Top articles at Censored News
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Censored News, more censored than ever, is happy to share with you some of our top posts. Also, in case you missed it, here's the eight-part Censored News series from the Rights of Mother Earth Gathering at Haskell Indian Nations University in Kansas.
Censored News welcomes new readers from around the world, from Australia, China, Russia and the Ukraine, to the United Arab Emirates, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Austria and the Netherlands. In all, readers are from more than 190 countries. Welcome!
Censored News, now in its sixth year as a labor of love with no advertising, has had more than 1.3 million views.
The top article this year:
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Center photo: Western Shoshone Carrie Dann testifying to UN Rapporteur Tucson Censored News |
The most viewed post this month:
KKK carved on Lakota elder in Rapid City hospital
This week's top story:
Colorado AIM youths removed at UN Permanent Forum (Later reinstated)
Today's top story:
Western Shoshone Carrie Dann: Civil disobedience is one way to protect Mother Earth and halt gold mining
Censored News Series: Rights of Mother Earth Gathering at Haskell:
Haskell: Disappearance and renewal in the wetlands
Rights of Mother Earth Haskell continues efforts of Bolivia President Evo Morales
Anishinabe Renee Gurneau: Mother earth, memory and being
Power and Place: Dr. Wildcat on Rights of Mother Earth
Fort Berthold: Oil trucks killed seven children and youths
‘People of the water’ BC Chief Rueben George at Rights of Mother Earth
Robert Yazzie: Roots of Dine’ Law at Rights of Mother Earth
Supai Hopi Mona Polacca: Water, prayer and humility
NEW! Censored News May 2012:
▼ May (40)
Rights of Mother Earth Haskell continues efforts of Bolivia President Evo Morales
Anishinabe Renee Gurneau: Mother earth, memory and being
Power and Place: Dr. Wildcat on Rights of Mother Earth
Fort Berthold: Oil trucks killed seven children and youths
‘People of the water’ BC Chief Rueben George at Rights of Mother Earth
Robert Yazzie: Roots of Dine’ Law at Rights of Mother Earth
Supai Hopi Mona Polacca: Water, prayer and humility
NEW! Censored News May 2012:
▼ May (40)
- Censored News top articles May 16, 2012
- AIM West to screen Guatemala Lives! in San Francis...
- Oglala Commemoration 2012
- VIDEO 2012: Zapatistas for justice, dignity and re...
- Western Shoshone Carrie Dann: Civil disobedience o...
- Pentagon's Northcom monitored Occupy crackdown
- Occupy America's Past-Time: End Racism: July 4-6, ...
- Mohawk Nation News: Resistance is not futile
- When fat cat reporters come to town
- Photos Yinka Dene Alliance Freedom Train: No to Pi...
- VIDEO Mending News: Decolonize for Dignity and Res...
- 'Aroniawenrate Peter Blue Cloud' Sometimes the mag...
- Photo: Stop the Coal Train, Save Mother Earth
- Colorado AIM youths removed at UN Permanent Forum
- First Nations storm Enbridge shareholders meeting
- Mothers March in Mexico City
- Rally for Lakota hate crime victim in Rapid City S...
- Mohawk Nation News 'Mohawks Strike Terror'
- Navajo Jeneda Benally stars in The 6th World
- Gitxsan Chiefs threatened with imprisonment
- Mohawk John Kane to UN Rapporteur: Process is a fa...
- Photo: Miss San Carlos Apache
- Halt uranium mine that will poison Navajo water
- Congressmen refused to meet with UN Rapporteur for...
- US Dept of Justice addressing ethnic studies ban i...
- VIDEO: Chief Oliver Red Cloud to UN Rapporteur
- Four Stories about Water premiere in Ariz and NM
- Arizona ignored threat of border militia exposed b...
- Lakota, Navajo and Supai to UN Rapporteur: Halt ge...
- Photo: AIM leadership with Sen. Abourezk
- Vi Waln Photos of Rosebud Testimony to UN Rapporte...
- Debra White Plume to UN Rapporteur: Halt Eco-cide ...
- Havasupai Damon Watahomigie to UN Rapporteur: Halt...
- Navajos testimony to UN Rapporteur: Housing and Wa...
- Leta O'Daniel to UN Rapporteur: Dine' traditional ...
- Leonard Benally to UN Rapporteur: Corporate crimes...
- Mary Lane to UN Rapporteur: Water and human rights...
- Glenna Begay to UN Rapporteur: Peabody Coal's geno...
- Marlene Benally to UN Rapporteur: Uranium contamin...
- Hathalie (Medicine Man) Norris Nez to UN Rapporteu...
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e-mail: brendanorrell@gmail.com
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