MNN JUNE 10, 2011 According to internal Indian Affairs files, in 2006 Prime Minister Stephen Harper set up Indian Affairs as a policing agency, run by the RCMP and other security forces. This chamber includes CSIS, Fisheries, Government of Canada, Natural Resources and Transportation.
It’s called the “Hot Spot Reporting System”???
Since the 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis, Canada, security, police agencies and the army have coordinated their forces to spy on us. The old assimilation policy of chasing us into the cities to be absorbed out of existence did not work. They’re also concerned about “splinters” [or thorns in their side] who live outside of Indigenous communities and can't be watched by this upgraded and reorganized “war department."
Aren’t the real splinters the colonial Indian Act, its policies and enforcers? So-called “Aboriginal extremists," Warrior Societies and non-Indigenous support groups are currently outside their surveillance web.
Phil Fontaine, former Assembly of First Nations National Chief, signed the agreement with the RCMP in 2006. For now the watch dog system is restricted to colonial band councils and Indigenous living in reserve communities. Harper is trying to herd the rest to the rez by supposedly fixing them up.
They’re going to become “gated” havens of good housing, safe water and other modern amenities. They know very well that our land base is not limited to the fly specs called “reservations." In fact, all Indigenous anywhere on Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island, should have all the necessities of life.
With government policy and policing amalgamated, our human rights will be compromised. Indian Affairs and band councils are part of this policing system. They are the Hot Spotters that gather intelligence on us for defending our birthright, our people, our unsurrendered territories and our resources. Almost anything we do can be deemed as criminal, not political. We are called terrorists. We are depicted as restless and militant, just waiting to protest and occupy our territories.
Canada can’t deny our inherent sovereignty over land, air, water and resources. Our trade and commerce to feed our families is called an “illicit” agenda. Our trade relations with our native territories is legitimate. The rez policy was designed to cut off our self-reliance and try to keep us dependant. The Indian Act pushes a non-competition policy to keep our economy from competing with non-Indian businesses. The Band Councils deliver colonial programs for Ottawa. Our communities are divided into “progressives”, who are rewarded, and “traditionals," who are punished. Canada worries about the Haudenbosaunee/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. They fear our legitimate positions on land and resource issues are influencing others across Canada.
In both US and Canada we have the strongest position. We never made treaties and remain independent and sovereign. According to our way, land use is the women’s duty. They hold it for the future generations. We can’t relinquish title. It is like children being split from their mothers. Harper, Indian Affairs and the RCMP are concerned about the public sentiment for Indigenous people.
Then why the scheme to try to lock us up! Is it reverse assimilation? This ghettoization plan is designed to put us where they can control us. It’s going to be another failure! The barn door was never closed and never will be.
MNN Mohawk Nation News Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com MNN needs help! For more news, books, to donate to help pay legal fees go to PayPal at MNN website http://www.mohawknationnews.com/; and also to sign up for MNN newsletters. More stories on this issue, go to MNN Category “courts/police”. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 Store: Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. Category: World – Colonialism - Indian holocaust/genocide – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – military/industrial complex. Tags: North American Indians – Turtle Island – Indian holocaust/genocide – NAU North American Union – History Canada/US – United Nations – Cointelpro - colonialism. Based on Internal Indian Affairs documents: FIRST NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE – Harper Government Prepares for First Nations “Unrest." Russell Diabo and Shiri Pasternak. www.mediazcooper.ca/story/first-nations-under-surveillaznce/7434
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