Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

February 19, 2009

Early photos, Bob Robideau, by Cornelia Vandenberg

Special thanks to Cornelia Vandenberg for sharing her early photos of Bob Robideau in 1993 with Censored News. Cornelia said the first photo was taken at the Roxy in Los Angeles. The second photo was taken at the Orange County Powwow in California, which she visited for the magazine that she published at the time. "I shared a booth with Bob and his brother Richard."
Sincere condolences from Cornelia Vandenberg and Brenda Norrell/Censored News, to Bob Robideau's family and friends. Bob, 62, passed away at his home in Barcelona, Spain, where he was a painter. Along with his lifetime of activism, Bob joined the Longest Walk 2 northern route in Colorado in 2008, photos at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one great brother to always remember. I am so previleged that I got to see Bob at Pueblo, CO during the Longest Walk II --almost a year ago.

Brother, I will think of you as I stand my ground along with my elders at Big Mountain and knowing that you were a brave warrior when AIM was alive and strong!

Spirit Brother, I will remember you when I look up to the Tree of Life, the Sun Dance Center Pole in that Sacred Hoop of our peoples, and knowing that you are now with our ancestors.

Aho. To All My Relations.

Kat, Dineh of Big Mountain