Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

April 1, 2018

Unsheltered Indigenous People Rally Against Racism and Racial Profiling In Flagstaff

Unsheltered Indigenous People Rally Against Racism and Racial Profiling In Flagstaff

By Indigenous Action Media
Censored News
French translation by Christine Prat at:

Unsheltered Indigenous People Rally Against Racism & Racial Profiling In Flagstaff
Unsheltered Indigenous community members organized a rally on March 24, 2018 to end racism and racial profiling in KinÅ‚ani also known as “Flagstaff.” They shared their experiences and calls to action.
Shane R. stated, “Before 1492 we we’re never homeless, we always had a place to live.”

In 2006 The National Coalition for the Homeless named the City of Flagstaff the 10th “meanest” city in the U.S. due to policies targeting the “homeless” or unsheltered population.

According to annual reports from the Flagstaff Police Department,the City of Flagstaff arrests an average of more than 3,000 Indigenous People every year yet only 7,000 Native people call Flagstaff their home.

Unsheltered relatives called for: Immediate end to Flagstaff’s Anti-camping ordinance End to the “ROPE” repeat offender program Passage of a Homeless Bill of Rights Culturally based shelter and rehabilitation center supported by Navajo Nation and other Nations They also announced that they are going to wear body cameras to document police harassment and violence.

You can support their efforts here:

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