through Saturday noon
Indigenous Uranium Forum
Sky City Hotel
Acoma Pueblo, N.M.
The 7th Indigenous Uranium Forum proposes to focus much needed public attention on the rape of Mount Taylor and to serve as a vehicle to launch a regional inter-tribal campaign to end this madness in the Grants Mineral Belt, Lakota Lands, and elsewhere in Indian Country from the Grand Canyon to White Mesa where deadly and runaway uranium technology threatens the lives of future of our water, land, people, and our winged, four legged and those that crawl relatives. The 7th Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum will focus on the recent onslaught of exploratory measures to mine and mill uranium in the Grants Mineral Belt. Due to recent price fluctuations of uranium on the world market and United States energy policy still emphasizing nuclear power as an answer to global warming and climate change, we will inform and educate participants of local, national and international nuclear issues impacting Indigenous peoples. The forum will also prioritize presentations on health issues impacting both mining and non-mining populations living in contaminated communities. We will use the forum as an organizing and network initiative to help us better understand the work Indigenous people are doing to fight nuclear power in their communities and move toward alternative forms of energy such as wind and solar.
Earthcycles will broadcast live from the Indigenous Uranium Forum at Sky City, Acoma Pueblo, N.M., on Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. Mountain Time through Saturday noon, Oct. 22-24.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
7:00AM—8AM: Breakfast & Registration
8:30AM: Welcome – Honorable Chandler Sanchez, Governor of Acoma Pueblo
8:45AM: Opening Prayer – Honorable Ron Charlie, 2nd Lieutenant Governor, Acoma Pueblo
9:00AM: Introductions – Manny Pino, Acoma, Professor, “Overview of Acoma Homelands”
9:30AM: Protecting Mt. Taylor: 30 Years of Resistance
• Jon Redhouse, Advisor to SIUF
• “Honoring Diana Ortiz, Women of Acoma: Great Role Model”
• Wild Fire Singers, Taos Drum Group, “Songs for the People”
10:30AM: Break
10:45AM: Inter-Tribal Voice
12:00PM: Lunch (on your own)
1:00PM: Indigenous Nuclear Resistance Panel
• Charmaine White Face, Defenders of the Black Hills, “Impacts of uranium
development on Lakota Lands and World Health Organization Obligation to the UN”
• Rita Capitan, Eastern Navajo DinĂ© Against Uranium Mining
• Supai Waters, Matthew Puetsoy , Carletta Tilousi, Havasupai Tribe, People of
the Blue Green Waters, Protecting Red Butte and Grandmother Canyon
• Nuclear Waste: Margene Bullcreek, Shoshone Paiute
• Indigenous Youth Voices: Nadine Padilla, Autumn Chacon, Nikke Alex & Jihan
• Solidarity Statement: Katsumi Furitsu, Japan & Mayra Gomez, Aymara Tribe,
3:00PM: Break
3:15PM: Indigenous Nuclear Resistance Panel
• Gilbert Bedonie, Navajo Dependents of Uranium Workers Committee
• Chris Peters, 7th Generation Fund, “Abya Yala” International Connections
• Updates: Nuclear Regulatory Commission-GEIS Panelist Eric Jantz, NMELC
• Dineh Project, Sarah Adeky and Chris Shuey, SRIC
4:30PM: Adjourn
5:00PM: Dinner & Music by “Indigie Femme”
7:00PM—9:00PM: Evening Activities
1. Networking and relax: It’s your choice
2. Film Screenings: “U38 Womyn” (7 mins), Shonto Prepatory School, Uranium
Research, “Radioactive Mines to Radioactive Weapons” (27 mins) -- Host:
Norman Brown
Friday, October 23, 2009
7:00AM—8AM: Breakfast & Registration
8:30AM: Opening Prayer
8:45AM: Overview/Check in with Forum/Updates
OCTOBER 22 , 23, 24 2009
9:00AM: Greening Our Economies Panel
• John Fogarty, New Energy Economy
• Louise Bennally, Food Sovereignty
• Cristala Allen, Caddo, Native Workplace
10:30AM: Break
10:45AM: Nuclear Terrorism on Indigenous Lands: Treaty and Human Rights Lens –
Moderator: Manny Pino
• James Zion, Esq. “Public Lands Uranium Resistance: Grand Canyon and
• Taylor McKinnon, Center for Biological Diversity
12:00PM: Lunch (on your own)
1:00PM: Tools for Change – Moderator: Petuuche Gilbert, Acoma
• Multi-Cultural Alliance for a Safe Environment-Best Practice for Alliance
Building Nadine Padilla, Larry King, Jonnie Head, & Rosemarie Cechini
3:00PM: Break
3:15PM: Impact of Uranium Development on Local Communities – Moderator: Laura
Watchempino, Acoma
• Teddy Nez, Carletta Garcia, Al Waconda
4:30PM: Adjourn
5:00PM—6:30PM: Dinner
7:00PM-9:00PM: Film Screening and Discussion – Host: Robert Tohe
• “Return of Navajo Boy” (53 min) & Conversation with Elsie Mae Begay
Saturday, October 24, 2009
7:00AM—8:00AM: Breakfast & Registration
8:00AM: Opening Prayer & Announcements
9:00AM: Guest Speaker, Winona LaDuke, Anishanabe, White Earth Homelands
10:15AM: Beyond Nuclear, Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog
10:30AM: Break
10:45AM: Strategy Presentations, Draft Press Release, Reach Consensus on Plans of Action,
Assignments, Committee to Carry out Plan of Action, Set Conference Call, & What
organizations are committed?
12:00PM: Wrap Up Discussion
12:30PM: Adjourn
Thank you all for taking the time to share and plan for a Nuclear Free World.
Winona LaDuke (Anishinaabe) is an internationally renowned activist working on issues of sustainable development, renewable energy and food systems. She lives and works on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota, and is a two time vice presidential candidate with Ralph Nader for the Green Party. As Program Director of the Honor the Earth, she works nationally and internationally on the issues of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities. Winona LaDuke will be speaking at the Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 9AM.
November 2006 saw the birth of Indigie Femme. Based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA international performers Indigie Femme combines their traditional and original songs, dance and storytelling, Indigie Femme’s vision is to create global cross-cultural exchange. The lively performances weave ethnic cultures through song, dance, storytelling and facilitating educational workshops in North America and the world. Indigie Femme will be performing at the Forum Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 5PM.
Set in the stunning landscape of Utah's Monument Valley, this unforgettable, universally acclaimed documentary chronicles the extraordinary saga of how a rediscovered 1950s silent film reel leads to the return of a long-lost brother to his Navajo family. Since the 1930s, members of the Cly family have lived in Monument Valley and appeared as subjects in countless photographs, postcards, and Hollywood westerns -- even in a home movie by legendary director John Ford and a propaganda film by a uranium mining company. The film "The Return of Navajo Boy" will be screened at the Forum Friday, October 23, 2009 at 7PM.
Special acknowledgement to the following supporters:
7th Generation Fund
Lannan Foundation
Western Mining Action Network
Available Media, Inc.
Beyond Nuclear
Phil Harrison, Navajo Nation Council Delegate (Cove & Red Valley)
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