The Circus is Coming to Town
The Bizarre Lawsuit of Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society
By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, updated Feb. 16, 2025
The trial of Energy Transfer v Greenpeace is scheduled to begin in North Dakota court in Mandan on Feb. 24, 2025. It's been nine years since the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance. Now, Greenpeace International says the pipeline is trying to shut it down with a frivolous $300 million lawsuit.
Greenpeace says the pipeline company doesn't want the world to know the Water Protectors resistance at Standing Rock was an Indigenous-led movement. Meanwhile, Energy Transfer has been slapping Water Protectors with third party subpoenas to extract their information, and fighting Unicorn Riot media for its internal records in the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Closer to home, a fossil-fuel-funded newspaper is being delivered to potential jurors in Morton Country, which the judge didn't take action on for now. And there's a long list of redacted documents. Energy Transfer went before the North Dakota Supreme Court to make sure a great deal of information is blacked out, as can be seen below, including a debated spill of the Dakota Access Pipeline already at Standing Rock.
Where are those 50,000 TigerSwan spy documents that The Intercept obtained in the court battle? We're hearing crickets on this issue.
During the trial, each side will be given two weeks to present its case.
So far, the Red Warrior Society, which is named as a defendant, hasn't been served. Attorneys say the Red Warrior Society isn't an entity and can't be sued.
The presiding judge in the case, who refuses to recuse himself, was appointed by the governor. North Dakota Jack Dalrymple appointed James D. Gion as a District Court Judge in North Dakota's Southwest Judicial District in 2015.
The Circus is Coming to Town.
It's the most bizarre lawsuit -- Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society, eight years later.
There are loads of documents hidden away with "confidential" stamps in the court records, and a whole lot of players -- governors, Congressmen, and law enforcement, in the shadows.
The fragments, between the blackouts of "redacted," show that the head of Energy Transfer is reluctant to answer questions in depositions.
Other snippets show that the oil pipeline doesn't want to reveal its history of spills, safety records, and whether Dakota Access Pipeline has already contaminated the water at Standing Rock.
Meanwhile, there's a "newspaper" tainting the potential jurors, attorneys say, which promotes the sheriff.
And where are all the files on TigerSwan, the paid FBI informants, and the military special ops?
Tens of thousands of documents of TigerSwan were gained by The Intercept in another court battle. Those reveal the surveillance of Oceti Sakowin, Red Warrior and the other water protector camps by TigerSwan. TigerSwan, the mercenaries hired by Energy Transfer, operated without a license, the North Dakota regulatory board ruled.Where are the files on the drone being shot down by law enforcement, the photos of the U.S. Border Patrol's surveillance plane, and the details about the BIA's surveillance van parked at the the tribe's Prairie Knights Casino, with BIA undercover officers wandering around inside the casino.
The judge, appointed by the governor, won't recuse himself.
Unicorn Riot media is in Minnesota Supreme Court fighting the pipeline's subpoena to seize its confidential media records.
Water protectors and media have been served with third party subpoenas by the pipeline in the pipeline's fishing expedition for their info.
And it's all coming to Mandan, North Dakota, at the end of February, to North Dakota's District Court, home to the Morton County Sheriff.
It's a $300 million frivolous SLAPP lawsuit to shut them down, says Greenpeace.
Greenpeace says the lawsuit is an attempt to deny that the movement to protect the water was led by Indigenous People.
Greenpeace said there was a large dump of records into the case.
Stay tuned, and dig through the files -- good luck.
Censored News.
Blacked out, Redacted -- Excerpts from the Case of Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society
In the many court actions, Energy Transfer adds the judge to the list of defendants, along with Greenpeace and Red Warriors, in this case before the North Dakota Supreme Court
Redacted: Spills
Redacted: CEO's deposition
Before the North Dakota Supreme Court: The Joint Motion to Restrict Access
Redacted: EPA highlighted impacts on Standing Rock water
Redacted: Energy Transfer CEO: Protesters should be "removed from the gene pool"
Redacted: Energy Transfer CEO: 'Pipelines do leak'
TigerSwan: (Below) Energy Transfer continued to employ TigerSwan mercenaries at Standing Rock long after TigerSwan was denied a permit to operate in the fall of 2016. As shown in the current case headed to North Dakota District Court, in May of 2017, after the camps were destroyed by law enforcement, Energy Transfer was still employing TigerSwan and extending its contract.
Energy Transfer CEO Kelsy Warren was directly involved
"Based on a review of produced Energy Transfer documents, there are at least 37 documents
suggesting Mr. Warren's direct involvement in the DAPL project, plus many more that show he
was kept generally apprised of the project's status."
(North Dakota Supreme Court case document in April of 2024 related to the case headed to the district court in February of 2025. It is part of the legal struggle to compel Warren to give a deposition with all the facts.)
Read more:
North Dakota Monitor: Greenpeace says Energy Transfer refuses to turn over EPA and other records, even after orders by North Dakota Supreme Court
Pipeline wants records removed on debated spill
The Standing Rock Nation's new lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers points out possible contamination from the Dakota Access Pipeline. Energy Transfer wants the report removed from the records, the North Dakota Monitor reports.
Standing Rock Nation said its lawsuit was triggered in part by a 2024 engineering report that raised questions about the construction of the pipeline crossing below Lake Oahe.
"The report calculated that up to 1.4 million gallons of bentonite clay-based drilling mud used in the horizontal directional drilling process was not fully accounted for in construction records. The report notes that there is no clear indication where the fluid migrated, but that it could have seeped into the surrounding soil."
"A regulator at the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality confirmed some drilling mud breached containment during construction, but said the substance never reached the lake bed and is not toxic."
The article also reports on the criminal pollution case against Energy Transfer for two pipelines in Pennsylvania.
"Violations alleged in the criminal case included that Energy Transfer had used unapproved additives in the drilling fluid used to construct one of the pipelines. The company was convicted of environmental crimes under Pennsylvania law.
"For this reason, Standing Rock wonders whether the drilling fluid used to bore under Lake Oahe truly contained no toxins."
Des Moines Register reports, Dec. 30, 2024:
The Standing Rock Nation's new lawsuit, filed in October, against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, accuses the Army Corps of illegally allowing the Dakota Access Pipeline to operate without an easement, an environmental impact study or robust emergency spill response plans, the Des Moines Register reports.
Standing Rock wants a federal court to order the shutdown of the pipeline, which runs from North Dakota to Illinois through South Dakota and Iowa.
In its latest suit, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe seeks to present new evidence raising questions about the pipeline’s construction under Lake Oahe.
Standing Rock has long opposed the pipeline, saying it violates the tribe’s sovereignty, has damaged sacred cultural sites and poses a pollution threat to the tribe’s water supply.
The Army Corps of Engineers regulates a section of the pipeline that passes underneath Lake Oahe, a reservoir on the Missouri River less than a half-mile upstream from the Standing Rock Reservation.
“The Corps has failed to act and failed to protect the tribe,” Standing Rock Chair Janet Alkire said in an October news conference announcing the lawsuit.
The pipeline's path includes unceded land recognized as belonging to the Sioux Nation under an 1851 treaty with the U.S. government.
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