Guest: Kevin Annett
Looking Back, Looking Forward:
The Political Consequences of Uncovering Genocide in Canada
By Kevin D. Annett (Eagle Strong Voice) Squamish Nation territory
2008 was the year the impossible happened in Canada. Our national network known as The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared made history this past year, and forever changed the political landscape of Canada. In the words of Dora, an elderly survivor of the Kamloops Indian Residential School,
“You’ve finally put our people on the map. They can’t ignore us, ever again.”
In a nutshell, we have forced Canada to admit to its genocide of native people, and issue a formal apology for the residential school crimes, and admit that thousands of children died in these schools. Our allied hereditary chiefs proclaimed sovereignty over indigenous land and issued eviction orders against the churches responsible for genocide.
Quite simply, after years of effort, we have forever changed the image of Canada in the world and ended an official regime of Holocaust Denial.
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