Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

July 24, 2024

Lakotas for Palestine Attacked in Hate Crime in Rapid City

Lakotas for Palestine Attacked in Hate Crime in Rapid City

Lakota Statement , Censored News, July 24, 2024

RAPID CITY, South Dakota – On Saturday, July 20th, we traveled to Mni Luzahan to support the International Indigenous Youth Council for a peaceful rally for Palestine. The rally was co-sponsored by ally group SD4Pal. Within 5 minutes of our arrival, this worker began heckling us from the lawn of City Hall, where she was working.

Wearing a neon t-shirt with a USIC logo, she carried a large power spray paint gun and wielded another large metal tool that she was carelessly swinging around near our youth and elders. My comrade Boyd Andrew Catt began filming her, as did I.

She continued to spew slurs at our youth and elders. Andy and I followed her to document anything that she might do to our group. She turned around and began indiscriminately spraying paint in Andy's face!

Our youth were just walking on the sidewalk nearby and were scared that they were going to be sprayed next with the chemicals.

The aggressor played victim for the cops of course.

Although my comrade was covered in orange spray paint, the cop said he didn't see it happen so what could he do?! 

He then informed me that I could make a citizen's arrest, to which I did.

Sara Starkowski was cuffed and arrested. Her initial charges are Destruction of Private Property and Disorderly Conduct (Class II misdemeanor). The goal is to elevate this charge to ASSAULT! 

Starkowski was on the clock when chose to incite violence on our Indigenous youth and elders that day. She is employed by USIC, an Indiana-based utility line locating company who prides itself on "safety as a core value".

We hope that her employer USIC, Rapid City Mayor Jason Salamun and Pennington County Prosecutor's office will take swift action on this type of malicious behavior against innocent citizens that are exercising their right to free assembly. 

This small inconvenience is the least we can suffer for all of the suffering happening in Palestine.

Read more:

Oglala Youths: "Peaceful Youth-Led Rally Attacked by Zionists in Rapid City'


1 comment:

Lloyd Vivola said...

Very instructive story from the street. Thanks for reporting.