Photo: Acoma Pueblo poet, author and scholar Simon Ortiz
Double click on protest poster to enlarge
Press statement
TUCSON—Indigenous and American Indian studies scholars are condemning Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and related legislation.
“Clearly, and bluntly, the state law is racist and discriminatory against so-called ‘illegal immigrants’ crossing the borders from the South, namely from Mexico,” said Simon Ortiz, a Native American studies professor at Arizona State University, in reference to SB 1070. “Many of the border crossers are Indigenous peoples who are directly affected. Without any doubt, the law is wrong-headed; it targets people who fit a certain profile.”
Indigenous and American Indian Studies scholars say that SB 1070 and the recent passage into law of HB 2281, which bans the teaching of ethnic studies in public schools, are violations of human rights. Scholars from nearly 50 universities and communities have signed a statement calling for an economic boycott of Arizona.
“As Native intellectuals, it is important that we not enable this legislative activity,” said Julia Good Fox, who signed the statement. “I’m disappointed in the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association officers because they have chosen to disregard the boycott. SB 1070 and HB 2281 are dangerous for Indian Country so I hope that Tribal governments and organizations will honor the boycott and put pressure on Arizona to overturn these laws.”
These scholars are not alo

Scholars who reside in Arizona or neighboring Tribal Lands plan to attend the “Indigenous Peoples Against SB 1070/HB228” rally scheduled for 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Friday, May 21, 2010 at the U.S. Immigration Court, 160 North Stone Ave., Tucson, AZ. This event is open to the public.
(Attached: “Indigenous and Native Studies Scholars of Conscience Statement.” Signatures are in the following order: Name, Institution and/or Community, and Date.)
We, scholars in Indigenous and Native studies, vigorously protest SB 1070, its amendment HB 2162, and HB 2281, a law that prohibits ethnic studies. Because these Arizona laws instigate vicious attacks on the human rights of Indigenous, immigrant, and peoples of color communities, we seek to honor the economic boycott of the state of Arizona.
Name, Institution and/or Community, Date
1. Joyce Rain Anderson, Bridgewater State College, May 14, 2010
2. Dr. Elizabeth Archuleta, Arizona State University, Women & Gender Studies, May 14, 2010
3. Sonya Atalay, Indiana University Dept. of Anthropology/Anishinabe-Ojibwe, May 17, 2010
4. Laura Beebe, UC San Diego, 05/14/2010
5. Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy, Syracuse University, Oneida Nation, Wolf Clan, Haudenosaunee Confederacy, May 14, 2010
6. Kevin Bruyneel, Associate Professor of Politics, Babson College, May 14, 2010
7. Anne Carter Walker, PhD Candidate, Claremont School of Theology, May 14, 2010
8. Venida S. Chenault, Prairie Band Potawatomi/Kickapoo, May 14, 2010
9. Dr. Glen Coulthard (Yellowknives Dene First Nation), First Nations Studies Program and Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia, May 14, 2010
10. Jennifer Nez Denetdale, Ph.D.. Diné, Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University, May 15, 2010
11. Dr. Joanne R. DiNova, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 16, 2010
12. CJ Dosch, Syracuse University, May 14
13. Qwo-Li Driskill, Texas A&M University, May 15, 2010
14. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Professor Emeritus, Department of Ethnic Studies/Native American Studies, California State University East Bay
15. Larry Emerson, Diné , Diné (Navajo) scholar, artist and farmer, May 14, 2010
16. Michelle Erai, Assistant Professor, Women's Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
17. Paul GhostHorse, May 16, 2010
18. Inez GhostHorse, May 16, 2010
19. Zae GhostHorse, May 16, 2010
20. Julia Good Fox, Indigenous and American Indian Studies scholar, Pawnee Nation, 14 May 2010
21. Bryan James Gordon, MA, Joint PhD Program in Linguistics and Anthropology, University of Arizona, 5-16-10
22. Benjamin Grimshaw, Unemployed Scholar in Detroit, 5-15-201
23. Rev. Clyde E. Grubbs, Unitarian Universalist Minister, May 14, 2010
24. Suzan Shown Harjo (Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee), President, The Morning Star Institute, Washington, DC, May 14, 2010
25. Mattie Harper (Anishinaabe - Bois Forte Band), UC Berkeley, May 14, 2010
26. George Hartley, Ohio University, May 14, 2010
27. Patricia Penn Hilden, Professor Emerita, Native American History/Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, May 16, 2010
28. Dr. Robert J. Hill, University of Georgia, Institute of Native American Studies, May 16, 2010
29. Lynne Horiuchi, Visiting Scholar, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California at Berkeley May 16, 2010
30. Michelle Jacob, University of San Diego/Yakama, 5-14-10
31. Daniel Morley Johnson, University of Alberta, 14 May 2010
32. Val Natonabah Jones, University of New Mexico (NAS/BUS), 5/15/10
33. Neal Keating, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, SUNY Brockport May 14, 2010
34. Penelope Kelsey, Associate Professor, English Department, University of Colorado, May 15, 2010
35. Lloyd L. Lee, Ph.D.. University of New Mexico, May 15, 2010
36. Amy Lonetree, University of California, Santa Cruz, Ho-Chunk Nation, May 14, 2010
37. Sarah Lozo, Syracuse University, May 14
38. Scott Richard Lyons, Syracuse University, May 14
39. Glenabah Martinez, Associate Professor of Education, University of New Mexico College of Education, Taos Pueblo and Navajo Nation, May 14, 2010
40. Erin McCarley, May 15, 2010
41. Lily Mendoza, Oakland University, May 15, 2010
42. Michael Miller, Syracuse University, May 14, 2010
43. Angela Morrill, PhD Candidate, Ethnic Studies Department at UC San Diego, 5/14/2010
44. Jenell Navarro, Claremont Graduate University, May 16, 2010
45. Jose Navarro, University of Southern California, May 16, 2010
46. Lucia Orth, Indigenous and American Indian Studies scholar, May 16, 2010
47. Simon J. Ortiz, Arizona State University, May 14, 2010
48. James W. Perkinson, Intercultural Communication Studies , Oakland University, May 15, 2010
49. Renya Ramirez, Native American Studies, UC Santa Cruz, May 16, 2010
50. Debbie Reese, Nambe Pueblo, Assistant Professor, American Indian Studies, University of Illinois
51. Michelle Richmond-Saravia, Anishinabek Nation, M'Ed. Candidate, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada, May 15, 2010
52. Kimberly Robertson (Muscogee) , University of California, Los Angeles
53. Dylan Rodríguez, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Riverside, 5-14-10
54. Kimberly Robertson, UCLA, May 17, 2010
55. Dean Itsuji Saranillio, University of California, Riverside, May 16, 2010
56. Dr. Jeffrey P. Shepherd, University of Texas at El Paso, May 16, 2010
57. Michael W. Simpson, Citizen of the Universe, Brother to All beings, May 15, 2010
58. Andrea Smith, Media and Cultural Studies/Ethnic Studies – UC Riverside, May 14, 2010
59. Dr. Lisa Tatonetti, Associate Professor, English Department, Kansas State University, May 16, 2010
60. Daphne Taylor-García, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara, May 15, 2010
61. Christopher B. Teuton, University of Denver, Citizen of the Cherokee Nation, 5/14/2010
62. Patricia Torres, UCLA Urban Planning PhD Student, INCITE! LA member, 5/14/2010
63. Dr. Edward Valandra, (Sicangu Lakota Oyate), Associate Professor and Chair, American Indian Studies, University of South Dakota, May 14, 2010
64. Myla Vicenti Carpio, Jicarilla Apache, Arizona State University, May 15, 2010
65. Jace Weaver, Cherokee, University of Georgia, May 14, 2010
66. Laura Adams Weaver, Department of English and Inst. of Native American Studies, University of Georgia, May 15, 2010
67. Tisa Wenger, Assistant Professor of American Religious History, Yale University Divinity School, May 17 2010
LISTEN: Jennifer Denetdale on Thurday's Native America Calling
Thursday, May 20, 2010– Ethnic Chauvinism in Arizona :
A bill in Arizona State has been signed into law to ultimately ban ethnic studies. Proponents of the bill contend it is a necessary measure to halt revolutionary and hostile messages towards the U.S., and to keep separatist agendas from gaining support in the public school system. As the nation weighs in on this issue, what are your thoughts? Do you think that offering ethnic studies in the education system is a threat to unity? Do you feel it teaches hate as some Arizona law makers have stated? How does this affect Native studies and language revitalization?
1 comment:
Here is a link to a story about immigration lawyers also changing their plans about conferencing in Arizona:
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