John Kane, Mohawk and radio host of Lets Talk Native Pride, challenges the rhetoric and challenges countries of the world to trade directly with sovereign Indian Nations and honor their passports. Kane responds to the sessions of the United Nations Rapporteur for Indigenous Peoples James Anaya held across the US in April and May.
Kane said, "I know most Native people want to throw a 'love-fest' for the 'special' rapporteur. But suggesting ways for the US to make gestures to 'heal our wounds' is neither shocking or bold. Let's see Mr. Anaya say what everyone already knows: that the US is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity or at very least should face the charges."

Censored News
French translation:
We are not matriarchal but rather matrilineal. In our ways men and women share evenly but distinctly in the affairs of our people.
Anaya does not recognize the people. He can't see a tree, only a forest. In fact he may not even see the forest but rather the maple or oak or the redwood as a species. What happens to the tree or the individual is not what is important to this guy. For him it is all about the "tribe" and the "tribal leaders."
This is why it is the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, not People. Informed consent from these guys checks the box.
The failure of the world, including the US and including Mr. Anaya to not understand that our sovereignty is a birthright, that we are BORN with the right to our freedom, is what makes this whole process a farce.
We were never an institutionalized people. Our idea of self governance was based on participation. We did not have a chief system but rather a clan system. We never divested ourselves of our birthright to empower a chief, a council, the state or the feds. We allowed people to carry our voices not speak for us. We allowed selected persons to communicate our will, not dictate it to us and others.
Anaya said in a statement, "I heard almost universal calls from indigenous nations and tribes across the country that the Government respect tribal sovereignty."
The "Government" my ass!
It's about time other nations stepped up and asked the question: When did Native people stop being sovereign?
If the rest of the world would stop quaking in their boots every time the US says their "Indian Problem" is a domestic issue, then perhaps there could be progress.
Let one of you dare to trade with us. Let one of you fight to honor our passports. Let one of you establish formal diplomatic relations or provide financing, education or genuine humanitarian aid for our most impoverished communities.
John Kane
Listen online to Lets Talk Native Pride
Also see: Troubling questions for the UN Rapporteur, statement from Ofelia Rivas, O'odham:
Ofelia Rivas, O'odham representing traditional and ceremonial O'odham, responded to the UN Rapporteur's session in Tucson, Ariz., located on traditional O'odham homeland.
"Not only am I unable to pay for the parking space, but I don't have the gas money to bring the elders and the ceremonial people. These are the people that these institutions should be hearing from to truly understand the implications and true significance of this document. It is disheartening to find on the speakers list a non-O'odham with a non-profit organization using our most sacred figure of the O'odham way of life."
At the Tucson session, the traditional ceremonial O'odham were not on the invited speakers list.
Rivas said, "I am on the speakers list only by a 5 day 'extreme effort' by the Amnesty International people."
Read more:
I know most Native people want to throw a "love-fest" for the "special" rapporteur. But suggesting ways for the US to make gestures to "heal our wounds" is neither shocking or bold. Let's see Mr. Anaya say what everyone already knows: that the US is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity or at very least should face the charges.
hello john kane
i am n total agreement w/ ur stance
we need 2 establish an entente w/ other nations of the world
most especially our bros of the south
most especially hugo chavez of venezuela
who has already sent genuine humanitarian aid 2 the mpoverished communities of lakota ppl
n the form of heating asst from the venezuelan owned company citgo
chavez has shown recognition of the xistence of the lakota ppl n our relationship by publically stating 'long live sitting bull'
our renownd hunkpapa chief
it would b a wise n advantageous move
2 ask thru ndigenous grassroots networks
4 recognition by n admittance n2 celac
an org of all western hemisphere countries xcept the us n canada
representn an aggregate pop of 600,000,000 ppl
we could ask their support
physical n finanacial
n our quest 4 tru sovereign governance
n total dcolonization
resistance from the colonizer is certain
n return we offer them mbassies/headqtrs on all turtle island rezzes
plus land use privileges w/ landed tribes
n fulfillment of the eagle n condor prophesy
Same thing happened in Rosebud where Lakota grandmothers from Pine Ridge were denied the right to speak by the very same male "leaders" who refused to support them during last year's prayer vigil and occupation of the Porcupine Elderly Meals Building to protest elder abuse, neglect and theft of tribal funds. And Anaya promised to meet with them too. A promise he promptly broke. Shame.
Strong Heart Warrior Society
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