires and burn your medicines for absolute protection for Leonard until he is safely sitting in front of his fire on his homelands.

We shall not ever trust the people that tortured him all these years.

Words on paper historically have not been honored.

Mohawk Nation News 'Freedom'

New at Mohawk Nation News

January 18, 2025

Biden Awards Pope 'Medal of Freedom' -- Both Biden and Pope Responsible for Genocide

Indigenous women carrying cradleboards were asked to leave before Pope Francis entered a meeting of residential school survivors at the archbishop's residence in Quebec City on July 29, 2022. Jonel Beauvais, a Kanien'kehá:ka Wolf Clan member from Akwesasne, said that while she was able to stay, she had to go to the back of the room. "They said that they only wanted survivors and not their supporters."

Biden Awards Pope 'Medal of Freedom' -- Both Biden and Pope Responsible for Genocide

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, January 18, 2025

President Biden awarded Pope Francis the Medal of Freedom with Distinction, with no mention of the genocide that the Catholic Church committed in residential schools and boarding schools.

"The award was for genocide, not freedom," Mark Maracle of the Mohawk Warrior Society told Censored News.

Biden, now responsible for sending weapons to Israel for war crimes and genocide in Palestine, awarded Pope Francis the Medal of Freedom with Distinction for "exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace."

January 17, 2025

Mohawk Nation News 'SCC Denial No Surprise'

New at Mohawk Nation News: SCC (Supreme Court of Canada) Denial No Surprise'

Mohawk Nation News 'Supreme Court 'Denied!' Mohawk Mothers'

Mohawk Nation News 'Supreme Court 'Denied!' Mohawk Mothers'

Canada's Supreme Court Rejects Mohawk Mothers Case in Search for Unmarked Graves at CIA Torture Site

"We will never give you permission to do anything on our land -- never," Kahentinetha responds to Canada's Supreme Court rejection of the Mohawk Mothers case in the search for unmarked graves at CIA torture site in Montreal. Video by Montreal Gazette:

Today in Montreal: Protest over Canada's Supreme Court rejection of Mohawk Mothers case in search for unmarked graves at CIA torture site at McGill University. Video interview with Kahentinetha at Montreal Gazette

Canada's Supreme Court Rejects Mohawk Mothers Case in Search for Unmarked Graves at CIA Torture Site

The Canadian Press, January 16, 2025

MONTREAL - The Supreme Court of Canada has refused to hear an appeal from Indigenous elders who were seeking greater oversight over a university construction site in Montreal where they suspect unmarked graves of children are located.

January 9, 2025

Zapatistas 'Rebellion and Resistance' Forty-six Countries Present

Photo Cuartoscuro

Echoes of the First Session of the Meetings of Resistance and Rebellion. December 2024 and 1-2 January 2025. Attendance: some parts of the whole?

Enlace Zapatista, January 8, 2025

Deutsch Ãœbersetzung (German)
Espanol Enlace Zapatista

People registered until January 2, 2025:

- 1079 attendees signed the Declaration for Life.

- 245 groups, collectives, movements or organizations.

- 35 free, autonomous, independent media, or whatever they are called.

Zapatistas 'Resistance and Rebellion' Audios and Videos

Echoes of the First Session of the Meetings of Resistance and Rebellion. December 2024 and January 1-2, 2025. Zapatista Participation: Audios and Videos for Download

Enlace Zapatista, January 9, 2025

Echoes of the First Session of the Meetings of Resistance and Rebellion.
December 2024 and January 1-2, 2025.

Zapatista Participation: Audios and Videos for Download
For signatories of the Declaration for Life, Zapatista compas and party brothers and sisters

January 8, 2025

Hillary Clinton Awarded Medal of Freedom. Clinton Targeted Mohawks and Mapuche with U.S. Espionage.


Mohawk Warrior Society, Oka Resistance

Hillary Clinton Awarded Medal of Freedom. Clinton Targeted Mohawks and Mapuche, Presidents Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez, with U.S. Espionage.

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, January 6, 2025

WASHINGTON -- President Biden awarded Hillary Clinton with the Medal of Freedom on Saturday. Clinton, while serving as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, targeted Mohawks, Mapuche, and world leaders with U.S. espionage.

The U.S. Embassies in Montreal and Toronto targeted Mohawks with surveillance at the border and in their communities in Canada. The U.S. used illegal wiretaps to track Mohawks and documented the actions of Akwesasne Mohawks at the border of New York and Canada.

Tiokasin's Guest on First Voices Radio: Ofelia Rivas, O'odham Rights

First Voices Radio -- Ofelia Rivas, Guest

Listen Now

Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, speaks with First Voices Radio host Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Lakota. Ofelia describes how the U.S. Border Patrol murdered her friend Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, at his home on the Tohono O'odham Nation.

Ofelia shares how Ray's father was her spiritual mentor and taught her about O'odham ceremonies. "Raymond is my ceremony brother, and I have a lot of respect for him."

Ofelia describes the moments leading up to Ray's murder when about 25 U.S. Border Patrol trucks arrived. After murdering Raymond, Ofelia could hear the U.S. Border Patrol agents laughing about murdering him. The gunfire included two shots from the back, and U.S. Border Patrol agents bashed in Raymond's body after he was shot and dying.

"He died such a painful death," Ofelia said. "He was unarmed."

Ofelia filed a civil rights complaint which was denied by the U.S. Justice Department. A Tohono O'odham Nation police officer, a non-tribal member, who had continually harassed Raymond, led the U.S. Border Patrol to Ray's home that night.

Ofelia said this tribal police officer's actions are a hate crime.

First Voices Radio

Tiokasin’s guest this week is our friend Ofelia Rivas. Ofelia says this on her website ( “The O’odham way of life is based on the land that has held the remains of our ancestors since the creation of this world. The O’odham did not migrate from anywhere according to our oral history.  Our creation tellings record our history and teach the O’odham the principles of life. The survival of O’odham today is our him’dag.” Ofelia can be reached at her email address:

January 7, 2025

Failed Justice in North Dakota Courts: Who Blew Apart Sophia Wilansky's Arm at Standing Rock?

“At 21-years old, I lost the use of my arm because a police officer shot me from a gun turret with an exploding grenade at a protest. My life will never be the same, but I will also not be scared away from fighting for what is right." -- Sophia Wilansky.

Failed Justice in North Dakota Courts: Who Blew Apart Sophia Wilansky's Arm at Standing Rock?

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Jan. 6, 2025

Who blew apart Sophia Wilansky's arm and what weapon did they use? The details of the horrific injury to Sophia's arm are described in the federal court case, which names the officers who fired the weapons at Sophia at Backwater Bridge at Standing Rock during the freezing predawn hours of November 21, 2016.

January 6, 2025

U.S. Justice Dept Rejects Civil Rights Complaint Filed for Murder of Raymond Mattia by U.S. Border Patrol


Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham

U.S. Justice Dept Rejects Civil Rights Complaint Filed for Murder of Raymond Mattia by U.S. Border Patrol 

By Ophelia Rivas, O'odham Voice Against the Wall

Censored News, January 6, 2025

The system of justice for the killing of an American Indian is as expected by the people. The numerous federal agents on the Tohono O'odham reservation are justified in killing our people as they will not be held accountable by the system that pays them to be heavily armed and unmonitored on our land.

January 5, 2025

Prophesy Happening, by Chili Yazzie

Prophesy Happening

By Duane 'Chili' Yazzie, Dine', Shiprock, Navajo Nation
Censored News, January 6, 2025

The prophecies that foretold the shifting of the world to a new reality are happening; it will be humankind self-destructing or life rebirth to rebalance and return to the original design.

A life of balance and keeping of the original design is lived by peoples who maintain the Original Instructions destined by the Great Creator. The Indigenous of the western hemisphere lived this idyllic life before the imperialist intrusion. A requisite of the Original Instructions for a lifeway of balance is to understand that all of creation are intrinsically related and to regard all as relatives. The other requisite is compassion, we were to be kind, take care of each other and the earth.

January 3, 2025

Zapatista Women -- Mexico's President's Reforms are a 'Fallacy'

Zapatista commander Mari affirms that the "Fourth Transformation" remains a "fallacy" that has failed to eradicate the structural problems faced by women and indigenous peoples. Photo EFE

Zapatista Women -- Mexico's President's Reforms are a 'Fallacy' 

Zapatista women doubt the real impact of Sheinbaum's reforms
by EFE | San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico

January 3, 2025 -- Indigenous women from the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) and other communities in Mexico have warned that, despite the arrival of the country's first president, Claudia Sheinbaum, and her reforms in favor of indigenous peoples, their situation remains unchanged in practice.

The Zapatista commander, Mari, has stressed that the 'fourth transformation', a term related to the ruling party, continues to be a "fallacy" that has not managed to eradicate the structural problems faced by women and Indigenous Peoples.

"They say that now it is history because a woman governs, but only for them, for the people of Mexico there is nothing, we do not know, the fourth transformation does not exist," she stated during the international meetings 'Resistance and Rebellion' on the eve of the 31st anniversary of the armed uprising of the EZLN uprising in Chiapas.

January 1, 2025

Zapatistas Celebrate at Oventik 31 Years of Resistance

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés together with the Zapatista command in the Caracol of Oventik, Chiapas, celebrating 31 years of resistance'. Photos: Alejandro Meléndez

Videos and Audios: Rebellion and Resistance Talks at Enlace Zapatistas (Spanish/Espanol)

December 28, 2024 -- January 2, 2025

Censored News series from the Rebellion and Resistance (English)

With the Zapatistas at the Rebellion and Resistance, by Desinformémonos