Mohawk Nation News
MNN. Mar. 23, 2022. The Federal Court of Canada FCC lawsuit has been dropped. The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers sent a request on March 18, 2022: “to drop the case without costs and conditions”. They all instantly agreed.

Re: kahnistensera v. societequebecois des infrastructure and others. FCC Court File No: T-1696-21. The FCC hearing set for Thursday, March 24, 2022 is cancelled.
It is clear the procedural swamp is drowning the substance of their case. FCC was being asked to force a lawyer on them contrary to the kaianerekowa, that only one can speak, that they pay the costs for taking up their time and that this court may not be the right jurisdiction. This case is about murder, theft, international crime, macabre experiments on children, etc. FCC has over 900 rules and forms to fill just to get in the door, actually before their zoom camera.
The kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers state, “Everyone knows grave wrongs have has been committed against us on our land, which continue”. The courts are designed to protect the trespassers. We tried to bring an action about the holocaust of indigenous people, the theft of our land, water and air in our midst here in tekanontak, Mount Royal [Montreal].
“Agreements and pledges were made between us for as long as the trespassers are in our house. teiohateh, two row agreement, the way of our land, of our mother, is based on love, peace and harmony which are being ignored and eroded”.
“Creation made us and our land free since time immemorial until infinity. kaianerekowa, the great peace, provides our duties for what is right and best for us, our environment and our relations. Our case was to put our story into the colonial court records for all to see. The Federal Court, is a private corporation, owned by the shareholders of the Crown. They never intend to hear anyone who goes against the Crown.”
“The lawyers of our opponents tried to stop us from proceeding according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, to represent our natural selves and refuse to have a bar lawyer speak for us”.
The only jurisdiction over this land is that of the indigenous people. Not the judge or the foreign court of the Admiralty Law of the Seas. In fact the Constitution of Canada affirms that indigenous law supercedes all the laws of Canada.
The Mohawk Mothers informed the lawyers of their opponents, McGill University, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, Stantec Construction and Allen Memorial Hospital that they in effect refuse to be part of the time wasting FCC procedures that keeps them from dealing with the merits of the case.
They went to the Federal Court to remind Canada of the promises that were made and to give them an opportunity to right their wrongs.
The indigenous way is natural. The colonial way is artificial, statutory law.
Everyone has a right to ‘due’ process.The Mothers were ready to proceed from the first filing five months ago. The procedures are set up for people with a lot of money and resources who can pay to swim in the procedural swamp. Nothing threatening to the court is ever allowed into the swamp. The mothers never even saw a judge. After 4 months the mothers were still dealing with minor procedures through bureaucrats, with threats of ‘costs’ and an order to find a lawyer in 45 days.
Time is of the essence. The indigenous people refuse to live in third world conditions, be targets of genocide, suffer from imprisonment in Indian Residential Schools and Indian Day Schools, be murdered and never seen again, lose their minds, names and go through the horrors indigenous people still go through.
The mothers refuse to let bygones be bygones. The band council agents of the Canadian government are always summoned to speak for the natives though they represents only 1% of the indigenous people. They are the aiders and abettors of the genocide.
All indigenous people live in every part of turtle island, placed here by creation. They want to explain what is happening to them.
Apparently the Federal Court of Canada cannot interpret sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982, their own supreme law. The mothers wonder why they even have a court. There appears to be no law.
The mothers don’t care about jurisdiction. They want the unmarked graves on turtle island investigated, for the land and money to be returned to the indigenous people and to stop the Royal Vic development for which the kanienkehaka never gave permission.
The mothers are each original and sovereign and wanted to take their message to the FCC without restriction. No Canadian statute or anyone can say otherwise. The mothers are asking for an interpretation of the Constitution. If the FCC cannot do it, then no one can. Therefore, it does not exist. It is unnatural and so has no power. The kaianerekowa, great peace, is the great natural power.
Jailbreak by ACDC, is about breaking out: “There was a friend of mine on murder and the judge’s gavel fell. Jury found him guilty. Gave him 16 years in hell. He said, “I ain’t spending my life here., I ain’t living alone. Ain’t breaking no rocks on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home. Gonna make a jail break and I’m looking towards the sky. I’m gonna make a jail break. Oh, how I wish I could fly. All in the name of liberty. Got to be free. jail break. Jail break. Let me out of here. Jail break. 16 years. jail break. Have more than i can take. Jail break. Yeah. He said he seen his lady being fooled with by another man. And she was down and he was up. He had a gun in his hand. Bullets started flying everywhere. People started to scream…”
Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec] Canada J0L 1B0
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