Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

August 24, 2021

Dozens of Indigenous Peoples and Allies Blockade Line 3 Man Camp, Continuing Fierce Ground Resistance

Dozens of Indigenous Peoples and Allies Blockade Line 3 Man Camp, Continuing Fierce Ground Resistance
August 23, 2021
By Giniw Collective

BACKUS, Minnesota --  This morning, nearly 30 Water Protectors locked to multiple blockades in front of a Line 3 man camp, drawing awareness to several sex trafficking rings busted during Enbridge’s invasion of Anishinaabe treaty territory to construct its tar sands expansion project.

Over 700 Water Protectors have been arrested to date, with pain compliance, rubber bullets, and mace used on unarmed Water Protectors in recent weeks.

Drought conditions continue across northern Minnesota, with strict water restrictions in place and extreme fire warnings throughout the Northland. Enbridge received approval to pump 5 billion gallons of water out of Minnesota’s watersheds to build Line 3.

Enbridge is responsible for 28 chemical spills into rivers and wetlands during construction thus far, including the headwaters of the Mississippi River multiple times.

John Shimek, Red Lake Ojibwe, said, “This fight is about my children, their right to harvest wild rice and enjoy these lands as I have. I’m here with my Indigenous relatives from all over Turtle Island and I’m honored they’re here to stand with us. People must be brave, the world is burning.”

Siihasin, Diné said, “I believe in defending and protecting the water, the non-human relatives, the wild rice. I am in solidarity with Anishinaabe and Dakota peoples. Line 3 impacts all life in these territories — we must take action to defend what is sacred.”

Giniw Collective is an Indigenous-women, 2-Spirit led frontline resistance to protect our Mother, defend the sacred and live in balance. We stand unafraid. Prayers into action. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @GiniwCollective

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