Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

January 23, 2018

Dineh Marcus Mitchell 'Morton County shot out my eye at Standing Rock'

By Marcus Mitchell, Dineh
Censored News
Published with permission

Good morning everyone, it is a beautiful morning. I had a dream about what is to come last night. The time has come for all of us to go after North Dakota law enforcement.
The events that have affected all of us are for life.
We pray to our ancestors, the mountains, the trees, the birds for guidance.
I ask my relatives for their aid, everyone that was on the Backwater Bridge on Highway 1806 on January 18, 2017, the day I was shot, to help me collect videos and photos of that night.
The time is now, we can no longer wait for something to happen, you can go to the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission and file a complaint with them about your human rights that were violated at Standing Rock.
The damages I received, some can be permanent. The loss of sight in my left eye, loss of feeling on parts of my face, my taste is affected as well, as my hearing.
The photo was taken January 24, 2017 at the United Nations hearing at Prairie Knights Casino.
I put down my corn pollen and my medicines, l, make my offering. Now we must hunt these monsters and bring them to justice.
The time is now. If we are to beat this we must do this together, for our kids and their children.
Mni wiconi and always and forever NODAPL as the drum beats louder, you can see.


MCullen NE said...

I am so sorry you have to live with this awful assault. I do remember reading about it and I wish I could do something for you. Let me know if you have a go fund me site please. Peace!

Unknown said...

Marcus Mitchell, thank you brother for your effort to protect our retained 9th Amendnent right to naturally pure air and water. That right is not to be denied or disparaged. But obviously Morton county and DAPL did that.

In order to see justice, we all need to find out why water protectors were not using the fact of their defense of our 9th Amendment rights as reason to dismiss all criminal charges.

If that were done, then the basis for civil rights legal action is clear. But it was not, and I cannot find out why attorneys were not using the 9th.

You should never have been attacked for what you were doing, but the fact you were upholding the law of the land needs to be recognized to get compensation for the unjust sacrifice you've made.