Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

September 6, 2018

Dineh Farmer Kris Barney 'Growing Food -- Connecting to our Ancestors and Ourselves'

Dineh Farmer Kris Barney 'Growing Food -- Connecting to our Ancestors and Ourselves'

Kris Barney
Tsé Chízhí Farm and Seeds
 Tsé Chízhí Farm and Seeds.
French translation by Christine Prat at
Censored News
ROUGH ROCK, Navajo Nation -- A long time ago, our Diné People looked at seeds and growing things as wealth. Livestock was wealth, good health was wealth, healthy children and grandchildren were wealth. The water, the rain, the wild animal meats, the wild plants, the land herself was wealth. We say, Yodí Ataałseí, Chí'yáán Altaałsei, many kinds of material wealth and many kinds of foods. Often, we talk about food sovereignty or hear it mentioned. The ability to feed ourselves, to be food independent. Independent of grocery stores, independent of corporations that ravage the earth with industrial agriculture.

So many terms and resources are applied to this type of critical analysis, but, what yields the most info about food, is the practice of growing food in the ways shown by our ancestors. There is a great disconnect many people have toward food, the alternatives offer little solutions and often lead to health issues. When we disconnect from the land or have been forced to, we sacrifice a great deal of knowledge, plant knowledge, animal knowledge, land knowledge. How we treat our bodies, what we feed our bodies is instrumental in determining how we choose to live and what good examples we leave for our children and grandchildren.

This hubbard squash is going in some mutton soup today.


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