Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

October 21, 2022

'Smokin' Fish' Vision Maker Media features Alaskan Native films

'Smokin' Fish' is featured today, and all week, on Vision Maker Media's free online film festival. This week's films highlight the beauty of Alaska, and power of Native Alaskans.
Cory tells the story of his life, how his aunt picked him up in San Diego when he was young, and hitchhiked the country with him. Returning to his Tlingit homeland, he grew up with the women in his family, and learned the great skill and art of smokin' fish. As Cory says, 'How much fun I had.' Cory's life story is interwoven with the epic words of his family and people, Tlingit art and culture. Take a journey with him, on the water and in the smokehouse, smokin' fish. -- Censored News

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Synopsis: 'Cory Mann (Tlingit) is a quirky businessman hustling to make a dollar in Juneau, Alaska. He gets hungry for smoked salmon—and decides to spend a summer smoking fish at a family’s traditional fish camp. The unusual story of his life and the untold history of his people interweave with the process of preparing traditional food as he struggles to pay his bills and keep his business afloat.'

 Images screenshots of 'Smokin' Fish' by Censored News.

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