Mohawk Nation News
August 30, 2021
Audio at MNN:
MNN. Aug. 30, 2021. Whenever polls suggest they can win, they call an election.
Canada just dissolved Parliament and called an election. Canada wants to operate for another four years so they can operate for another four years after that. 51% majority rules voting system is ‘corporatism”. It means they can control the 1% with money. All countries doing this are ‘corporatists’.

It makes no difference who wins the corporate 51% majority rules election.
The little orange shirts are ignored. They represent our murdered children found in unmarked graves at Indian residential schools. One orange shirt for each victim should be placed all over Parliament Hill during the election.
Those children are dead and cannot walk to or protest in Ottawa. Let’s see which party addresses the murdered orange shirted children and speaks for them in Ottawa.
The politicians work for the first private corporation, the Crown, and its shareholders. They don’t care about the horror they committed for 500 years. Every past and present prime minister is guilty of complicity in the cover up of genocide. They are for themselves only.
They want to control the economy and get away with genocide of indigenous people and children that they admit to killing.
Canada is an absolute corporate police state under “Admiralty Law of the Seas” with no constitutional remedy. The corporate charter limits their personal liability to spend our money.
The political elites and the money power behind them continue to try to turn our society into darkness by manufactured values to steal our land and resources and carry on the genocide.
Capitalism is collapsing. Thousands of businesses ruined. No economy. Masks on. Curfews. Borders closed. Unclosed. Taking away every little bit of human rights we have. Never giving it back. Like the income tax after World War I.
Politicians make promises they have no intention of keeping.
If nobody votes this time, the pretend government will no longer represent any people. The politicians will represent only themselves and the banks they work for. They’ll never be paid by the people. Parliament will continue to be dissolved. Ask yourself how life would be without Parliament existing.
The answer to a system of justice and truth is the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The whole charade of corporate Canada would be finished. Parliament would go out of business. There could be no more four years of resource extraction. The bankers all work for the Crown. The costly election is meant to make sure their power is intact. Politicians go to barbecues, cut ribbons, make high salaries, get money under the table and then a huge pension.
The Canadian government does not need a Governor General and a Privy Council. Only the bankers need an election every four years to collect the tax from Canadians and send it to the City of London bank and to continue the resource extraction.
We are supposed to be genocided by 2024 so Canada can become an unchallenged bonafide country. But we are not extinct. Like the certainty of death and taxes, they can never become a legal country. They were a dominion and then a colony. Now a private corporation. They say they became a real country in 1968 when they got a flag and a song! But they don’t have a land base, language or culture. All their unborn inherit their wrongdoings. People are beaten down to not question this inane narrative. turtle island and the original people have been here since time immemorial. The corporate fiction of Canada was created 154 years ago!!
No Vote is the quickest way to dissolve Canada. The politicians swear to the Crown to keep secrets, the murdered native children being the biggest secret.
People are beaten down to not question this illusory election process.
As for the murdered native children, there is no statute of limitations on murder. The people knew what was going on in those Indian Residential School death camps. They walked by and said nothing, which makes them part of it. The politicians and bureaucrats that oversaw them are directly guilty of murder.
People have to do something about these murders. But the bankers that run all the political parties have told them to “shut up”. Last time Trudeau said no more pipelines, immediately after he’s elected he allows the building of illegal pipelines. Dollar signs determine every word the politicians say. Their strings are being pulled by the Vatican, City of London and Washington.
When there is no prime minister or Members of Parliament, the permanent bureaucracy runs the country. Not the politicians.
The campaign creates divisions and confusion to get a majority to run over everybody without opposition. All candidates play their part and bicker and call each other down.
The election is facism, corporatism, tyranny and dictatorship in the name of so called democracy, which is nothing but theatre. It means white people will continue to run the show as the majority in the unsovereign majority rules system. That is why they murdered us and brought in the settler colonists so they could say the majority support them. They tried to eliminate us and told everybody this was empty land.
After the election the settlers will go back into their prisons, put on their mask, get their vaccine passport, go to work and keep shopping. Politicians get ready for the next election, the banquet circuit, fund raising dinners, posting signs, taking pictures with babies and holding cheques. The politicians say everything is wrong and only they can fix it if you elect them for another 4 years to say the same thing again.
Political parties are created by corporate donations. Therefore they all work for the same banker. This gives them absolute power to run everything. All our land is erroneously called ‘Crown” land! They think they own everything and everyone. Everybody is living the lie.
The Platters suggest that when we don’t do what we’re told, we are going to be grieving all alone:, “Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Pretending that I’m doing well. The need is such. I pretend too much. I’m lonely, but no one can tell. Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Adrift in a world of my own. I played the game, but to my real shame, you left me to grieve all alone”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.
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