Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

December 30, 2024

Zapatista Women Feel the Freedom: Autonomy and Balance, Rebellion and Resistance

Photo by Alejandro Meléndez Ortiz /Desinformémonos /Resumen Latinoamericano, 30 de diciembre de 2024

"The grandmothers helped us understand that we have to fight for our rights as women."
Photo by Radio Pozol

Autonomy and Balance, Zapatista Women Feel the Freedom

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Dec. 29, 2024

CHIAPAS -- Zapatista Women spoke of their roles as women and the new autonomy that being Zapatistas has brought them. They spoke of the balance in their lives, of loading firewood, planting and gathering beans and sharing their stories with their partners, during the Roundtable of Zapatista Women at the meeting of Rebellion and Resistance on Sunday.

Zapatistas Return to Farming, 'Rebellion and Resistance International Meeting'

Subcomandante Moises photo by Johana Utrera

The discussion table 'The lookout's top: signs for tomorrow', part of the International Meetings of Resistance and Rebellion, headed by 'insurgent captain Marcos' and 'subcommander Moisés' (center) of the EZLN, yesterday, in San Cristóbal de las Casas. Photo Cuartoscuro

'The Collapse and the Day After' in Chiapas Dec. 30, 2024
Watch at Enlace Zapatista

Villages return to farming on common lands, Zapatistas stress

"We have to return to where there was life." Comandante Moises

December 31, 2024 07:26
La Jornada

The towns are returning to the forms of organization of 50 years ago to carry out collective crops on “common lands,” said insurgent subcommander Moisés, of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN).

He recalled that this was his grandparents' way of producing, but with the distribution of communal land, private property and social programs such as Sembrando Vida, the land was divided up until it was so small that it was not enough to provide an adequate income.

December 29, 2024

Marcos Opens 'Resistance and Rebellion' in Chiapas

Marcos Opens 'Resistance and Rebellion' in Chiapas

Capitan Marcos photo by Alejandro Melendez

Marcos describes the system collapse, and inspires with his poetic words the Zapatistas vision of solidarity and global organizing

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, December 28, 2024

"Our word survives in Palestine, although it is small, because it comes from the heart," Capitan Marcos said, speaking on the genocide in Palestine, the rubble of hospitals, deaths of infants and media, and the blood that runs through social media.

Marcos said the system has made a victim of humanity.

"In the war against the earth, the destruction of nature spreads, the atrocious crime is against humanity and the planet. The increase in domination has led to a civilization crisis."

Mohawk Nation News 'Nature's Way'

New at Mohawk Nation. Read the article at MNN

Zapatista Community Leaders at 'Rebellion and Resistance' in Chiapas on Sunday Evening

Screenshot by Censored News

Rebellion and Resistance Part III

Zapatista Cultural Festival and signatories of the Declaration for Life.

The Watchtower: Signs towards tomorrow, Captain Insurgent Marcos.
1700 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico

Enlace Zapatista: Recorded Live Sunday evening

LaJornada reports:

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation reported that it is building a new form of organization so that decisions and actions for autonomy, the defense of territory and indigenous rights are taken from the common, collective and non-hierarchical level, reports LaJornada correspondent Edgar H. Clemente, in Tapachula.

December 24, 2024

Spying on Activists -- Dine' Klee Benally, Vicam Yaqui, and Zapatistas were Targeted

Spying on Activists -- Dine' Klee Benally, Vicam Yaqui, and Zapatistas were Targeted by Tucson, Flagstaff and Phoenix police, Tohono O'odham government, and Mexican military

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Dec. 7, 2024

Democracy Now reports on Pegasus spyware in cell phones. It is a reminder of how our friend Klee Benally, Dine', was spied on by the Tohono O'odham Nation government as he protested the US Border Patrol, and the Salt River Project, and its role in poisoning Dine' with its coal-fired power plant.

The Tohono O'odham Nation government was the first tribal government to become part of a secretive inter-agency tribal/state/federal law enforcement Fusion Center that shared data.

December 20, 2024

U.S. Border Patrol Agents Identified that Murdered Raymond Mattia


U.S. Border Patrol Agents who Murdered Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, Identified

Tucson Sentinel, reporter Paul Ingram, reports:

"Three Border Patrol agents involved in the fatal shooting of a Tohono O'odham man in front of his home in 2023 were identified in legal filings on Friday.

"Earlier this year, the family of 58-year-old Raymond Mattia filed a lawsuit, accusing Border Patrol of excessive force and demanding the names of the agents who killed him.

"Attorneys Ryan Stitt and Marcus Bourassa filed an amended complaint, and on Friday issued a summons for Border Patrol Agents Scott Whitehouse, Dan Sifuentes, and Ivan Torralva, who they said "shot and killed Raymond for no reason."

December 19, 2024

Choking with grief, Myron Dewey's family described their loss, as court hands down minimal sentence

Update: The driver of the truck that killed Paiute journalist Myron Dewey is an engineer with the same Reno, Nevada, mining company that did the initial testing for lithium mining at Hualapai's ceremonial spring in Arizona. The Hualapai Nation filed a federal lawsuit against Interior Sec. Deb Haaland for the mining permit issued to Hawkstone Mining, an Australian company.

"Kappes, Cassidy and Associates (KCA) was selected for the test work in May 2018," states NS Energy Business, reporting on the lithium testing at the Big Sandy lithium project.

The Reno company, which has contracts and mining sites around the world on Indigenous lands, was forced out of Guatemala after Indigenous mining protesters were attacked and beaten.

Choking with grief, Myron Dewey's family described their loss, as the court handed down a minimal sentence for the driver of the truck who killed Myron

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
June 6, 2023

PAHRUMP, Nevada -- Choking with grief and shaken from trauma, Myron Dewey's family described the horrific loss and life-threatening depression that now follows the death of the one they loved so deeply. Myron's daughter, sons, and wife described their unbearable grief, and his sister described the agony of watching Myron die, crushed inside his car.

After describing the agonizing loss of the one they loved so deeply, the driver of the truck that killed Myron in a head-on collision, John Walsh, a mining engineer who lives in Reno, received a minimal sentence. 

Honoring Courage During A Year of Genocide -- Solidarity with Palestine in Indian Country

Honoring Courage During A Year of Genocide -- Solidarity with Palestine in Indian Country

Image by Censored News

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, December 19, 2024

Censored News honors the courage of Native People who stood in solidarity with Palestine and spoke out against genocide. During a year of genocide, most of the media in the United States published distractions and false narratives, aiding and abetting in war crimes and genocide.

Laveen Village, Gila River Indian Community, Arizona -- In the Gila River Indian Community, Biden claimed to be issuing an apology to Native children who were victims of U.S. boarding schools. His glory campaign was short-lived. As Biden spoke, an O'odham woman held up this sign: "There Are Still Babies in Mass Graves. Your Apology Means Nothing!! Land Back." Calling out to Biden, an O'odham woman yelled, "What about the people in Gaza! What about the people in Palestine!"

December 18, 2024

Mohawk Nation News 'Madres Mohawk Proud of World Coverage of Native Children'

New today at Mohawk Nation News
Read at MNN


'Weird' Newspaper Could Taint Jury Pool in DAPL Case, Court Told

Central ND News, Oct. 2024

'Weird' Newspaper Could Taint Jury Pool in DAPL Case, Court Told

Update: North Dakota South Central Judge James Gion takes a 'wait and see' approach to whether the fossil-funded newspaper has tainted the jury pool. The newspaper, delivered in Morton County, seeks to criminalize water protectors in its articles, and promotes the sheriff. The trial, in Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace and Red Water Society, is slated for court in Mandan the third week of Feburary 2025. Greenpeace International says the Dakota Access Pipeline owner is trying to shut it down. Greenpeace says the $300 million SLAPP lawsuit seeks to deny that it was an Indigenous-led movement in Standing Rock 2016 -- 2017.

The Strange Case of Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society

Update: Judge denies Greenpeace request to investigate mailer

By Mary Steurer, North Dakota Monitor, Jan. 3, 2025

In a Dec. 17 order, Gion seemed to agree with Greenpeace that the mailer may have been an effort to sway jurors.

“The Court takes an extremely dim view of attempts to influence a jury panel before the trial,” he wrote.

Still, the judge found it would not be appropriate to approve the discovery request without further evidence the mailer has had a measurable impact on the jury pool.

“There is only one way to determine if such an attempt is successful, and unfortunately the Court agrees with Energy Transfer that way is through the jury questionnaires and jury selection,” he wrote in the order. “If the Court cannot empanel a jury in Morton County, there will obviously be a delay in the trial and the Court can revisit this issue at that time.”

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Dec. 13, 2024

A newspaper that mysteriously appeared in the mail boxes of Morton County residents could taint the jury pool in the upcoming case of Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace. It is the latest strange development in the case filed against Greenpeace, Red Warrior Society and water protectors over the protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Apache Stronghold U.S. Supreme Court Update Dec. 16, 2024


December 10, 2024

Cree Journalist Brandi Morin -- In Ecuador Reporting on Canada's Mining Atrocities

Photo courtesy Brandi Morin

Cree Journalist Brandi Morin -- In Ecuador Reporting on Canada's Mining Atrocities

By Brandi Morin, Censored News, December 10, 2024

I've just returned to Canada after two weeks reporting from Ecuador's sacred lands, where the ancient Andes rise like guardians, their mist-shrouded peaks holding centuries of Indigenous wisdom.

Here, where emerald mountains cascade into valleys painted with every shade of green imaginable, I documented horrific atrocities committed by Canadian-owned mining companies, backed by both the Canadian and Ecuadorian states, against Indigenous Peoples.

Where emerald mountains cascade into the Amazon basin – a living tapestry where towering ceiba trees stretch their cathedral-like buttresses into rich earth, where iridescent morpho butterflies flash brilliant blue against a thousand shades of green.

In this realm life pulses in every corner – from the haunting calls of wildlife echoing through dawn mist, to the brilliant flashes of macaws painting the sky, to the delicate orchids that bloom in the embrace of ancient trees.

The parallels to Canada's treatment of our own people are stark – the same calculated playbook of manufactured/false consent, manipulation, and human rights violations. But here, in these mountains where condors still soar and in forests where the very breath of Earth rises from countless leaves, the violence escalates to near-execution levels.

Ecuador's landscape strikes the soul with its raw beauty – from the snow-capped volcanos of the Andes where Indigenous communities have lived in harmony for millennia, to the Amazon's cathedral-like canopy where every breath we take is generated.

The Indigenous Peoples here are the stewards of these lands, their traditional knowledge and ways of life intrinsically woven into every valley, every river, every sacred peak. Yet these same communities now face brutal persecution for defending their ancestral territories.

The lungs of our world are being strangled by corporate greed. While hummingbirds dart between orchids and ancient trees reach toward the sun, humanity remains complicit in this violence through our greed, ignorance, over-consumption, and silence. 

For safety reasons, I've kept quiet about many details during my time in Ecuador. But know this – a comprehensive piece for Ricochet and IndigiNews.  

Indiginews is coming, along with a major documentary.

Canada, your reckoning approaches. The truth of what's happening in these sacred mountains and forests will no longer remain hidden.

About the journalist

Brandi Morin is an award-winning Cree/Iroquois/French journalist from Treaty 6 territories in Alberta, Canada. Her work has appeared in National Geographic, Al Jazeera English, The Guardian, and The New York Times.



Also watch:

Apache Stronghold defending sacred Oak Flat from a copper mine

Film by Brandi Morin and Geordie Day for Ricochet Media.

Mining the sacred: Indigenous nations fight lithium gold rush at Thacker Pass

“Thacker Pass - Mining the Sacred” was co-produced by Ricochet Media, IndigiNews and The Real News Network.

December 9, 2024

Apache Stronghold: U.S. Supreme Court Update December 9, 2024

Apache Stronghold: U.S. Supreme Court Update December 9, 2024

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News, December 9, 2024

Thank you to all of our supporters who are continuing to pray about our Supreme Court petition to protect Oak Flat. As you may know, the Supreme Court considered our petition for the first time at its conference on December 6, 2024. However, we received word today that the Court intends to consider it again at the Court’s next conference on December 13, 2024. Under that schedule, we could hear on December 13 or 16 whether the Court will take our case. Or the Court may take additional time for further consideration.

Either way, we take this as an encouraging sign that the Court is devoting extra time to our case and giving it careful examination. We ask all of our supporters to continue praying that the Justices will agree to hear our case and protect Oak Flat—just as the sacred places of other faiths have long been protected throughout the country. Thank you again for your support.

Mohawk Nation News 'Imperfect Genocide'

New at Mohawk Nation News

Read the article at MNN

Mohawk Nation News 'The Salad Bowl Effect'


MNN The Salad Bowl Effect

Read the article at Mohawk Nation News

December 7, 2024

Apache Stronghold: Update on U.S. Supreme Court Case

Apache Stronghold
Update on U.S. Supreme Court Case 

By Apache Stronghold, Censored News, December 6, 2024

Thank you to all of our supporters who are continuing to pray about our Supreme Court petition to protect Oak Flat. Our case was not mentioned in today’s Supreme Court orders list. However, we may get a decision by the Court to take our case by Monday 7:30 a.m. Central time. We will update you again on Monday morning

We take this as an encouraging sign that the Court is devoting extra time to our case and giving it careful examination. We ask all of our supporters to continue praying that the Justices will agree to hear our case and protect Oak Flat—just as the sacred places of other faiths have long been protected throughout the country. Thank you again for your support.

December 5, 2024

Diné Filmmaker Arlene Bowman: 'The Ballad of Crowfoot' Deserves Place of Power

 'The Ballad of Crowfoot' reveals the Blackfoot Chief's betrayal during the 19th Century in so-called Canada.

Diné Filmmaker Arlene Bowman: 'The Ballad of Crowfoot' Deserves Place of Power

Arlene Bowman

By Arlene Bowman, Dine' Filmmaker, Censored News

A Film Series requested a survey on their program. Date: November 14, 2024

2024, 4:00 – 8:00 PM, Where: UBC Robson Square Theatre, Main Theatre | 800 Robson St., Vancouver BC

This is what I said. They may not like it, but why hold back.

VANCOUVER, B.C. -- The Ballad of Crowfoot is written and sung by Willie Dunn a Mi’kmaq/Scottish folk singer, songwriter and activist who was apart of Challenge for Change Program created in the 1960’s. The program invited First Nations in Canada to create their videos.

First of all, when it played most of the people from the audience took off to get food. No one listened to it. But I made my friend listen to it.

I said it was important and good to hear it.

Coast Salish Freedom Fighters: From Alberta Tar Sands to the Salish Sea: Live in Seattle Day 2

Coast Salish Freedom Fighters: From Alberta Tar Sands to the Salish Sea, Day 2

Update Dec. 4, 2024: Indigenous Leaders say the community was not notified of Alberta tar sands spill for nine months.

Alberta tar sands

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Nov. 8, 2024
Watch Day 2 video by Govinda

SEATTLE -- The dead birds floating in the Alberta tar sands tailing ponds, the man camps linked to missing and murdered Indigenous girls, and the increased oil tankers in the Salish Sea -- are all parts of the dirty oil of the Trans Mountain pipeline pouring out of Alberta's dirty tar sands, bound for oil tankers in the Salish Sea.

"We are not just activists, we are revolutionaries and we're radical and militant and we want to keep it that way, we don't want to get soft in our older years," said Kanahus Manuel, Secwepemc and Ktunaxa, describing her family's struggle to protect their land and stop the Trans Mountain pipeline.

December 3, 2024

Diné Demetrius Johnson, The Red Nation, at The National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock

Diné Demetrius Johnson, The Red Nation, at The National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock

"We have seen how mainstream media is used by the settler states to justify, perpetuate, then make invisible ~yet again~ a genocide in Palestine without consequence. We have seen how the truth is suppressed and how journalists are slaughtered by the dozens. Even they realize that the truth is our greatest weapon. Our power lies in our words. That is why this day is so important- The National Day of Mourning embodies an Indigenous counter narrative that dissolves settler lies. Today, with tongues like sharpened iron we will cut open colonialism and expose its rotten core." -- Demetrius Johnson, Dine', The Red Nation.

The speech is written by the members of The Red Nation and read by Demetrius Johnson. Watch on TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube!

Read the speech at The Red Nation:

Freedom for Leonard Peltier and Palestine: National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock


Censored in Indian Country

The Turkey-Laden Day to Celebrate Genocide

Freedom for Leonard Peltier and Palestine at the National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News at Indybay

PLYMOUTH ROCK -- Freedom and liberation for Leonard Peltier and Palestine echoed across Plymouth Rock on the National Day of Mourning, as Indigenous Peoples exposed the myth of the pilgrims' thanksgiving and the facts of the United States, a government that is founded on genocide, massacres and slavery.

"Though they have entombed me in concrete and steel, I am a free man," Peltier said in a statement to the 55th gathering of the National Day of Mourning on Plymouth Rock, gathered in the pouring rain, and hosted by the United American Indians of New England on Thursday.

December 2, 2024

Leonard Peltier's Words for the National Day of Mourning on Plymouth Rock

"Though they have entombed me in concrete and steel, I am a free man."
Leonard Peltier

The grandson of Dr. Herbert Waters, Jr., continued the tradition of his grandfather and read the statement of imprisoned Leonard Peltier sent to Native Americans in New England.

Statement of Leonard Peltier to National Day of Mourning, Plymouth Rock 2024

Censored News, November 28, 2024
Translation into French by Christine Prat

"Greetings my relatives, friends, loved ones and supporters. I am honored that you still hold me in your thoughts, believe in me."

"With stolen lives, and stolen labor, the king and queen of Spain fell in love with our children, and tried to end the slavery of American Indians. The colonizers used every loophole they could find. They did not want to give up the stolen labor of our people."

December 1, 2024

Mohawk Nation News 'Straight Talk with McGill Law Students'


New at Mohawk Nation News: Read at MNN

Freedom for Leonard Peltier Urged at National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock

Freedom for Leonard Peltier Urged at National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock

      Chali'Naru Dones, United Confederation of Taino People. Screenshot by Censored News.

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, November 28, 2024

During a day of revealing the genocide and slavery that the United States government is founded on, those gathered at the National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock urged release of Leonard Peltier, America's longest incarcerated political prisoner.

U.S. Justice Department Complaint Filed in Homicide of Raymond Mattia by O'odham Voice Against the Wall

Raymond Mattia, Sr., Tohono O'odham, Photo courtesy Ophelia Rivas

U.S. Justice Department Complaint Filed for the Murder of Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, by U.S. Border Patrol and Tribal Police

Civil Rights Complaint filed by Ophelia Rivas, O'odham Voice Against the Wall, and Signees

Ophelia Rivas
November 28,2024
Press Release

In honor of all fallen Earth Warriors, Defenders of the Land, Water, Sky and Sacred Fire, from the original O'odham lands.

O'odham VOICE Against the WALL Honors, Raymond Mattia Sr.

A complaint has been filed on November 7, 2024 with the Civil Rights Section of the United States Department of Justice seeking justice for violation of Mr. Raymond Mattia Sr. civil and constitutional rights.